Buff Havoc DH, reminder everyday

Paladins can with BoF, warriors can with BS. DK’s have DA but you have to know your going to be hit with a snare so you can pop it before hand.

So they have a spammable baseline snare, which DH doesn’t have, point proven.

No Shamans have two slows an aoe slow and frost shock. And if we talent into it we have a slow

Snares are abilities that stop movement ie Frost Nova, or frost dk’s pvp talent Deathchill how it alters two of frost dk’s abilities that freezes you in place.

A little late to this party/thread, but I do agree.
With one tank spec and one DPS spec, and a seeming high reliance on borrowed powers to be viable in DPS spec, the class itself feels undertuned compared to the others.
As much as I’d like to see a DPS spec added (more ranged focus), Havoc feels underwhelming. I have to play Vengeance just to survive, but I “want” to play Havoc.
I do agree that since DH is limited to two specs, it really shouldn’t be too low on the charts. I don’t expect it to always be the best, but a little above the middle of the road feels more acceptable.

I do not want to go off topic but what I would like to see is a 3rd spec for dh. A ranged dps spec. only one class has melee dps ranged and tank and that is druid.

Can we get more leach??? We can’t even get a 30% of our hp back in meta. How we can compete with a paladin shamans hunters etc … That have, with shields and heals like up to 3 hp bars at the end?

  • More leech, both base and in meta, would be awesome.
  • Making First Blood baseline would go a long way toward helping our mechanics
  • We also need a strait up dps buff. We’re in a pretty sad place right now when it comes to damage…
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I’ve been playing DotA 2. It’s got all the thrills and kills of arena/bgs, but lacks the open world chillin’ I came to love in WoW.

In any event, I won’t be back to Azeroth or the SL until havoc feels better. Global cooldowns and heavy nerfs with nothing new, nothing buffed (other than token stuff, or the half-baked special that is the Hunt), nothing given, only taken by blizzard’s dev team w/r/t havoc. Sad stuff man.

Matematicly , with demonic and leech at 25% you can’t get a hp bar back for a fight :frowning:. I did explain the numbers in another thread

We need to fix the way how we general fury. To have an attack that does next to no damage and the only reason we use it is to general fury is boring and useless.
Rogue and hunter have passive focus regen and also their abilities that does generate focus does something. Feral druid have talents that have a chance to refund per combo point they use their finisher. Also they have cleanse proc as passive that allows them to use their abilities at on focus cause. Fury warrior can general rage easily and they have one attack the use fury. The rest is on CD or have charge. Their play style is very smooth and fun to play. Their talents and abilities worka well together. WW so your next two ST abilities also does cleave damage to 5 enemies. Is fun to press it. Heck even ret pally have lots of abilities to generate holy power to use on their big ST or AoE attack. I can generate more holy power than I have time to spend it on m not to mention there is a chance their big hitter don’t consume the holy power.

Demon bite is boring to press it doesn’t do a thing other than general fury to spend it eye beam and chaos strike. We either need more abilities like fury warrior that’s on CD and doesn’t cause fury or have something like feral druid where our chaos strike or blade have a chance not to consume any fury. It makes it more fun. Also buff our ST. Is very lacking. And please don’t focre us onto using feel rush as a damage dealer via unbound chaos. Some dungeons and raid Boss is impossible to use them or platform on ToP , last boss in plague fall and a few other ones. You didn’t make ret pally reply on their divine steel, furry warrior charge or heroic leap, feral druid dash or leap do damage or even rouge dash do damage. You didn’t make mage blink do primary damage. So why are you forcing DH to do this?

I kinda stopped playing and began a ps5 hunt cause of this. This expac was such a turn off that I don’t think I’ll come back but buff dh for the people who stuck it out man for the love of god


Would like a buff to Mastery, if they cant rework our class, at least bring back our Mastery to what it was in Legion, that way our Chaos Damage matters when we spam Chaos Strike, maybe then it wont hit like a spaghetti noodle

I 100% agree with making demonic baseline. And a 2 min cooldown on meta. Single target damage has gotta be one of the worst in the game. The class really isnt viable in raids at all.


I got a ps5. I highly recommend Demon Souls and Ghosts of Tsushima. Ghosts is a ps4 game but its upscaled on PS5.

You know, that’s my only thing, I feel like if you don’t use First Blood, and don’t press Blade Dance, things feel very boring. First blood should just be a passive IMO. I love the fel blade / Demon Blades combo, feels more natural to me, i hate pressing Demon Bite when I play Blind Fury / Demons Bite build in M+. Maybe it’s just because Demons Bite doesn’t feel good to press? I don’t know… feels like it slows things down?

I wouldn't mind another button to press, if they made Fel blade, Demon Blades the standard way demon hunters play (aka no demons bite ever).

Maybe they need to bring back the legion version of Fel Barrage, I Loved it! I dunno, feel like Blizzard got lazy with Demon Hunters IMO. I mean there are soo many talents that I feel should just be passives…

Meta 2 MIN yes please!

first blood baseline why isnt already?

buff to mastery or Chaos strike , ST is a problem still , fix it come 9.1 or the class is doomed.

some kind of proc or a new skill …the class is in dire need of something new and fresh.

its DH u can go with almost anything

oh …Darkness should work like DK bubble btw…would be cool for M+ and Raids.

i would love to see a killing spree DH version its one of my fav skills and DH makes sense having a skill like that (for bursting 1 target with multiple attacks or multiple targets )


Is not the amount of buttons. We need leach to survive and blur needs to revert to values in bfa.

All the rest of the classes can /have skills for that. Shield and a button to self heal minimum 30%hp as baselines.

Dh has to and is been force for soul rending and demonic. And that’s nothing in a pvp battle my max is 1800 with 220itemlevels. That’s 400hp per second… at 35k hp that’s like 4min!! Same as the meta cd… How we can survive?

I’m a newer DH player, and I find the class thoroughly enjoyable and engaging.

I never really engaged the class in previous expansions (major regret, especially about the mage tower) - but I feel as if the speed, mobility and utility of the class have to come at a cost, somewhere.

While I would love to see DH ST damage improve a lot, I don’t know if it’s a possibility - because then what are the real weakness the class has?

This is a 30,000-ft view, and really focuses on Raid and M+ style play. I have no experience with DH PvP.

Trust me there are plenty of weaknesses besides low single target damage. How about the fact that everything in the kit is based on RNG? Cycle, Darkness, Blur, fury gen. How about the fact that dh’s only form of self-heal is leach?

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At 220 I can get up 4800dps when a warrior at 210 did 6k.