Buff Havoc DH, reminder everyday

rofl they just nerfed dh again is this real life

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Not really a nerf, itā€™ll be a pve buff. Pvp will reduce 1 shot burst damage but with our sustained single target going up weā€™ll be fine on the damage side.

Chaos theory with the new 15% increased chaos strike base is going to be nasty.

this is a substantial pvp nerf. much of our kill opportunity is through the hunt.

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Yes Is a big big nerd!!! 5000 to 3?
For delay in 30sec! And you think they wonā€™t dispell it???

Dh is gone bad bad badā€¦

So for the Demon Hunter [Unnatural Malice] conduit change, hereā€™s where we are currently going from, with a 226 conduit (40% hunt damage):
637% AP initial + 227.7% AP dot per target to 455% AP initial and 318.78% AP dot per target. So the scaling would be:

Targets___9.0.5 Total %AP____9.1 Total %AP

While this is a hit to our single target and instant burst damage, hitting 2 targets makes the total damage dealt match the 9.0.5 total, and scales higher from there with more targets.

Basically seems to be a PvP nerf intended to stop insane burst from scaling out of higher levels of [Unnatural Malice] and higher AGI levels. Iā€™m hoping that with the buffs to DH sustained damage, this will not kill all viability in arena for usā€¦

I think if they added an explosion effect at the end of the hunt that applied the bleed to up to 5 nearby targets, cumulative with those added by the dash, that it would go a long way to help the Hunt feel better in general -but especially after this change- rather than have us run around like headless chickens for the second or two after Hunt trying to run through as many targets as we can to apply the bleedā€¦

Less damage, and now as a 30sec dotā€¦
Less unbound chaos, leech is so bad that is not even worthy. Blur stinks darknessā€¦

But 15%chaos strike will balance the classes??? No other class has been nerfed so so badā€¦ Really is incredible to think they donā€™t read the forums/ see the numbers/ proplayer not using the classā€¦???

Where you get the feedback? What community so I can go to it. What numbers/statistics blizz is looking at???

DH Is Usless!!!


The Dot is not 30 seconds. Itā€™s 6. The 30 second debuff is the leech part of the hunt.

The description of it I copied from my Shaman.

I think you need to stop playing DH. You clearly donā€™t understand how any of our abilities work.

While yes this is going to hurt the 1 shot burst, boring way to play weā€™ll have a static 15% more on chaos strike, stack that with Chaos theory in meta annihilation will be hitting about 7 or 8k. The dot from the hunt will tick for more, which if you hit your target on the stack youā€™ll apply it to everyone, if the healer is burning GCDs to dispel and you cant finish the target youā€™re just bad. Our single target will be fine. Itā€™s our defensive thatā€™s still trash but weā€™re not skyfalling bad.

I really donā€™t understand how will a 15% will provide 7 or 8k hits.

If the class dispel the hunt. Howā€™s that make a dh bad player? If is for 6 seconds most stuns are between 2 to 4 seconds. Plus one 1 of gcd to cast after hunt. So yes, enemies will very very easy van heal remove the buff and live another day.

I never saw the hunt as a aoe damage since the path and bonding box is extremely narrow. Yes hit stuff on the path but no one really use it for that. Was and is a single enemy burst damage.


I can hardly understand the point youā€™re trying to get across but i recommend watching some high level play videos. You canā€™t just go in and slam all your abilities and hope to win, you need to setup kills. Again our only issue currently is lack of survivability. We donā€™t have an effective way to get health back.

The annihilation damage at 7 to 8k will come from stacking the 50% damage increase from chaos theory lego on the new buff. I can already hit 5 to 6k per chaos in pvp. So in 2.5 seconds i can do 18k off annihilation alone, generally fights go immo aura > hunt > fel rush > blade dance > fel eruption > eye beam > if chaos theory proc off first blade dance dump on annihilation if by blade dance again then dump dead target.

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Thatā€™s part of the point, you currently at 224, with several sockets you as a dh do damage that other classes can easy do at 200 ilevel.
Point 2 is that the rest of the classes defensives can keep them alive for so so much longer And they can survive big hits.
While a warrior can get 30%hp in a single hit. A dh to get 30%ohp has to be in demonic and hitting constantly for more than 20secs. So with 25%leach 20secsā€¦ we get the same hp that a warrior get in one gcd. And dh only have 6sec metaā€¦ Means only 6secs at25%leach then back to just 5%leech. Eye demon is also on 30sec cd. Same as the warrior 30%hp skill

Impeding victory vs soul rending?

The damage that dh does and the low value of leach is no way ā€œbalanceā€ with the rest of the classes.

Bruh what. Stop downplaying this nerf, this just made dh in pvp far more of a joke.


This is exactly why i said our damage isnā€™t the problem, itā€™s our lack of ability to sustain/defend ourselves.

Iā€™m not downplaying anything, this on top of UBC damage reduction is going to hurt our burst pretty good but i hate the burst meta so much Iā€™ll be glad to see it go. If we get some kind of defensive or heal out of 9.1 Iā€™ll be thrilled. If we see no other changes we wont see our lot in arena/rbg change.

I am fine with removing the huge bust. But they have to do it for all classes! Not just dh.

Paladin, warrior, enhancement, element, rogue, warlock etcā€¦ If they remove all the insta kill for all thatā€™s fine. Is not right that dh Cant defend himself and canā€™t do any damage beside the huntā€¦

Yes! They keep nerfing dh so bad. And we donā€™t even get a valid explanation, or seeing YouTubers saying dh is in a great spot. We know the numbers, we play the game, we do the Sims. We get kill in pvp etcā€¦ So where does blizz come up with this changes?

What youtubers say weā€™re in a great spot? PvE weā€™re ok. I almost always am top overall in m+ and can top most fights and i hit top 5 in raid easy, some fights number 1. PvP we are pretty bad, I havenā€™t found any good teammates to push high ratings but I puged 1800 in rbgs. Not saying the class is where it should be but itā€™s not impossible to be good as havoc.

The ones that play other classes and enjoy the free HKs =P


The only builds Iā€™ve saw any good are fb/db with first blood and burning wound leggo.

the aoe build just doesnt compare.

This, one of the top dh pvp streamers literally names himself dogsh!!class in the dps meter. We are predictable, with an insane lack of defensives and most of our utility is inside of pvp talents. In fact way too much of it is. If they want to buff havoc some of that stuff should be baked in. Take the new glimpse talent, why the hell is that in competition with our only ms effect, a decent cc, reverse magic and an rng defensive? You know what is super fun? Playing 2s and seeing a rogue blind my healer with a full energy pool while my healers trinket is down, predicting his burst I pre pop darkness at 92% health with 31% vers and still get killed inside a single fkn kidney. Then idiots have the audacity to say ā€œhavoc is totally fine broā€. It is idiotic and if you really think about it almost all of our defensives are predictive as well as weak. We cant bubble out of stuns, we cant spam cc to stop goes, we can port, we dont have huge absorbs, we dont have 100% parry as well as a 30% damage reduction and our one invuln doesnt even let us use an ability while its active. No self heals, nothing. It is triggering af how much our kill potential has to be enabled by our partners. If i play my shaman i can carry a straight up scrub to 1800 all day, but on my dh i completely rely on my team mate to not be an idiot. We have mobility with no snare like every other class so all i do is fel rush in just to be kited anyway.

It really sucks too because the core design of this class is honestly super fun to me but blizzard seems determined to keep us C-tier at best.


Dh have zero defenses!!! Zero!!!
Blur is not a defense is a pray to the Sky.
Darknessā€¦ Is just like driving in from of the church and make a wish to survive.
No leach! No self heal! Forcing to play always soul rending and demonic :frowning: and get 200ish hp per sec for 6 secondā€¦