Buff Healer Damage >:3

rolls eyes

Yes, it is. That is how WoW healers have always worked.

Can we smack a few mobs when we can? Sure. But healing was and is our main focus.

Stop trying to shove different games into WoW. It is not how WoW works, no matter how much you epeen mongers try to change things.

Knock it off.

You want more dps? Then get your dps team members to do better.


laughs in Fistweaver


Healers need to do more DPS actually.

Let healers keep the group alive like we’re supposed too by helping kill stuff and mitigate future damage :dracthyr_uwu:

No it isn’t.

Healers should heal, mitigate damage and DPS like you gonna call for the removal of Life Cocoon and Power Word: Shield cause they don’t heal?

Cool doesn’t mean healers can’t do damage.

Just give them a passive that increases aggro generation it’s as simple as that :dracthyr_shrug:

Yuh which sucks and should be fixed so we can compete for 4th if Tank gets to compete with my HPS I should get to compete with their DPS.

Welp time for things to change with the times it’s been almost 20 years now.

No it’s keeping our team alive and healers have different methods for doing that some of which involve omg no don’t say it’s so DOING DAMAGE


Yes it is.

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If healers didn’t have extra expectations such as dps and frequent cc and interrupts and like 50% of affixes, and people could just leave us alone if we afk for a few globals and get a nice break, perhaps this “healer shortage” would end :thinking:

Quoting because this is the take on the forums this month:


No it isn’t


Say what you will about healer damage, but healers were happier in SL during the healer dps meta. There were definitely forum trolls raging about it back then. Now there are unhappy healer posts every day. In M+ healers should be able to contribute meaningful damage if other roles are expected to contribute to survivability.


No. People who were fronting as healers, but were dps who wanted quicker queues, were doing dps.


Exactly this they need to buff healer Damage let us feel powerful and contribute to damage no more pathetic damage numbers.

They still do that they even que as tanks like seriously? Also find it hilarious that a Paladin has a problem with Healer DPS like scared to check your character in case it says holy paladin :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Yes it is

No it very much is not :dracthyr_tea:


No buff healer spot healing ffs.

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I agree, buff fury warrior!

Buff healer spot healing AND DAMAGE



STOP trying to shove in a play style that does not fit in this game. Just stop.

You are having to resort to childish insults. Stop.

Your reasoning is weak as it is. Doing what you are doing will not help your cause, and in fact just exposes you further as a person who has negative intentions.

Healers are called healers because we heal.

There are augmentors are now in the game. You would have better luck with advocating for a boost to their damage.

Not doing that so yeeeaaaaahhhh but Healers doing DPS will fit very well especially in M+ a game mode idea Blizzard took from Guild Wars 2 which guess what does not have the traditional holy trinity.

No I’m not just pointing out that Holy Paladins like Mistweaver Monks heal via damage :dracthyr_uwu:

No my reasoning is not.

And tanks are called tanks cause they drive across war zones causing mass destruction… oh wait. Like you also think Firemen are called Firemen cause their men made out of fire? Healers do a lot more then heal like explain to me how Power Word Barrier and Life Cocoon are heals come on :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Yeah no I like keeping the Party alive by Healing, Mitigating Damage and dealing respectful Damage but not on the same level as a DPS not being a glorified stat stick for other players.


I agree that Healers need more DPS. Mainly because right now, questing as Resto Druid is pretty painful. I’m just glad that they did it during a time when there really isn’t much need to grind world content every day.

I don’t feel that I should have to change specs in order to quest. I know that it will always be slower to quest as Resto, and that’s fine, but they made it work fine in both BFA and Shadowlands. In BFA, I regularly cleared out every world quest on both continents while leveling up my neck, and at one point I had the highest level neck on my entire realm. All without ever switching out of resto. It’s slower, but the upside is that it’s way more laid-back, with zero fear of anything ever being able to kill you. You can quest while watching TV or movies on a 2nd monitor. Just pull tons of mobs, keep DoTs on them, HoTs on me, until they are dead. I could solo group quests even. Now it takes me several minutes just to kill a single mob while doing a quest in the caverns. Really lame. I know many will just say “switch specs when you quest”, but I don’t play a Druid, I play a Resto Druid.

As far as doing Damage in M+ as a healer… I never really did much, and no one ever really cared. Besides, once the dungeon starts, what are they going to do about it, vote kick me? LOL

That isn’t to say that I never did any. I might throw out a DoT or two on a trash pack, hit Nature’s Vigil on cooldown, and maybe even spam wrath during lust burn phases on a Boss. Adaptive Swarm and Convoke both also do DPS as a side-effect. But DPS has never, and will never, be a part of my regular healing rotation.


This is also very much apart of my reasoning for wanting increased damage like even if I was to swap spec I’d need to carry a bunch of gear for Windwalker which doesn’t use intellect like that’s AT LEAST two trinkets and a weapon which are hard enough get on your main spec rn let alone an offspec

Yes it very much is

No it super duper very much is not


Healer dps parity yes, more healer damage, not so much.

If impactful then you’re just chasing dps numbers and healing falls to the wayside. Tanks use dps trinkets because who needs survivability?