Buff Havoc DH, reminder everyday

zoom zoom zoom, make my heart go boom boom, my supernova girl.


Hey look - those are buffs on that PTR

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That interesting new PvP talent though.

  • [Glimpse (New)] Vengeful Retreat provides immunity to loss of control effects, and reduces damage taken by 75% until you land. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires DemonHunter. Requires level 10.

camp anawana?

do you know of such thing?

I had to YouTube it, holy godā€¦ lol

hehe, i is old :frowning:

Same lol 34 to be exact. AGE is a manmade construct! we are all as old or young as we want to be :stuck_out_tongue:

Except when I wake up in the morning, then I legit feel 75.

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imagine what its going to feel like when your actually 75 :smiley:
Better start doing yoga! :rofl:

Yeah I plan to stay active and continue strength training as I age, so as not to be like my grandfather, basically canā€™t move much at all lol.

Ever watched the YouTube videos on the worlds oldest male and female "body builders"?

Itā€™s actually insane how active we can continue to be into ā€œoldā€ age if we just keep moving.

Hydrate. Thatā€™s like 80%.

How are we discussing this and not the massive buffs havoc just got on the PTR??

and felblade?

bump hoping to see changes

You canā€™t get buffs if you donā€™t hydrate, thatā€™s important stuff you see.

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Buff / revamp mastery
Make darkness an aura like immolation aura

Honestly, the mastery mechanic is fine, itā€™s just been insultingly undertuned for years now.

Ooo, I rather like that idea. Iā€™d also rather like Darkness to be a bit more reliable, though. Perhaps they could take a page out of that new Niya trait. Something like:

Instant - 3 min Cooldown

Shroud yourself in darkness for 8 sec. Any damage sustained by you or allies within 10 yards grants an absorb shield to all affected allies for 15% of the total damage sustained, divided evenly. Shield lasts for 8 sec.

Itā€™s not just straight DR, separating it from things like AMZ and PW: Barrier, but it still functions as a sort of DR. It works against spiky or random damage that only hits a portion of the raid at a time, by evenly splitting the shield.

And to clarify the mechanism, for every hit that happens, it adds up the total damage suffered by raid members in range (accounting for DR but not for absorbs, so absorbed damage still ā€œcountsā€, but damage negated or reduced by DR and immunities does not), then applies an absorb shield equal to 15% of that split evenly across all of the people in range. Effectively, everyone gets an absorb shield equal to 15% of the average damage taken from each hit. Damage events thereafter, if the shield survives, add to and refresh the shield (though this would only occur if you take a large hit followed by much smaller hits, such a Sledgefistā€™s pillar slam followed by the general ticking damage).

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I like this idea. But tweak it a bit

Keep what you have but make it so that if your the only one in darkness it increases the shield you get. This way its helpful if we are solo we have been targeted by a boss and about to take a hit we can pop it and negate more dmg.

Or make darkness like a turtle shield hunters have, so that makes us immune to all damage but we cant attack

I mean, we already have Blur, and Iā€™d rather not encourage a raid CD to be used as a personal, because honestly that makes it feel like a personal that gets weaker if youā€™re near others. Thatā€™s basically like having, say, Feint have a bit where if anyone else is within 10 yards, you only get 20% AoE reduction instead of 40%, but they also get 20%. If you needed that 40%, it feels bad to have the benefit halved because someone else was nearby.

Thatā€™s why keeping them separate is valuable, and why we have Blur in the first place. Iā€™d be fine with a PvP talent to improve it, akin to the existing one for Darkness, but not as part of the baseline.


Nether walk you canā€™t attack for 5 sec. Other classes have the shield with a very good amount of absorbtion and they can attack at the same time.

Sure, but he was asking for Darkness to work like Aspect of the Turtleā€¦which Netherwalk, for the most part, does.

Iā€™m not saying that Havocā€™s defensives are amazing, just that that particular ask is nonsensical. Darkness is intended to be a raid defensive. Blizzard isnā€™t going to turn it into a personal defensive.

Also, itā€™s a bit questionable comparing to hunter on the defensive department, considering hunters are unquestionably one of the squishiest specs in the game. A recent Wowhead article covered that, iirc, showing that hunters have one of the highest deaths-per-boss ratios in the game atm.