Buff Healer Damage >:3

I don’t get why the opposition to healers dpsing, I dps throughout the game. It feels awkward to just heal especially when everyone is in full health.

We should get a dps buff, apply a temporary sheild when we overheal, and increase mana regeneration when we dps.

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Healers don’t need to compete in DPS, they DPS when they’re able… you don’t need to have that much DPS.

Who would we be competing with? I’m the only healer in the dungeon and if I am dpsing and let someone die, I would fail as a healer.


Who said y’all should be competing?

Healers are a mixed bag because if you do increase the damage and adjust fights to be so it’ll be like end of SL (which I admit was a style I liked). But current fights have already been adjusted in DF so far to instead adjust due increases healer output to keep a difficulty level. This has meant overall output feels lower, but dungeons reflect roles more truely.

I heal on mist and find I do get to fight enough, even if the output itself isn’t there.

I asked who would we be competing with and you reply with…

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If you actually did damage in your keys you might even time your weekly no leaver 16s :clown_face:

I know what you are saying but i am talking about mythic plus, not so much now since DPS isn’t that relevant as you said but it has been the same way for a while holy does more dps than disc spec and it always bugged me.

My dps was always sufficient though even as disc but as disc is doing damage to heal you would think it would at least be the same.

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Now read that again and use your brain at the same time… comprehend.

No, please use yours. I said I am the only healer in the dungeon so in other words I wouldn’t be competing with anyone and you reply with who said y’all should be competing. You make no sense.

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Again… where did I say you should be competing with anyone? I understand reading comprehension can be tough sometimes, but what I said was rather straight forward…





Which would be good.

I main MW super fun but it’s not very enjoyable or motivating watching a Blood DK do more HPS and DPS then you especially as a Healer that heals by dealing damage.


This is because they are pulling the mobs and tanking them.

It’s not unexpected for the person pulling the mobs to be doing a decent amount of damage. Whereas our role is primarily to keep people up.

The only reason Blood DK hps is so high is because it is designed around self healing. It’s not healing the party

Yuh I’m very aware just stating facts that it sucks and Blood DK are the lowest DPS tank.

As for keeping people up more ways to do it then just spamming heals doing DPS is helping mitigate future Damage therefore helping people stay up.

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They just decided game wasn’t around everyone pumping damage. Why I don’t main healer anymore, it’s a side class for me.

I don’t like it but I understand it.

Maybe this is why there are fewer healers than before.

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I do want the ability to have the channel casted exorcism on my pally again. Done for fun, not viability. Maybe it was in Cata when that went away? Maybe even after. Hard to remember now. But that was fun. I was a true Shockadin back in the day. So long ago that it actually could have been holy shock idk. But whatever the spell was it was super fun and you could blast players down in seconds in PvP but it caused you to OOM super quickly though as the only downside of it.

Yuh which was an awful idea catering to a loud minority of healers that want to be lazy standing up the back playing wack-a-mole on health bars.

Probably part of it yeah not uncommon for me to see ex healers saying they weren’t enjoying playing healer so rerolled cause unsurprisingly the majority don’t want to be babysitters and they want to feel powerful.

Absolutely, healers want to feel powerful, same as with any other role.

But do you really think the main problem causing healers to feel less powerful is that they now have less ability to do some damage on the side?

Or, is it the fact that the power of all of their primary healing spells was destroyed by a massive blanket double-nerf?

How much DPS healers should contribute during a dungeon is a legit debate, but, it’s pretty clear that it’s not the main issue at play right now.

If there was a talent that restored relative healing power to shadowlands-level at the expense of completely preventing the use of any damage abilities during dungeon content, I’d bet that 95%+ of healers would take it.