Buff Healer Damage >:3

Sometimes the tank soloing the boss saves time.

No and it isn’t even remotely close even if you take all the “bad” talents that buff damage. Disc can go all the way down the right side for all the shadow damage nodes with Shadow Cov and Mindbender AoE and maybe still do like 30% of a tank in a standard build in AoE.

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Tanks being able to solo boss fights means they can be lazy, not do mechanics and kill the whole group with no consequences like what happened to this?

m+ has a timer, that is a consequence. An untimed key.

Can you like make up your mind?

Does tank soloing bosses waste time or save time?

Healer damage is literally just a compliment at this point. Even if I pop Shocking Disclosure pots and go ham I’m never going to contribute more than 10-15% of the groups damage.

That’s honestly fine because in previous expansions group damage (including the healers) was more of the obstacle to timing keys than anything.


I’d be fine with healers getting a damage buff, but I also see them doing it in conjunction with increasing mob HP for a wash.

Right now the dps requirements to time at least 20-21 keys is fairly minimal and doesn’t require any crazy pulling.

Just steady pulls and not dying to mechanics.

situation dependent.

And it sounds like when everyone sucks, it’s a tank problem now, because playing your role for longer than normal is a game problem lmao.

in addition they also have all the tank trinket from nl and pala tank wasn’t total waste like it is now and could actually heal…

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actually you could solve it just like with aug and holy pala. just distribute dmg buffs and it’s good.

the gameplay is already so brainless to the point of no longer working. it doesn’t have to be even more absurd. we are not in the circus!

not all. not every class can heal indefinitely and rotate its def cds.
that’s why you never take pala tank in the group at the moment. and warriors are also at a disadvantage.

I just want to feel like doing damage actually matters during low throughput. Brackenhide is a dungeon where for trash you might as well actually just afk since your 30k or whatever doesn’t mean anything when the group is doing like 400 something thousand overall on the way to Treemouth.


the gameplay is already so brainless to the point of no longer working.

I thought healers are busy complaining about how hard it is, or they need to do damage. Idk, just asking healers to play their role is oppressing them.

rather low healing moments didn’t exist rather than maximizing healer dps.

Hot take.

Healers and tanks should be able to do as much dps as dps BUT you can only have one of each per 5man group.

In raid you cap at 2 tanks and 4 heals (depending on group size).

Imagine healers actually playing the game.

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You’re just not going to get that though especially on trash where you can always pull bigger to increase lethality to a level you deem acceptable.

I am still waiting for a response of why we don’t gut tank damage down to healer levels and adjust threat. I mean they are there to soak damage and hold aggro not do damage right?

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I’m all for gutting tank damage.


I can do that. and I also compare with other healers. and I’m good at it.

but i play every day and since the beginning with long breaks. and i can’t get the same performance from a causal player. they are overloaded and quickly become demotivated. what is easy for me is hell for others.
and many healers play nothing else. if i see someone with 2-3 roles in the raider io → then it’s usually a top pick in my experience.

there’s content for everyone, how fortunate. Although, it’s people that can only do +10s think they should have a free ride to 20s, so they complain.