Buff Healer Damage >:3

This argument has been beat to death. Healer DPS being completely optional is how they’ve designed the game and that’s where it should stay. Healers are there to heal and nothing more

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Yuh and it should be changed as the game was made almost 20 years ago and that design is now outdated.

No we are not as I said in response to someone else.

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I get many compliments for my healing and making sure everyone is topped off. DPS feel better when they have a healer that is there to make things go smoothly. Healers that DPS are oftentimes putting the group in bad situations. One global can be life and death plus healers have to conserve mana more than ever

One global isn’t going to be the difference between life and death unless it’s a save-or-die mechanic, and if the DPS stands in that then the fault’s on them, not the support.

Every single class in the game has mitigation and ways to keep themselves upright in the absence of green numbers. This mitigation exists to not only sponge hits but also to give the support player enough room between heals to apply a DoT or a hardcast spell.

Part of the support’s job is to ensure that health bars stay at a healthy level to end the encounter, but a ‘healthy level’ is not necessarily 100%. You ideally want to keep your group just above where a hit would KO them, this way you are able to damage the enemy as much as possible before you’re forced to start rolling heals. If the fight ends and no one’s dead, what matters what their HP bars are at? They’ll heal to full by the next encounter passively anyway.

People have gotten too wound up over a mechanically-insignificant role name versus the actual class they’re playing and what it brings to the table.

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That’s nice most don’t.

Pffft yuh don’t know about that more feel better when the Healer carrys them through their mistakes cause their lazy and just want to top meters.

Holy Paladins, Discipline Priests and Mistweavers require damage to heal effectively not damaging actually puts the group in bad situations.

In short sounds like a you Problem.

Exactly like as Mistweaver during Spiteful a correctly timed and placed ring of peace can be the difference between life and death.

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What content are you referring to? Is this mostly mythic+? I don’t think anyone expects healers to be doing damage. They have enough on their plate. PvP healers doing damage is a death sentence

In mythic+ you are expected to do damage as a healer as well as use your entire kit as necessary to keep the group alive.

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Again, this is an example of fixating on the role name. A Holy Priest is typically set in the ‘healer’ (god I hate that role name, just rename it SUPPORT) role, but they still have viable damage buttons that they can use without necessarily interrupting necessary heals. It’s usually a better idea to open a pack with SW:P or Holy Fire or even a Smite versus hitting Renew or PoM on the tank because those healing ticks cause aggro and might even draw one or two of the mobs off of the tank, while a damage tick only affects the enemy the tank’s already hitting.

Make friends with your mitigation tools; don’t rely entirely on your support to stay upright.

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Yea but you can fall behind in healing if you’re doing damage. Healer contributions aren’t noticeable until like an insanely high number in mythic+ and even then you have healers doing those high keys that don’t do any damage

I’m all for overly specific requirements.

+15% damage buff for bringing an outlaw rogue using the thunderfury transmog as an offhand…

Skill issue :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Yuh which is the point of this post :dracthyr_a1:

Because they’re lazy and want a carry for doing the bare minimum or their group sucks and shouldn’t be doing keys that high.

What’s actually kind of funny is if support class DPS was increased, the game as a whole gets easier including for the support classes; you don’t have to heal damage from a corpse (with rare exception).

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You play monk. Wouldn’t you rather sit back and channel soothing mist keeping the tank topped at all times and stay at a relatively safe distance than be doing someone else’s job in the dungeon?

This would ruin my alchemist’s business

What you guys are failing to understand horribly is that if they made healers do damage they would balance the content under assumption that healers are doing damage at all times. That would be catastrophic opposed to how it is now

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it’s ok fren, I just meant healing potions (and lock rocks, and leech, and any healing that doesn’t come from a healer)

Then they would do well to make support DPS exciting to perform. Going back to XIV, WHM’s classic Afflatus Misery is a great payoff for good healing performance. And support players wouldn’t be doing damage at all times, but they are contributing damage when time allows.

Your flaw is that you’re assuming that Blizzard is obligated to balance against 100% perfect play, but they won’t be. No DPS is going to have 100% uptime, just like no support is going to be able to just DPS 100% of the time either.

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Yuh :dracthyr_a1:

No most definitely not I play Monk cause I enjoy Fistweaving if the “caster” playstyle was enforced I’d quit and go play FFXIV :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

idk, people are successfully doing content are better than people min-maxing every aspect and failing along the way.

Healer dps is optional, and affixes can be handled by everyone.


I tend to agree here. Heal dps is largely irrelevant to any content where you’re chasing vault rewards, mechanics trump meters for sure.

End of the line mythic raid bosses and the highest keys are where it matters most, and in those scenarios you have less room to do it anyway. I’ve never seen that content, nor has the majority of general discussion.

If they add it down the road it’s fine, but it’s a placebo. We’re still spending x many minutes in content that upgrades character power.

Playtime is what they’re after, so it’s a moot point imho.