Buff Healer Damage >:3

Ya, ya gotta be able to read the group, once I was healing an M0 and tank kept losing HP so fast I could barely keep up, I made it through and didn’t say anything, prolly has happened to every healer, but no way could I dps too.

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You are missing the point… one needs to the other doesn’t, that’s why the damage should stay DPS > TANK > HEALS. A tank that does 0 damage, doesn’t hold aggro. A healer that does 0 damage, can still heal and be a key member to the team.

Yep, none of that requires you to DPS, that’s the point… there is only 1 version of a healer that NEEDS to DPS… that’s fistweaving.


If a tanks taking that much damage in a M0 I’d suggest you just let them die you should not need to heal a tank much if at all let them learn.

You should of

Yuh because tank was absolutely trash and clearly didn’t know what they were doing.

Well lucky for you at levels where Healers are expected to DPS yanks like that get one shot :3

Tanks don’t need to do damage especially if they get a passive agro generation boost there’s zero reason a healers can’t do respectable damage but tanks can.

Yes it does doing DPS mitigates future damage a corpse usually can’t kill your group not to mention in downtime you are expected to DPS.

No Discipline Priest and Holy Paladin also require DPS to heal with Disc basically being the ranged caster version of Mistweaver just with powerful mitigation where as Mistweaver has powerful ST healing and Holy Paladin pretty much just stealing hiw Fistweaving works for monks more or less just better.

still salty about that Paladin get 4 reworks and meanwhile Monk goes ignored


I’m too nice to be a jerk, it’s possible he was a new player, and besides, it was for the good of the group to just heal and get it over with, then have group have to wait for another tank.


Expected doesn’t mean it’s required. Tanks are required.

Lol, since when did holy require dps? I see no requirement for damage at all, it changes nothing, I have a priest and play holy… and disc, I’ll take your word for it, I barely played it.

Who said anything about being a jerk?

Then they shouldn’t be doing Mythics yet

Yuh and now the tank won’t learn and the cycle continues.

In higher keys yes it is required and in lower keys it makes fights go faster mitigating guess what future damage you’d have to heal.

For awhile now to generate holy power and to heal like Mistweavers do with certain talents picked.

Then your clearly doing content where damage doesn’t matter that much.

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There no point in continuing this further. I got all I needed to hear.

That isn’t true at all though. A tank could do literally 1 damage and hold aggro if the threat modifier was high enough. Blizzard can change that modifier all they want and regularly DOES between seasons.

A hit that does 10,000 damage with a “threat multiplier” of 10x gives the same amount of threat as a dps hitting for 100,000. Similarly, we can make the tank do 100 damage with a multiplier of 1000x and the NPC wouldn’t act any differently since it sees 100,000 “threat” in both scenarios.




Wonderful argument presented. Would you please enlighten me where I am wrong or are we going to just use emojis?


I already made my argument earlier… I’m not gonna keep entertaining the argument.

If you think you can do 1-damage and hold aggro… by all means, go tank.

You’re right, DPS from support classes isn’t usually required to defeat content, because WoW isn’t balanced around support classes dealing damage alongside the DPS and Tank. Can you really not see the obvious hack this is allowing? Support DPS means you’re getting your entire party’s performance plus your own and since HP isn’t balanced for you to start chucking damage at the enemy, the fight ends that much faster.

Healing has an upper limit of usefuless. If your party is at or near 100%, extra healing is just wasted mana and GCDs. Damage, however, has no such limit; more damage is always good provided the party is surviving the mechanics.

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If they change the threat modifier to be high enough you could. Tanks currently have a modifier of 650% on threat. There is nothing stopping blizzard from making that modifier 6500% and cutting tank damage by 90%. Literally nothing would change in terms of threat management.

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I already said this discussion is over, the argument has ended…

Put your money where your mouth is, play a tank and do 1-damage and you hold that aggro the whole time… you can upload the video to youtube.

You are unable to comprehend game design. If dps was end all be all, dps would be taking aggro because they do more damage than the tank.

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I clearly understand them better than you, any last words?

I also didn’t say dps was the end all be all, so right to strike 3.

So, then you would agree doing 1 damage can in fact hold threat if Blizzard changed stuff behind the scenes.

You’re skipping over the other half of the sentence you’re so smugly deciding won you the argument. How’re those for ‘last words’?


Is reading hard? Obviously you can’t on live and I have not stated a SINGLE TIME you could and have constantly stated the threat modifier would need to be adjusted.

The point is from a GAME DESIGN perspective tank damage is also “worthless” and not necessary since you can inflate threat modifiers to absurd levels that even a single point of damage could theoretically generate more threat than a 1 million crit from a healer’s beacon.

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Wrong, I understand reading comprehension is tough. Have yourself a good night, you need sleep, we can talk again another time.