Buff Healer Damage >:3

It’s pretty unlikely that dps players swapped to heals for faster groups in M+. Dps players want to do damage, full stop. There were a lot of healers in SL that enjoyed weaving damage into healing. It was a more active playstyle and it made the healing role more valuable in M+.

Ok well I see two options a) give more healers bleed dispells b) allow HoTs to at least mostly mitigate Bleeds which only Dracthyr can deal with.

Yup literally want to do damage so bad they’ll ignore mechanics and not talent into utility and interrupts.

Exactly this which is why I want more Healer DPS :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Ok well I see two options a) give more healers bleed dispells b) allow HoTs to at least mostly mitigate Bleeds which only Dracthyr can deal with.

Or just bring an evoker, like you bring a priest for mass dispell.

“Bring the player not the class” :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

The problem right now is failed mechanics are so punishing to a healers GCDs.

I ran a freehold 13 on my monk last night and missing frost blast kicks in the group took me like 6-7 globals to top everyone off if I didn’t have sheilun’s up. I’m not very enthusiastic about popping revival on tyrannical week trash pulls either. Get good comments aside, I can only control so many of those casts as a heal in a pug group. In shadowlands, that was probably about half the globals to correct that mistake for some of the pulls. The throughput was just vastly different. Mechanic failures don’t seem as immediately punishing this season.

Tank busters were also more dangerous in shadowlands it seems, like HoA bleeds. Tank busters in DF don’t seem nearly as bad. My prot warrior feels really really sturdy.

Anywho, I’d welcome it personally but I can’t see them upending the entire role. We’d have to see an overwhelming amount of fistweaving and disc players for them to consider it purely based on play preference, and it’s just not the case in the pug scene from what I can tell.

Hero/lust skews this substantially though, so there is that.

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same with paladins. i have 3 sets for each spec in my bags and crafted all important stuff long ago.

The problem right now is failed mechanics are so punishing to a healers GCDs.

I ran a freehold 13 on my monk last night and missing frost blast kicks in the group took me like 6-7 globals to top everyone off if I didn’t have sheilun’s up.

Because there are reasons you should die, and frost blast is one of them. Just with enough healing and damage mitigation, you might live.

It isn’t the healer’s role to cover for every failed mechanic, and some mechanics should kill you.

Yuh plus eventually things can get out of control and there’s nothing I can do about it like last key I did was a 16+ Neltharus and Tank wasn’t dealing with Fiery Focus by kiting through chains.

Like as a MW Monk I need to be doing damage to effectively heal but during Fiery Focus the boss radiates damage so because this Tank didn’t do the mechanics I had my Healing gimped and was forced to heal 3 DPS and Myself constantly whilst Blood DK just spammed Death Strike which was unsustainable and eventually everyone died. Like just way to many mechanics that DPS and tanks are supposed to deal with that if not dealt with punish the healer aka me.

Why don’t people do this with tanks right now then? Your argument doesn’t hold when no groups are taking multiple tanks right now.

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Absolutely incorrect. You could gut tank damage by 90% and increase their threat multiplier by 10x and literally nothing would change for holding aggro.

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If a healer did nothing but dps. Do you think they would keep up with tank numbers?

Then tanks also don’t need to compete with dps either right? Why don’t we cut tank damage by like 70% (to put them in healer levels of worthlessness) and increase the threat modifier so they can keep aggro.

I don’t get how we can be okay with Guardian/VDH doing 100k in AoE doing literal normal gameplay yet be completely against the thought of a healer doing more than like 25k pure dps 0 healing in the same scenario.


You’re not supposed to heal through everything, and dying affects everyone. Quit the healer victim complex.

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No they can’t I play fistweaver most of my healing requires DPS and my DPS numbers are always below 25% of the tanks DPS.

No I’m not and neither should a Blood DK.

Except the Blood DK brainlessly spamming Death Strike cause balance and amazing game design apparently.

How is me pointing out that DPS and Tanks not doing their damn jobs always ends up being a Healer problem something even top healers have said a “healer victim complex”?

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If timing a 16 at this point in the season comes down to the healer’s dps, that group should all reroll to paladin or augvoker.

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Nearly had a 9 minute heroic sark fight yesterday…

Didn’t kill it, but got it down to 2% or so, and group decided it wasn’t worth it.

How is me pointing out that DPS and Tanks not doing their damn jobs always ends up being a Healer problem something even top healers have said a “healer victim complex”?

Wiping is everyone’s problem.

When stuff goes wrong, that’s when it feels awesome if you live.

Tbf those fight designs are VERY MUCH not liked and a failure by developers. AEP was an awful tier because the last 2 bosses both had dps /dance for upwards of 20 seconds if you couldn’t make a correct transition. Azshara shouldn’t have had P1 on mythic to begin with but it was made even worse by straight up not hitting buttons to not get a bad overlap on the transition decrees.

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Do you actually think no healer runs are common or something?

How many no healer runs do you think are in the top 100,000 runs?

Maybe 5?

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Unless your a blood DK in which case just mindlessly spam Death Strike who cares if everyone dies cause you don’t do mechanics like wipe nah just waste everyones time soloing it.