Buff Havoc DH, reminder everyday

Hey Blizz, what are you doing? Havoc needs some love and you guys are just going to make Havoc not viable anymore. If you are a DH lover and want Blizzard to fix this class, post in this thread and give some good ideas so we can give the devs some support. Come up with resolutions not complaints. Thanks!


Having just swapped to DH at the request of my guild, I’m pretty disappointed with the numbers output. But I really like the play style. Would love to just see 15% buff across the board.

And it would be great if Demonic became baseline.


I’d like some utility if not a dps boost. However a flat damage increase at least in ST would be nice.

Let’s see (note these are 1 or the other not all of them):

  1. Tune legendarys to change game play a bit while offering a dps increase. I love the concept of the momentum game play, so something that embraces that chaotic playstyle would be neat. Something like an overlapping damage buff based on distance moved during a fight.

  2. Make shard generation and collection a part of dps. Make shards give a stacking damage buff. Make demonic baseline and swap the talent so that metamorphosis increases the max stacks by some number and also suck in any existing shards.

  3. Fix mastery to increase all damage and add some leech not just chaos damage (lazy but at least makes us diversify our stats).

  4. Make demonic baseline and replace it with a talent that creates a stacking buff where all aoe damage done increases the damage of the next chaos strike, either by a flat amount or by a percentage of the damage done by aoe skills.

Ill try to think of more, this is FUN


yep, 10% leech!


Fun fact: there is a 25% difference between DH and Unholy (currently top DPS)



You guys need to understand that DH’s have always operated off of borrowed power in terms of high performance, the expansion just came out, there is barely any power to borrow, it will take a short amount of time and maybe a little tuning on the numbers, but DH will work itself back into being very strong, it is a unique class after all and statistically blizzard has never let an entire class sink into uselessness, also everyone who played DH at end of BFA, including me, were spoiled by ra-den slappers and 100% haste steroid every 30 seconds or less.


The slappy bois helped DH so much alone in both pvp and pve it was ridic.

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I’m sure there will be buffs after this week. If not, at least I leveled up my warrior to 60. Will take a week or two to gear and catch up but no biggie. At least by next week we’d know for sure if Blizzard abandoned Havoc DH’s (PvP and PvE).


i am ok with borrow powers and i am ok with balancing the classes, balance means you know 50% and 50% on both sides or some how 40-60 ish etc… the changes are like 10-90 in damage and survival compare to any other classes.

DH havoc was not balance was taken down by a lot, not sure in the alpha/beta doing end content, what the dev saw that they said, yep all classes are balance, we got 2 more months to work “polish/tune”… nope. they are ok, classes are balance.

and i think there are tunes for pve and for pvp, in pvp is hilarious to see a tank paladin with less HP and gear go into a fight and kill people with 3 or 4 hits, and self heal back to max and keep going, then you can see is not balance that a tank does more damage than a DPS spec. there are multiple examples like this that prof that the classes still and need more balance, not really think the gear as they say will make so much difference, in pvp, i had 25kHP, a rogue with 19kHP sap me and killed me in 2 hits even using one of the old trinkets where the spikes come from the ground in AOE, so not they are not balance, and not just DH, hunter double tapping and hitting 80% of some one HP?

if that’s the intent then yea, but is very boring and not satisficing having BGs where people die with even having to use the combo points/ finishers

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Sad thing is they are a 3 class spec… We have 2 we should be near the top not the bottom.


agree i mention that in another topic, since we have only 2 shouldn’t we very good at one or the other? and since not many people like to tank, lets say that some dps using DH only have one spec to play. compare to warriors, paladins druids (been the other classes that also contain a tank spec)

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One hundred percent my situation, and my feeling.


Spec needs a major redesign, imo. I miss enjoying it. Right now, every time i play it, it just feels like playing with lag all the time.


um have you seen the elysian decree numbers it’s ridiculously op

Havoc is a spec, not a covenant Capt. Derp.


Spec needs a major redesign, imo. I miss enjoying it. Right now, every time i play it, it just feels like playing with lag all the time.

That is EXACTLY how I feel. Like, there’s a huge GCD on every thing before I can do something again. My DPS was SO BAD in raid tonight, I didn’t get to stay. In BFA I was in the top. It’s just really hard to take because I’m not used to it.


Make first blood baseline.


Today doing mythical I realized that the demon hunters do more damage being revenge than chaos, and to see other characters with the same and lowest level of equipment as the mage, hunters,rosge, dk taking you over more than 60-100k of damage seems a joke to continue using that branch of talents.

As one of the only classes I enjoy in wow its very shameful of blizz to not even consider giving DH buffs… when prot pallies are out dpsing DH Havoc there is an issue…


Ya Havoc demon hunter is my main, I hate the state of the class right now. I’m so disappointed, I have invested a lot of time into this expansion already to have my main class basically unplayable. Even if we ignore the major dps problems, DH need to have at least some damn self healing. The class is garbage as of right now. Please Fix it.