BTags and Account Wide Ignore Demands

You mean only the one post, and the rest removed from Blizzard after you deleting them to evade in getting a forum suspension.


It keeps getting liked by enough people to counter the flagging done.

So what it really means is you are getting liked enough that the people reporting you are being proven as trolls and false flaggers.

And if you think there are people watching any of this, you are deeply mistaken. These people know it too. And they abuse it.

Also, checking out of teh topic. Have fun. And good luck with your vault, peeps.

I donā€™t play those other games, neither do I post on their forums. We arenā€™t talking about them. This forum is the only one I am concerned with.

Because it hasnā€™t been used here and does not need to be used here. 99% of the problems people want the btag to solve can be solved with an account wide ignore, which doesnā€™t need a visible btag and Iā€™m all for.

They didā€¦over on discord. I was there. I saw their abject obsession witth THIS forum
I went over there thinking weā€™d be getting away from this drama here, but the very people causing drama HERE literally came over to that discord and the person who set it up welcomed them with open arms and the discord literally turned into the same exact problem here that I thought we were escaping. lol

I complained that it was starting there, was pretty much told to stifle. so I quit.

They were OBSESSED with GD here and its members, doing the same thing baridor is doing over on twitter, taking THIS forums contents and rattling on about it off site.

There is NO WAY I want someone who behaves like that having my IN GAME PUBLIC IDā€¦which they clearly DONT have or they wouldnt want it so badly in here

But they wont settle for less than SEEING your Btag. A few of them arent hardcore on that detail, so I appreciate that, but why they stand with those who insist on it confuses meā€¦they dont see eye to eye on the issue and should make sure not to be on the side thats making this into something it doesnt need to be.

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Iā€™ve seen people wish death on others. Iā€™ve seen them tell people to off themselves multiple times and in multiple ways. Iā€™ve seen some vile things said to people.

So yes, it is needed.

Blocking someone who annoys you, harasses you or trolls you is a basic right that everyone should have. However, with the way this place is set up, itā€™s easy for the person being ignored to just hop characters and continue their childish, rude behavior. If someone is being messed with, they should be allowed to ignore and move on, NOT have to ignore 30 times because someone can alt hop at the press of a button.

I will support account wide ignore and battle tags until my dying breath because itā€™s needed to get rid of trolls, abuse and harassers.


Donā€™t we tend to blur/crop license plates when we make posts on social media though? Seems like thatā€™s the etiquette around that.

I mean my address is also right there on my door but that doesnā€™t mean my workplace should share it with anyone that asks.


I donā€™t have a problem if it is in the front or back but either way it btags are our public id for all things Blizzard no matter what games we do or do not play or forums we do or do not use .

There is no reason for the wow forums to be any different in how they operate compared to other Blizzard forums.

Btags can not be used to trace players in the real world because they should not contain any real life information like name , address etct .

If they do then a person should change their btag (first one is free)

Knowing a personā€™s btag means nothing if a friend request has not gone out and been accepted and most will not accept a request from a stranger.

So once again give me an acctual reason why there would be a problem with btags being used here and please give something more then trust me or itā€™s private info when Blizz says itā€™s public


Slams table THANK YOU!


You know what you are right.

It is more public than I give it credit for. I donā€™t play Blizzardā€™s other games so to me it isnā€™t a public thing. Thatā€™s why I get angered. In purely my situation it isnā€™t public because I make it that way.

I apologize. You are right there. I am only looking at the way I see the facts as they pertain to my specific situation and wasnā€™t taking into consideration the reality of the btags use.


its an asinine comparison.
EVERYONE sees my tags on the roadā€¦but if I know some joker at walmart is acting badly, Im NOT going to tell him my car tag number so he can find me once Im outside lmao.

Dude literally trashed his own point lol

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How would you know you ignore that account name if you canā€™t see the account name?

For all we know, you think all my characters are different accounts.

If you want to eliminate people checking (as normal people do on a public website on the internet), btags is the way to go. It clears up confusion and makes it simple. :+1:

I canā€™t. There is no reason beyond, because I donā€™t want it to be. Because I felt it was something I had control over being taken from me.

From what I can see, it is mostly hyperbole by a few very-high-post-count forum addicts. They act like sockpuppeting, death threats, and suggestions to self-harm are out of control and a constant menace here.

Look around for yourself. That is obviously not the case.

They also seem to believe that ignoring and reporting offenders is somehow useless. They talk in circles and say the same things over and over.

A few anecdotes of people being meanies around here seems to prove everything for them.


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Uh, what? If Blizzard connects all of those characters under one account wide ignore and announces it then why would there be any reason to believe you arenā€™t ignoring the whole account other than baseless paranoia?

This. They constantly bring up a specific, singular, notorious troll and project that one personā€™s behavior across the entire forum.


Weā€™ve never had control over our btags other then the name part and the ability to either accept or deny friend requests from other players .

The numbers that follow the name and what they are used for have always been under Blizzardā€™s control .

Donā€™t say nonsense, and i wouldnā€™t do so.

Also for somebody who has me on ignore, youā€™ve willingly came to my thread and pretty much supported it with oyur agruments that hurt your point.

You mustā€™ve freaked out to know that internet is public.

ā€¦What you think iā€™m going to do with the btags that you havenā€™t done to yourself? If anything, the posts only show youā€™re an example not to follow.

Interesting how when people are flagging you, i donā€™t hear the whole ā€œMods will handle itā€ like you guys told to meā€¦ :thinking:

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If they are being restored then the mods are handling it. They just arenā€™t handling it to your desires.

Not getting the outcome you desire != no moderation whatsoever.

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It is embarrassing how many people take the bait in these threads.


Iā€™m not asking Blizzard, iā€™m asking you.

How would i know if iā€™m ignoring your account, and not just your character without btags?

Answer that without saying ā€œOh well actuskshall Blizzardā€“ā€. If you canā€™t, then you have no answer on why we canā€™t have btags.

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another joke argument. lol.
The ignore would be handled by the software.
If that poster doesnt know how this works, lolā€¦he really should just stop talking about it

IF they did it the way the should, you ignore liolang here and EVERY other posting character on this Bnet would also then be ignored for you.
He knows thats how it would be set up to work so you dont need to go looking to make sure. lol.

Theyre hyperbolic because like the gun controllers I deal with they NEED to exaggerate problem X so they then can justify the ā€˜fixā€™ for it. lol

This forum is literally sedate until the T sorts showā€¦or this btag crap gets a new thread.