Buff Havoc DH, reminder everyday

Havoc is dead this expansion. Maybe in 2-4 years the class will be good again. Ion doesn’t care, blizz doesn’t care, the community doesn’t care… just not worth it.

Nonono community we do care!!! We have express it very clear. There is no other thread like this in any of the other classes. Please go and check the other classes forums. There is no thread as extensive or complaining about how bad the class is.

If so many people are saying something, Blizz wouldn’t make sense to investigate where and why those comments are happening?

You guys had 2 good expansions in a row … it’s more than a lot of other classes can say.

The amount of tears from Havoc DH’s after 1 bad season is enough to fill the pacific … imagine how Enh or Demon Locks feel , most of the last few years they have always brought up the bottom.

Again is not about been very powerful is about been able to survive an encounter. Dh can’t heal , and can’t absorb anything. Very easy example, dh vs any other class will lose.


Blood Moon Consume Magic now affects all enemies within 8 yards of the target. Spectral Sight allows you to slip into the shadows while standing still. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. and grants 5% Leech for 5 sec. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires DemonHunter. Requires level 10.

Developers can’t read the forums feedback at all. Glimpse now this. Where do they get this skills from? Who is behind all of it?

Removing one buff. is never a shield or a great one, once the battle start each class gets like 6 plus all the team buffs. So a Random buff well is attractive that on a team fight one from each,. But no one asked for this! We are dieing!!! Incorporating in a pvp talent is not what we asked! Put 10% leech as base line plus soul rending! Minimum you can do since blur still terrible!!!

Mr developer dont add new skill that you will have to do extra work to test if they will work or not, if we like them or not.
Read!!! Super easy solution what we need! Don’t break your head. Done loop around, simple stuff. Make your life easier at your on and our in our game

The dude who made multiple threads about The Hunt and cried in them all is talking about tears. Yeah I wish I had another spec that was good in pvp to switch to.


They have other viable specs we don’t, if Havoc is bad we have nothing else.

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Seriously, just buff demon’s bite/demon blades so our ST is increased; proportionate to the typical amount of our dps those make up. (just make it not enough that people are obviously spamming demon’s bite instead of chaos strike, etc…
Super easy, barely an inconvenience.

I mean, buffing Chaos Strike is a much better avenue, tbh. It scales with mastery, it has a reasonable strong conduit for more scaling, and it feels way better to press than Demon’s Bite anyway. Buff your generator too much, and your spender starts feeling really unrewarding to press.

Besides, Havoc is already really simple. The less the DPS difference between Chaos Strike and Demon’s Bite, the less punishing over-capping Fury is, and frankly overcapping Fury is 1 of only like 3 things Havoc can screw up atm, so I’m not really in favor of reducing the penalty for that.

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Do not forget druids

Is very disapponting that Blizz can’t balance anything and that ok with so much can’t be perfect but the variance should be small. DH vs any class is a imposible to win that why no one use DH as professional pvp.

While pvp any other class basically have the endurance of 2 or more hp bars the sh has nothing, nothing to make him survive.

Soul rending and the amount of leach we get with demonic his less than a aoe heal. The rest have shields and one single attack that return hp immediately. 100% secure no chances. Blur last the same amount but is a very crappy chance of survival. Is so bad that really doesn’t matter if you are 1v1 or 10vs you. Is the same outcome. DH vs rogue. You death. DH vs paladin your death, DH vs warrior your death. …this is not about oh your are not skilled on your class. B’s! Rest of the classes defensives shields damage mitigation and self heal are way better!

And Blizz is giving us Glimpse??? Really? Who asked you for that??? Stop doing weird stuff. we are giving you exactly what it needed to be done. We are screaming at you Blizz and you can’t read, hear, see the message?

They have other dps specs they couyld play. DH has no other dps spec.


Pretty much this. Every class should have at least 1 well performing damage spec. I roll my eyes at the demo locks and arcane mages who complain about their spec being bad.

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10000000% agree with that. Half the time i pop blur/dark and still die to a rogues go.

well it seems that Blur in pvp is not currently working, some one swear that gives the 20% reductions, i dont belive it. and the chance to miss, if 50% is already low imagine if was 25%? (most pvp skills that are very strong they do 50% effeteness in pvp)

is terrible

I like being 97 percent health… pre blur , pre battle , pre cover dark… and getting globalled in a DR stun. I have no problem losing… I just wish my defensives actually did something…

And the most disgusting thing is… I alwayssss said darkness feels weird or blur feels weird… I have 10,000s of games played on him. And I guarantee something is not right with our defensives and the sad thing is… that if they do all of a sudden get fixed , we will never hear about it because itll be a ninja fix because stating out right that DH darkness or blur wasnt working as intended would just be humiliating…

And last but not least… Cover of darkness. I believe it is 70 percent chance not to take damage… Do you know the astronomical odds it would take to get hit by 8 attacks or spells in a row? It aint like most ppl think… for example lets call it 75 percent… Most ppl think if I hit you 4 times… Im guaranteed to hit u One time. Hence the 25 percent… But its not that… Trying flipping a weighted coin that is meant to land on heads 75 percent of the time… and tell me how many times… do u land on tales 8 times in a row. The math is madness. Something is not right.
end rant


we should be able to pop blur while in a stun, shamans can

  • Netherwalk (Talent) duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
  • Desperate Instincts (Talent) now triggers Blur at 50% reduced duration and 50% reduced cooldown when you fall below 35% health.

so we get one more second in a talent that no one, and never is been use.
and desperate Instincts give 25% dodge and 10% damage reduction? so whats the win there?

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What’s not right is your understanding of numbers and how probability works. It doesn’t stack and it doesn’t compound. Just the same as buying multiple lottery tickets doesn’t increase your probability of winning. Each ticket, or in this case attack has a 70% chance to be dodged. So for 8 attacks/spells you would have 8 70% calculations independent of each other.

Bad luck? Definitely. Crazy astronomical odds that you portray? No.