Buff Havoc DH, reminder everyday

I disagree everyone understands how odds work the problem is most ppl dont understand how rng works. If i buy 10 lotto tickets with each one having a 70% chance to win you are more than likely to get a winning ticket. The same method can be used with a chance to absorb damage by 70%. Its a crap skill and no one wants rng in their def talents. Name other classes that have this same rng crap? Our two def cd’s have rng, its a crapshoot.

I always hear people lay claim to probabilities and numbers they dont work the same way in video games when it comes to skills. We should have weighted probabilities if anything. I dont care if its 50% absorb for every other skill ir needs to be better.

Ok the person I replied to said numerous things that screamed a lack of understanding. So disagree all you want but what they said was just simply wrong.

Sure, but again, no guarantee by any means.

Never defended the skill. Or rng.

lol mmk :+1:

People use Netherwalk in PvP

Shamans can’t

Ones who play with a healer sure. The people who enjoy 20 min games thats fine but no leech = dead. Plus netherwalk can be stunned and slowed…

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So 99% of dh? Where did you get the idea that dh is viable or common in arena without a healer?

What are you even talking about?

Bruh do you even know what netherwalk is? Why would anyone waste a stun on it outside of maybe trying to interrupt a first aid cast or something?

re read… what i wrote… I said the same thing u did? lol I was saying other ppl dont understand that its not stacking… Try reading what i wrote before you say i dont understand… makes u look foolish.

Okay. So you agree people use it in PvP. That was my only point :stuck_out_tongue:

No you didnt.

It isn’t astronomical.

Here you try to compare something with an inherent 50% chance to a 70% chance by saying it’s "weighted " which is not at all accurate and a horrible way to describe something that’s more likely to happen.

And your assertion is…

Which is not right given the context of what you imply is wrong with it.

So no, we aren’t saying the same thing at all. The fact we agree most ppl dont understand probability doesn’t mean a thing since I’m putting you in that group based on the things you said.

Your the only one looking foolish chief.

no we dont

I get that idea because i ran double DH since legion and got 2k in 2s? Legion and BFA actually. SL has sucked im sorry I dont want to run healer dps I know im not going to get glad probably will not break 2k which is fine but im able to compete in the race.

Yes… yes we do. Demon Hunters do use Netherwalk for PvP. Perhaps not at all times, but it’s a frequently used talent in PvP.

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Y’all were down right retarded since their conception, you got too comfortable with them being completely broken for years and now y’all cry. Lel

SL fire mage is still less broken that legion-bfa DH lol

Clearly you have no clue what your talking about. Legion Dh was never busted. It wasn’t even the top dps once in Legion and throughout legion it was only iirc about 3 dh in the top 100 of 3s. As for BfA we weren’t even truly broken till the introduction of trait stacking on azerite and corruption combined which didn’t didn’t come till the last patch. WE synegerized well, but so did other classes.


What? rwae

I don’t really think we are getting stronger after patch, removing 100% from unbound. Adding 15% to our resource gather skill and one spender. Plus hunt now been a dot… Even with so so much hate you get one extra dot … In pvp will be terrible since they easily can heal that dot.

Getting 5% more leech in not meta sounds good. But we still get the same amount in meta. Will take like 20secs to get the 30%hp that other classes get in one global cd.

Alright, let’s go through this again since it bears repeating. Havoc is perfectly fine the way it is. Anyone saying anything to the contrary doesn’t play havoc to its fullest and is complaining they are weak. Havoc needs gear, one of the few classes that rely heavily on getting good gear to do damage. Hence why we’ve gotten an 8% buff going from BFA to SL. And now this new buff, which is 4% overall damage. The 100% UBC damage nerf is entirely because of p1 mythic sire, and that’s it. It’s still your best tool for cleave and ST if you line it up well.

Still behind in dps :frowning: by other classes with 10 item levels below.

Pvp, still easy target. Blur is still inferior. Don’t really feel much diference on the leech shifted to non meta times.
Even with moon pvp talent getting 35% leech can’t compete with other classes instant heals. What you guys think?

that’s a you problem. git gud