Buff Healer Damage >:3

Pretty much every single healer that would be using that talent would kicked instantly.

+2s to +30s have been healed already with current hps numbers. No reason to give up 40-50k dps when it isn’t needed.

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Listen, that’s the design FFXIV went with, and it sucks. Mind you, I don’t mind a damage buff for healers.

I think it’s both :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Not exclusively but is apart of it.

So you’d bet a a large chunk of healers would make it impossible for themselves to heal? Like right now at least 3 healers HAVE to DPS to heal being Holy Paladin, Discipline Priest and Mistweaver Monk.

No it most definitely does not.

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Hpals from Shadowlands are TYPING in this thread.

But all those things you’ve listed are expectations of all five group members. You’ll have to help me understand why those expectations are fine for a DPS but not for a healer.

Setting aside the matter of whether or not healers should be doing damage at all (they should, since they need some way to contribute when no healing is required) we should at the very least work to normalize healer damage. Each healer spec offers very different amounts of damage currently and we should probably bring those closer together, especially given that like it or not, healer damage does indeed factor into which specs are meta.

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I’ll keep the shortage if it means I don’t get a healer who thinks they’re allowed to afk for a break while the group continues on for them.

But I also heal, and would love to do more damage as a healer.


It was being done in court of stars and shadowmoon burial grounds where the outgoing unavoidable damage was so low, groups were able to play 4 dps.

Not a single MDI comp used 4 dps outside of CoS or SmBG

What does shadowlands healing power even mean? People still died just as fast, people still got topped off just as fast.

I enjoy you as a commoj forum poster, but you are having a very poor take in this thread.

Legion fundamentally changed the way Holy Paladin is played, as it is quite literally designed to be in the melee swinging a weapon, dropping consecration and spending holy shocks on enemy mobs instead of spending it on over healing. They also killed awakening so you don’t fish for awakening by spending HP on WoG or LoD anymore, flash of light is dead as the main heal, etc. But even if you played awakening and you weren’t spending your HoW charges, why were you not?

They even buffed up SoTR to where it now deals good damage and can contribute to healing. Tyr’s Deliverance doesn’t suck now, crusader strike doesn’t suck now, etc. Hpal has been built into a great spot where it doesn’t have to build HP slowly or by spamming tower of radiance/IoL casts for HP, it can easily get those builders on CS, Judgement, HoW, and HS. It handles good, it feels good to play. This is how it should be.


Yar, I liked exorcism. Like, just having it around.

Yeah, I also did the shockadin thing while leveling my first pally during Wrath. Even now, half the time, I run around in holy and just kill things that way. Mobs die anywhere from 3 - 5 hits. And that’s fine for me. I don’t need to one shot mobs, so long as they end up dead and I do not lol.

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Good to hear. Then you might understand, perhaps, that I will be sticking to my guns in this thread then, as I tend to do. This is a hill I will die on.

To an extent. The use of Light of the Martyr along with Bestow Faith made instant range casting viable if you were on the move during mythics back then. That, coupled with double beacons, made a lot of fights easy to either stay in melee or at a distance.

And I am not entirely sure why you are trying to explain hpallies to me. I am being very vocal about healers not being forced into this awful, “healers must do more damage” thing that certain people keep throwing out in the forums. Just because it works in other games, where “healers” mainly do damage and then off heal, is awful for WoW.

Nah, the 10 healers left wont be able to make that much noise.

They could start by making mastery have an offensive component. It’s so weird that all the other specs it helps increase damage and for healers it doesn’t. Like for tanks it gives them attack power and defensive power. Healers? Just healing stuff then they want to nerf them by 20 % at the start of the season?

How about making mastery better.

there are dps with usable offheal. I don’t know what rubbish people want here.
for dps there are dps classes. I as a healer only want to be a healer and not deal with such nonsense as well!

and we haven’t had to pay heaps of gold for respec for a long time. so healer can switch to dps in open world and do his stuff.

Then what you’re saying is nerf hpally damage?

I remember guildies doing 5 tank keys, and then timing a 4 tank 1 demo lock 21 VP.

Wierd hill to die on but ok.

At that point might as well just play Holy priest :dracthyr_shrug:

Because you clearly don’t know how they heal maybe?

It’s not awful and if you don’t wanna be forced to damage Holy Paladin is not the class for you.

No it’s not awful for WoW it’s just awful for healers who want to go afk and play Candy Crush when healing isn’t needed.

Honestly this would be a great start.

Yuh Healer masteries are really boring and lame pretty much like Mistweaver Monk mastery is super boring and has no synergy with Fistweaving at all.

Well guess what Healers should be doing damage DPS helps mitigate future damage like your job is to help keep the group alive not keep Health Bars topped and afk playing a trash mobile game when everyones full health.

No I can not Mistweaver is Intellect Windwalker uses Agility I can’t just swap.

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I propose we get the Beacon from Beyond effect baseline with a 90 second CD B) Or 60 second, whatever. That would be so funny.

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Want me to heal more - fix the ‘issue’ where for several of the healing classes, I need 2x trinkets and 2x weapon sets to be able to swap back and forth.

I’d take it especially if it works with Fistweaving