Buff Healer Damage >:3

No key level I do good dps for holy priest. I see in the priest discord people get flamed at 16 or flame others for low/no dps at 16.

Good for you

It’s not too powerful other healers are underpowered and guess what most Healers enjoyed Healing in Shadowlands cause surprise Healers like to feel powerful too should be returning to that.

Cool well play Heroic Dungeons or LFR where you can heal health bars when they go down and afk when they’re full all you want.

Yuh no.

Wrong take. The health bars should just keep going down, make the healing part the way healers spend their time. The idea is that the bars shouldn’t just go to full and then afk nothing for a while. 10.1.0 was good at this.

Healers like to feel powerful or DPS who want fast queues like to feel powerful while ruining a role that they shouldn’t be playing?


Nope right take.

Good idea then watch all the healers quit because that is not fun and WoW dies.

They should.


I try to avoid PuGs and I rarely do qued content so yuh no just that guess what most Healers actually want to have FUN the only people trying to ruin the role is lazy people like you who don’t want to use their entire kit and actually contribute to the groups success.

You don’t know me or how I play. You are trying to get salty with me even though your main is doing the same keys as this 385 ilvl forum gnome, and probably doing worse ngl.

That and you’re putting words in my mouth. Where did I say I don’t want to use my full kit or dps at all. I am saying the dps is the least important thing for a healer to do and it should be balanced as such, like it was very recently. I’m not arguing for healer dps to be removed.

If the way you have “fun” as a healer is spending almost your their time dpsing, congratulations, you’re a dps. A role already exists for you, in fact there are 3x as many spots in the group for it. Stop trying to ruin mine.

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I just want them to get rid of most casted heals and force things into damage to heal, slow down the damage intake a ton, and give us some cds to help things along. Turn healers into something like paladins or the other supports from Lost Ark. Something along the lines of FFXIV’s sage with less casted heals would be great. The role would get a lot less stressful. Paladin, monk, and disc priest playstyles at the moment are so much better than the traditional cast bombing healer.

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I have more fun healing when I can do respectable damage. Vesper totem last expansion made healing fun. Ineffable truth hpal made healing fun. Healer damage is fun for healers.


Healing is a fun role in WoW.

Let’s not completely change how it works to try and cater to people who don’t even like or want to heal in the first place.

People that want to spend every global dpsing should just play dps.


Exactly, disc and MW already exist for dps who get put on healer duty by their group of other people who just want to dps. It’s not surprising that a lot of people want to play dps, and if the ratio is an issue than maybe group sizes or mediocre healer npcs can be looked at. But some people just want to heal, they’ve been playing that way for 20 years, and their gameplay shouldn’t be invalidated for the sake of expediency.

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Even for monks, while you can dps to heal it really still depends on the mob count, damage patterns, ability to stay in melee, etc. for how much you can do dps → healing conversion vs needing to pump traditional heals.

Awakened faeline and 1 button spam SCK is such a brainless playstyle right now on packs with 4+ mobs.

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Why is there so much DPS main cope in here

You’ve been telling me via this thread pretty much so :dracthyr_shrug:

Been back on my Monk as my main for a week and a half after a very long story I’m too lazy to explain.

Awwww did I hit a nerve? I heal wonderfully as long as DPS and Tanks do mechanics and position themselves properly.

Lemme see how about right here

That work for you ?

Ok? No one is saying it shouldn’t though are they this is about buffing healer damage to be on the same level as tanks.

You literally were.

No I’m a Mistweaver Monk DPS is necessary and I do enjoy Healing checks where I have to time a Sheilun’s perfectly to undo the damage that feels great just don’t enjoy that being ALL I DO.

DPS is boring I do not enjoy the role at all so yeah no.

You do not own the role it does not belong to you other people who play it are allowed to make suggestions and the only people who want to ruin it is people like you who advocate for THIS

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No, it would be a disaster.

As someone already mentioned, encounters would then be designed around the added healer DPS. Healer DPS should be for finishing trivial-ish encounters when they have nothing else to do - nothing more, period.

I leveled up this forum gnome in a day and got to the same key level as you in 3 days of barely playing. Big whoop.

I heal wonderfully in a 16 even when the rest of the group is a disaster because I am actually looking at their cooldowns and planning my own cooldowns around them and leaping people who are in danger and dispelling before the second tick and using chastise and fear and dominate mind at the right time. While also doing good dps because people like you would be little whiny babies if I didn’t. Blah blah blah. Basic healer things.

Yes it does work for me, it’s a great idea. But that doesn’t mean not to throw out dps on pull or apply passive dps or even active dps spells when you’re sure everyone is safe. You know, some sort of mastery to the role.

Yet you want to turn healers into a fourth dps. No thanks. I’ve been on that ride before in SL and it sucks, it’s degenerate gameplay that makes the role feel useless, and the people who want to change the other existing healer specs into that should just play MW or disc and shut up already.

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It seems the people who disagree with OP want a super easy role that doesn’t require a lot of focus or contribution. Hence why the forum outrage of healers actually having to do more with afixes, they just can’t be bothered to put effort in. Where people who actually want to enjoy healing without being bored to death want to add dps that actually matter into the rotation because challenge = fun.

For me i’m ok with either or. Because FF14 has evolved the healer role into something more. We will have wow healers who will exclusively only heal and wow healers who will dps and heal. Mythic + and raiders will recruit those who like to put out dps as a healer and eventually those who only heal will never get a group again and either adapt or move onto a new game or role. When this happens the community and devs can fully embrace green dps.

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The opposite - dps is already a 3 person job. When the healing checks are challenging, healers can feel like they’re actually doing something special and important for the group. People notice healers for once and say “great heals” when it’s due. When the healing checks are few and far between, like they were in Shadowlands, it is actually much easier (and more boring imo) because your responsibilities are easy to meet, and then whatever you do extra (aka the 70+% of globals you spend dpsing) is also the least important to get right out of everyone’s extra contributions to the group.

Do you remember in De Other Side how those two red raging mobs in the main ring could be a disaster? They shouldn’t have been a disaster, they weren’t with good healers anyway. The healing requirement on those mobs is about equal to the healing requirement of the entire VP, HOI, and Uldaman dungeons of the equivalent M+ level. But these two mobs were pug killers because so many healers were just dps who wanted less responsibilities and didn’t know how to handle burst healing because they never needed to. I say no thanks, I don’t want this again. Even as I am starting 10.1.5 with augvokers reducing every key level by 2, healing is more fun for me than it was all of Shadowlands and I don’t want it to revert to that.

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The only thing that ever bothered me on “De other side” is when people wouldn’t purge the ghosts to get rid of them. And tbh I tend to have more healers who don’t know what the dispel button is than i have healers who do. But I do at least want fistweaving and disc priests to have good dps, because good dps = good heals. Give those 2 classes the green dps and i guess the other jobs have it as optional so everyone can win.

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The OP is making this thread so healing can be easier (because DPS is less important.) All that super powerful dps globals has to come from somewhere.

And here:

Mistweaver is so stressful to play in +16s.

Yup very much so like Mistweaver is not super easy and simple if it was it wouldn’t be a super unpopular healer most people don’t play it’s fast, very involved and requires a lot of risk to be truly effective.

Tbh most of that is just PuGs being PuGs like with a good group Spiteful is super fun with a bad group it’s annoying as hell.

Yup exactly like looking into pre Legion Mistweaver sounds so much better with stances and chi also used to actually have useful talents like pool of mists and not “give expel harm useless buff”

I honestly really hope so.

No I am not if I wanted easy I wouldn’t be playing Mistweaver.

Depends on the Group if PuGs are involved then yes it can be because usually they have no idea what they’re doing and decide to make my job harder then necessary or straight up impossible.

Why I prefer to avoid PuGs which are not stressful.

Like love how you remove the context of that thread being a DPS asking why healers don’t want to do PuGs you know like very classy.

Tbh Mythic plus is just like dark souls. People who want the super stressful, hair pulling, rage baiting difficulty that is dark souls in a mmorpg dungeon system that only gets harder till it becomes impossible. Isn’t the reward cap at 15 and anything higher is just to feel better about defeating difficult combat in a game where all the classes aren’t that well balanced?