Buff Healer Damage >:3

What’s it like to be so wrong and constantly insulting everyone?

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Then don’t make a claim, period.

There is nothing you’re going to say that is going to support your flawed logic in comparison to reality. Tanks NEED to do damage, that’s not up for debate… if you believe tanks don’t need to do damage, then play a tank and prove me wrong.

Who are you now? I skip over a lot of things… kind of like your post earlier, because it brought nothing to the table.

Just someone that’s capable of reading more than half a sentence, nbd.

Bolded the part that you’re conveniently ignoring.

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You don’t strike me as the type who travels through Azeroth, teaching players how to get better and give them advice, for the good of the game.

I on the other hand, did the humane thing and let him have a win, before his next group unloaded on him and had him crying in his sleep for a week.
We were all new once, remember those days?

I do if it’s not a timed M+ key :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
Given rookie healers advice multiple times now :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

DPS are targeting the mobs and attacking the mobs. DPS also aren’t keeping an entire group alive while looking at what defensives all the other party members are using and managing mana.

Why is it ok for DPS to not have to interweave their @cursor macros and mouseover interrupts/executes on mobs with casts of healing spells and dispels on party frames, or look at what defensive cooldowns the other dps in the group are using, or react quickly when the others in the group are low HP? The reason it’s ok is that is not their job and neither is dps on a healer.

Now, if you’re going to make healer dps convenient and/or passive, that’s another story. Things like Nature’s Vigil for druids that require no mental bandwidth (just macro it into flourish) are a good way to give healers dps while also rewarding them for being good at healing.

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No, they used to be able to keep up but healer dps has scaled very poorly since the start of the expansion. DPS and tanks are doing almost twice what they were in season 1 and healers are still pulling the same numbers.

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Yup like I can’t even keep up with Augvoker damage whilst fistweaving :dracthyr_shrug:

It’s actually not okay. Not if you want to be the best player you can be anyway. About half the dungeons in this season I run Remove Corruption and I’m expected to weave it in during the moments in the dungeon where it’s important. The most complicated macro I’ve ever written is for Regrowth because I’m using it every single CP cycle when I get a charge of Predatory Swiftness to either heal the tank or someone who was just targeted by a mechanic.

I don’t like talking about broad-level “expectations” because I don’t think such a thing exists. My expectations for my group members vary quite a bit depending on how well I know them personally and what level content we’re doing. So I don’t talk about expectations so much as I talk about what good play looks like. How much I expect the players around me to reach that ideal is another conversation. But expectations aside, the reality is that good players use every tool in their toolkit when it’s useful. That means DPS should use their dispels and healers should do damage.


Why are you in 18s, you should be higher. I keep getting druids in 23s who don’t do either of those and nobody says a word about it. It is usually fine because my hps is high, but the dispels would help especially in BH. The thing is that if I did 0 dps in a 23, everyone would say something about it.

Mostly because I run only with guildies these days. My guild is what I would describe as “casual tryhard.” We have a large mix of skill levels in it. So my weekly dungeon group has a couple of good players and a couple less good players. It’s definitely below the skill level that I personally am capable of running but I’ve done the more hardcore WoW lifestyle before and I’ve had my fill of it. So now I run with guildies I enjoy the company of on the weekend while still having strong opinions about what good WoW gameplay looks like. :stuck_out_tongue:


I didn’t want to make a claim without proof here are examples.

Druid tank not even running remove corruption in 23 BH
Which by the way is standard even up to the 29 level

Druid DPS with 0 casts of regrowth
Which shouldn’t be standard but nobody else even looks or cares at all so why should they bother.

But healer dps they will make you a meme if you don’t do it nowadays. Before 10.1.5 it was really fun the healing checks were strong enough that healing well meant you were enough. Now in 10.1.5 with augvoker (and hpals spoiling everyone and enabling low dps damage dealers) it is back to the same old fourth dps with some accidental healing.

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Yep, those Druids have room for improvement.

I can’t really speak for the rest of the community but I personally have always been an equal opportunity believer on this score. I couldn’t tell you why it’s only healer damage that gets singled out so strongly on the forums but my opinion doesn’t change no matter which side of the topic you come from.


In short my problem is not with the dpsing but with the community perception of the issue. I think it is unfair that when dps and tanks don’t want to multitask, nobody says anything, but when healers don’t want to multitask, people act like they pooped the bed.

Yes there is nothing to heal sometimes and ofc I will be dpsing then because that is how healers are designed right now. But when there is a lot to be healing, dps could be healing and they don’t and nobody cares and they blame the healer when they wipe even though the group is taking 253k dps + mitigating less than 40% of it.

So either make dps healing more important, or keep healer dps unimportant. Definitely I am not on the side of buffs to healer dps, right now it is already high enough.


I’m one of the raid leaders for my guild and I’ve become somewhat infamous for how much I push the use of health potions and health stones. I’m very vocal about how much I dislike seeing logs with no health potions in them to the point where people have jokingly shouted to quick everyone use your health pot right before the boss dies so Reshyk is happy! And defensives are such a huge part of the modern game. A DPS who knows when to use their defensives is such a blessing to the healer compared to one who doesn’t. “Defensives!” is one of my more frequent raid callouts simply because I know that without it, many of my raiders would simply never use them.

I’m less invested on this particular argument. Despite how much I love my hybrid off-healing and it’s a main reason why I continue to play the class… I’m a little cautious about making it too powerful. We already saw last season that we were starting to creep into the realm of hybrids replacing healers in groups and I don’t think that’s good. I want hybrids to be able to contribute off-healing, but I never want running zero healers to be a serious consideration. I don’t think we’ve ever reached that point but we’ve definitely flirted with it a couple times this expansion so I’m hesitant to buff hybrid healing too strongly.

On the side of healer damage, I’m more on the side of equalizing healer damage rather than buffing it. All the healer specs have very different levels of damage you can expect them to put out and I think those numbers should be closer together. Whether that number is 5% or 50% of a DPS player isn’t as much of a concern to me. I’ve always been more opinionated about the process of playing the game than the actual numbers.

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Well I just learnt about Monk Stances and now I’m big sad apparently Mistweaver used to be a true Hybrid capable of doing actual DPS when healing wasn’t needed :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Like gonna look into it further but I’m so scared gonna learn Mistweaver used to be exactly what I would love to play and was gutted and left a husk of what it once was.

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That’s fine with me. I choose about 15%-20% same as now. Or however much dps do of healers. If dps continue to get away with 5% of healer hps, then healer dps should be 5% of dps dps.

Hpal is doing too much damage and should be nerfed. It’s not just this but Hpal also brings Blessing of Summer to the group so it’s even more than it looks like especially stacked with augvoker buffs (ebon might, prescience) and PI. Resto shaman damage is good but their healing is bad so I think this is a fair trade off. However no tradeoff and just equal output on both fronts would be better.

Holy Paladin shouldn’t be nerfed other Healers should be buffed and with what I’m seeing Mistweaver should be reworked and made more similar to how it used to be :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I do not agree. Holy paladin is too powerful and it makes healing a fourth DPS with accidental heals again. I hate that playstyle. If you want to dps, my advice is to change your specialization to windwalker.


What key level did you start having people say something about healer dps?

I’m up to 21s right now and have never heard a peep.

I still dps as the pulls allow. Learning damage patterns for trash and boss I feel has helped the most.