Buff Healer Damage >:3

ya buff healers damage to keep up with them tanks. Healers are even doing less dmg than dps these days its crazy…

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That’s more or less what I mean should be like competitive with Tank DPS wise without factoring in gear like DPS trinkets or embelishments.

Yeah which is why I say Tank not DPS needs to be high enough where it matters and is viable in open world solo but not so strong your competing with DPS or Healing becomes completely irrelevant in high end content :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

More or less yes don’t expect healers to do as muc Damage as a tank or achieve a significant amount more DPS but it should be a LOT closer not like 1/8th the DPS of a Blood DK

I know you’re trolling but to answer this seriously I do not want Healers to be out dpsing DPS what I do want is Healers to do respectful Damage even if it’s just 3/4 if the DPS of the lowest DPS tank although in that case I’d like a new healer passive that increases Damage whilst not in a party or raid by x%


I mean parity with other healers, not with the tank.

Plays Holy Priest

Sees Smite, SW:P, and Holy Fire.

Uh… Why does a healer have those buttons?

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Oh yeah no Healers already barely do any damage which is why I think it should be increased so solo play without switching spec doesn’t feel necessary but also don’t think it should be so much their competiting with DPS or their damage feels mandatory in lower content in higher content like say +14s when a third affix is added and Mythic Raid then I think thats the mark we’re it should start to pickup in it’s requirement.

Lol pretty much like even the awful Caster Monk playstyle requires using Rising Sun Kick a Melee DPS ability like Healers do DPS Holy Paladin, Discipline Priest and Mistweaver Monk especially as it’s requiredfor our healing it’s just awfully low DPS numbers :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Like no doubt a Damage increase would probably require percentage changes on their Damage to Healing ability especially but still DPS is important and also heard that apparently soon DPS specifically via cat form with something known as Catweaving will be mandatory for Mana management on Resto Druids.

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I have been playing this girl right here, as my main, Since Cata. I have been healing on holy paladins since Wrath.

Yes, it is.


Again, stop.

Go get your healer as dps fix by arguing for Disc? Or maybe go on a bender about Aug.

Leave. Healers. Alone.

That’s a stretch.

The mana returns are pretty minor.

“Rip, Ferocious Bite, and Maim deal 60% additional damage and generate 10000 Mana when cast with 5 combo points.”

That’s a lot of wasted GCDs just to get 10,000 mana. Keep in mind that a single rejuvenation costs 5,500 mana.

It will also be on a choice node with Circle of Life and Death, meaning you would have to choose between that or an HPS boost.

AND, with the new “Grove Guardians” talent, and “Embrace the Dream” being reduced to only costing one talent point instead of two, there is a lot of incentive to not even take that path down the tree at all (Can easily pick up Photosynthesis via going through “Embrace the Dream” instead).

So yeah, not sure that “mandatory” is the correct description. But if it opens up some extra play styles that some people enjoy, then great.


So you main a Healer that requires doing DPS to heal and are against Healer DPS yuh I do not understand your thought process.

Nope, it most definitely is not yours is though.

I play Mistweaver Monk do you like know how this spec plays? Here give you a quick summary that even a monkey could understand You no DPS, You no Heal.


What I am not is a babysitter who sits around twidling their thumbs making sure no one gets hurt or is in danger only doing something after someone gets a “Boo boo” if I wanted to do that I’d buy a babysitter simulator not an MMORPG. It’s about time Blizzard stopped trying to cater to and please the “healers only heal” crowd ruining the fun for people who actually want to play an MMORPG and not Wack-a-mole mobile game.


I don’t really care what the actual number ends up being relative to tanks or dps % wise all I really care about is healers that advocate for being the only role that is allowed to afk because they are lazy.

Make it 50% of a dps instead of like 20% idk.


Uhhhh yeah as I said only heard about it wasn’t 100% sure like a Mistweaver youtuber talking about Monks future mana management method which is absolutely awful brought it up so :dracthyr_shrug:

Like was watching videos on it cause I wanted to get a better idea of whats going on outside of well Patch notes and the Monk Forums which are unsurprisingly not a place full of happy customers.

Finally we agree on something :dracthyr_uwu:

Sounds good to me that seems to be around abouts where tanks are at from what I’ve seen so :dracthyr_a1:

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Healer bottleneck solved

The main reason Rasari is advocating for this is because healing checks are too hard lol. Cause dps isn’t that relevant, with healers expected to do more dps, it’ll be easier to coast.

Makes no sense that i do more healing as holy than i do as disc when disc uses damage :joy: Its so bad lol

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Have you considered that you’re bad at disc?

Nope because i am really good at both specs, way above average in fact but from my own tests e.g. smite tests holy is stronger!

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what does healer dps have to do with ability to heal? To my knowledge, disc doesn’t really use smite to begin with in realistic situations.

Edit: more than I thought, after checking.

But still irrelevant to compare healer dps when you’re making a point about healing.

That said though disc is way more fun to play than holy imo

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Oh it’s you >.>

No I want more DPS cause I don’t like the lazy “healer only heal” mindset.

Anyway I’m going back to healing M+

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Well dps is always relevant, it’s the most relevant piece of the m+ puzzle.

Healers should already be dpsing so I don’t see how throwing 20k-30k or whatever number dps at every healer would be bad at all or somehow change the healing meta when you would still need to heal the parts that you currently do.

Like I said, don’t care either way or whatever number blizzard wants healer dps relative to other roles but the opposition to this is hilariously weak.


We already see enough of that here with current content. Imagine if it was baseline for healers to dps :joy: