Buff Healer Damage >:3

rewards cap at +20s technically.

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Like love how you remove the context of that thread being a DPS asking why healers don’t want to do PuGs you know like very classy.

I don’t think that’s relevant at all. Allegedly everyone else is fine with dying repeatedly when tanks can’t tank, and healers can’t heal.

Yuh no it isn’t Dark Souls is honestly easy if you can get timing right and what not super fun.

Exclusively heal PuGs.

That would be 20+ which is my goal just with Guildies cause screw doing that with PuGs.

It is very relevant actually.

And who made this alleged claim? Like I’m very much not fine with dying because a Tank doesn’t know how to kite a damn Boss which seems far to common in PuGs.

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a healer shouldn’t be dpsing… healers primary should be healing which means any added dps is a bonus not mandatory or should be considered at all. Really tired of people pushing for healers have even more requirements on top of their huge list of duties already.

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And who made this alleged claim? Like I’m very much not fine with dying because a Tank doesn’t know how to kite a damn Boss which seems far to common in PuGs.

Because healing is at the same time too difficult for them to do, yet any former healer can enjoy great success by pushing that role to someone else since it’s so easy, that anyone can do.

Healing too hard? time to queue as a dps.

Yes I should it’s mandatory that a Mistweaver uses Rising Sun Kick off cooldown and uses Blackout Kick to fish for resets to heal.

I mean my DPS is kinda like very much mandatory even more so when Fistweaving :dracthyr_shrug:

What are these more requirements I’m asking for? Just asking for higher DPS nothin crazy

I understood like none of this.

Some people who find Healing too hard atm are actually going tank not DPS :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Seen plenty of healers that claim they’re dpsing now because it easier, and I imagine, succeeding because they removed the common cause of failure at the same time.

Yuh either DPS or Tank which is good for them doing what they find fun just like I do no matter how unmeta and unwanted Mistweaver is :dracthyr_a1:

just because you dps to heal doesnt’ mean you need numbers to go with it. you are mandatory to hit the dps ability to do it but not required to do the dps for numbers sake. there is a BIG difference in doing dps and doing dps for healing purposes… if you have having low HPS then that needs looked at rather than your dps values

Yuh I do :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Neither are tanks so why do they get to do decent damage but I don’t?

Not really no.

Nah my HPS is good my DPS though is pathetic which is my problem like I wanna feel powerful and I especially want to be able to do solo open world content without it being a slog :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Like I should not be feeling relieved when Touch of Death comes off cooldown because I am finally able kill something in reasonable time.

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so basically your trying for something for zero reason because you want and not something that’s actually needed. IF you want numbers or speed dps then play a dps… like… this is 100% uninvoid because of the sheer fact you’re trying to make it where healers are forced to dps or they will not be taken.

and yes you are trying to break the healers again because if mistweavers do tank dps then everyone else will be forced to change (not for the betterment of the game) or not get invited because we aren’t doing that dps

No it is 100% needed.

Don’t want THAT many numbers like wow want numbers on similar levels as tanks for all Healers.

Healers are already expected to DPS and not being taken isn’t an issue if you have a guild and/or friends :dracthyr_shrug:

No I’m not because I never specified Mistweaver I very clearly meant all healer specs.

This is slightly off topic, but it’s not just the combined damage of Exodia that is causing problems, it’s also the off healing created through Augvoker’s spells, mage mass barrier, and Spriest VE which greatly reduces the healer (Hpal) burden, thus enabling more casts of SotR = more damage = more cleave and spending significantly less globals on healing.

Even if healer damage is nerfed and DPS damage is buffed, the off healing in certain group comps is simply so powerful it will still create less need for spending globals on healing and create the condition where healer damage is expected and warranted. I’m not sure if this has been talked about in the thread yet

Now, even if they didn’t address anything else you wanted here, the world content comment is a legit one too. it’s incredibly easy to fix too, and its something they’ve done in the past with things like vengeance on tanks or the aura buffs in Torghast. There’s no real reason world content should be a slog for 2 out of the 3 roles and it really is at the moment once you’re past the regular zones. The cavern for example is absolute crap because everything has hyper inflated hp values to accommodate DPS scaling whilst ignoring tanks/healers. Yes, once you’re geared to the teeth it isn’t so bad (started to feel better around 440), but before that why? There’s no reason to force people to spec out of the thing they enjoy to play because someone can’t put in an aura to at least make it tolerable.

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Because real healers don’t care about doing damage. We just want to heal.

DPS need to step up their game.

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Well said Rita. Healers are scrutinized way too much compared to other roles especially DPS.

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