Buff Hunters Please

It’s not fair shadow priests get these INSANE buffs and my class is constantly getting crapped on. Why do you keep putting the little guys down? Rogue is literally top dps on warcraftlogs now, but they get buffs to saber strike. Warrior is doing over 300 dps on some fights, but no lets get those hunters…

You guys want a petless hunter, but the reality is this is how the burning crusade was. Just because all you guys are living in wrath talents/spells, doesn’t mean i can’t live in the burning crusade.

Enough is enough blizzard.


Facts! Its insane, people are upset about hunters speccing into the talent that increases pet damage. Oh no, how dare they spec into BEAST mastery


so true!! its insane on how people complain about hunter pets when they are BEAST MASTERY lol


LOL yea right, if anything blizz needs to go after the wind serpent too. Boo Hoo my class got nerfed from first place. How about to try a real class like boomkin and still tell me you need buffs.


Nobody is asking for a buff. Just to not nerf it into the ground because they’re playing the spec quite literally meant for pet damage. Don’t forget, we’re in a temporary lvl 25 bracket, these massive changes will likely come back once scaling kicks in

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Seriously blizz? You go and nerf the wind serpent too? This is outrageous… How about something to make our class feel different from vanilla?

We have nothing and you keep taking more, eventually hunters won’t even exist. This is so stupid.


I think at this point it’s obvious blizzard has no idea what they’re doing with hunters.


Did this happen recently? Anyone have a link?



What will be the next hunter nerf?

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The world doesn’t revolve around BFD parses. Nobody cares.

These are mostly pvp adjustments which are far more important

Alliance hunters who just spent 3+ hours getting ganked in the Southern Barrens to get a Wind Serpent and now have to find a different pet might…


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double pet dmg

Oh noooooo. As if horde aren’t in redridge and wetlands to get their runes, fish oils, bombs, and gator meat all night and day.

You had to go to the barrens? You poor poor thing


So many nerfs, they have destroyed the hunter experience. I just spent all this time leveling was enjoying my time, now Scorpid does literally nothing. The Rune called Kill Command, Is USELESS. Season of Disappointment.


Can I have your gold? Ty

i just did ashenvale on my night elf hunter and paladins held 1 thru 23 top dps spots followed by rogues 24 to 38 and just 2 hunters were at the very bottom…

dude in bfd currently you can go marksman and out parse beast mastery. its not even strong in pve. in pvp all hunters have right now is their pet damage. if they get deadzoned there is no real way unless you go survival do the damage equivalent of a wet noodle and pray for 20% wing clip root spam proc while your pet flaps its wings or something. Bite and claw do not go through armor so anything melee is going to absolutely wreck the class that with no form of spell kick is meant to wreck melee classes.

next iteration of the game warriors will get intercept which with warbringer will give them 2 charges every 10-15 seconds that also remove roots. hunters get a 5 second pet stun or if youre feeling extra saddistic a scatter feign every 30 seconds. the class will have 0 kite. it already is hard countered by a rogue with enough of a brain to gouge their pet. the class is going to die because of all these noobs who don’t know how to pvp properly.

so many braindeads going on forums spewing nonsense and getting a class that could’ve been potentially awesome instead torched to the ground because they dont know how to use their abilities


No ones gonna play hunter in phase 2 except the bots funneling gold to warriors and rogues…


Aimed shot.

I’m not whining about it. You asked who cares, and I gave a situation. A lot of people literally dropped a pet from their stable of 3 (if they could afford the 5g for the third slot) to get a level 25 Wind Serpent that has Rank 2 Lightning Breath, leveled up loyalty and learned how to use it.

Yes, this is pretty fun, so I don’t think any hunters will be butt hurt, but for a lot who just did this, now they’ll need to figure out what the next pet is… maybe a cat? And, which pet they now need to abandon.

Anyway, lots of knee-jerk changes to hunters lately. Interesting time to be a hunter…
