Buff Healer Damage >:3

“mitigating” future damage is nonsense. It’s about sustainability and damage patterns.

STOP DPS. (Yet again, on Kel’Thuzad.)

Considering it’s an on use trink that nukes whatever you’re fighting, it’d just be another button on your bars.

Proactive rather then reactive which is a lot funner.

Yuh and more

No, Healer DPS for the win :dracthyr_tea:

I want more buttons as a Fistweaver so good with me :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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Sometimes entire raids hold dps to put themselves in a more favorable position.

Cool Healers should still be able to do respectful DPS during downtime.

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Again, the only reason you’re making this post is so that you don’t have to heal as well. (Thus, easier for you.) What better way to take away performance related to healing.

Here: NO HEALERS, I begg Community for Solutions - #343 by Rasari-wyrmrest-accord

I’ve read plenty of “no, I only want to heal!!!” comments, but this one wins the prize for the most convoluted and untrue of them all.

Do you see the meta being “bring 4 or 5 tanks and barrel through Mythic packs”? I don’t think so either. That’s how this argument sounds.


Yeah no I’m not.

Not really :dracthyr_shrug:

Like healed some +16s earlier perfectly fine only had trouble with some of the PuGs we picked up being absolutely hopeless and plan on pushing higher as I am able :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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you’re able to do 20s if someone is willing to take you or if you’re willing to run your own key.

Probably yuh but I’ve been back on Mistweaver which I haven’t really played since Shadowlands for like a week and a half currently remembering how everything works and figuring out all the new stuff :dracthyr_shrug:

Like don’t know why you care so much that I’m not like rushing into +20s but hoping maybe will try +20’s next weekend at the latest first want to get a new weapon so I can get some boots crafted which offer both damage and healing.

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I don’t care what content you do, but I do find it ironic that you’re on the side of healing being too hard yet at the same time wanting healers to do more dps.

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It’s not too hard for me I manage I just also have a brain and eyes so can recognise that spot healing and heals outside of cooldowns aren’t great and could do with some buffs :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Yuh because Healer Damage is pathetic which makes doing world content a slog and our DPS contribution doing downtime basically useless cause it’s so low.

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I’d rather there not be downtime because healer dps rotations for the most part are super unengaging.

a brain and eyes so can recognise that spot healing and heals outside of cooldowns aren’t great and could do with some buffs

Manage resources better.

Which is why they should be improved like as someone else mentioned add a Damage component to our masteries or as I want for Mistweaver an extra DPS button or two :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

How is managing resources gonna make my HoTs mitigate Bleeds or my Vivify do respectable damage without Soothing Mist and Enveloping Mist?

The second you give respectable dps to a single heal class and enough healing to allow it to handle rot damage you throw the meta out of whack.

This would be an all or nothing change.

I’d be fine if the damage profile was higher, honestly. But at this point I would prefer the system just role lock to require 1 tank, 1 heal, 3 dps in m+. For raids require a minimum of tank and heal specs in the group.

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Which is why it would be all Healers and not just one.

Thats the idea.

Tbh think this is LONG overdue Mythic+ simply don’t let the key be activated unless 3 dps, a tank and a healer are in the group.

Raid is lil more complicated though as it would have to be disabled once the season is over whatever it is.

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This. Give me back Hurricane or something.
But if I wanted to dps I would roll a dps.

I mean holding agro requires you to do damage

Doesn’t mean Healers can’t do decent damage as well during down time :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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almost like hots aren’t supposed to handle stuff on their own?

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