BTags and Account Wide Ignore Demands

yes they can, they can see edits. At least what I have read from the Discourse software documentation


you’d think.
Youd think the fact that we are all clearly adults here would matter too, lol.
its just a game…its just a forum…but with the ongoing behavior from some I realllly dont need them having my IN GAME PUBLIC ID and their demanding it is seriously subject to suspicion given they all KNOW they dont need it for anything here.

It’s ok, it is time to calm down.

Maybe reading this will get your mind off the topic. Like, seriously, you really need to calm down. You’re getting really worked up over one small thing.

Public definition

Under the authority of the government or belonging and available to the people; not private

But what’s hilarious, with the battle net ID on the forums 1 would technically be more anonymous… especially if they didn’t add your toon name… because no one can look you up…in raider io or anything.

I don’t want it… you can keep it.

I’m happy with just a name… no noms. /shrug


No it is not your in game public id .

According to Blizz it is your everything Blizzard Public ID .

If it was only an in game id for wow it would not be used like it is in all their other games and forums.

Just becasue you say it is your wow in game id only does not make it so .
Also the fact the term Public is used means there is no expectation of privacy .


It is mine. I do not own it but that does not mean that it is not mine. I pay for the use of it. Until I stop paying for its use it is mine in ever way that matters. If you rent an apartment is it not yours? Sure, its legal owner is the landlord. But so long as you are paying money for its use it is yours.

That is their right yes. Doesn’t mean I have to like it or accept it. Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t speak up against it if I feel it is wrong.

Correct. And it is entirely possible I might do that. I’ve done it in the past when Blizz did things I didn’t agree with.

Except it’s not designed to be public information. Public information is just that, available to the public. The public does not know my btag. The only people who know my btag are people I give it to.

I’m not trying to change any facts.

If Blizz decides to make btags public on this forum then I might do that. Or I might just stop posting.

Yes you are. You made the insinuation that I only post on this alt because I have something to hide and that public btags on the WoW forums would hurt me.

Did I say you would do that? No I did not. I said I post on this alt so that people can’t can’t do that. Not that I had any belief that you personally did such a thing.

Lol. My post count on this toon might not be that high but I’ve been here for damn near 20 years and if you honestly believe that, then you are naive.

That argument is THE worst one they come up with lmao.
My Btag isnt mine…and its NOT HIS to see because he wants to, lol
It IS MY account information that the company provides.
That poster ISNT entitled to see MY account information… period

It’s not that there is an overwhelming level of toxic players, but that people don’t take the hint.

There is nothing wrong with account-wide ignore. You don’t need to justify the functionality. It should just be standard. A toxic player isn’t going to be any less toxic on another toon, and the levels of immaturity that the gaming community is capable of is monumental.

I have not been the recipient of directed toxicity, but I am firmly in the camp of giving folks the tools necessary to ensure their own gaming experiences are enjoyable. And it’s better to have the fine “tuning knob” of a player handling their own experience than using the automated reporting system that is so easily abused.

Personally, I rarely use /ignore because that typically feeds into a troll’s “persecution complex” and gives them negative reward, and I have not the patience to be a part of that inner narratives. But for a lot of folks, all they want to do is play the game in peace, and not be rattled by immature players who think that trash talking strangers is somehow “cool." And if players can’t learn to be civil in an MMORPG, then maybe the “time out” that account-wide ignore offers will help disabuse them of that entitlement.

But then I was 40 when I started playing WoW, and have never been a gamer before that – so I have a different set of expectations as far as interpersonal communications.

I mean, you can try and speak up against it if Blizzard went for it, but Blizzard would just laugh and just continue doing it. This isn’t like the RealID fiasco where trying to use personal information, because even if someone tried taking Blizzard to court for using the BattleTags on the forums, the courts would even laugh.

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It’s just people who are incapable of handling their more baser instincts, are more likely to scream into the void until even the emptiness feels bad enough to indulge them.

I have been called literally every slur in the book. Never once thought it was really worth my time because I am likely never going to see them again. Just ignore them and move on.
If you see them again, just mentally ignore them and be the better person.

I always complained back in the day about how hard it was to find a group for Mythic + and how so many people would toss insults if you even slightly underperformed.
People always told me “don’t worrya bout it, you will never see them again so just ignore them and move on”…

so, where are those people now, to tell these people to ignore and move on?
They just want things. There are way better places to go.
They could make their own private subreddit and invite people to it and have complete control.

But instead, they want to come in here and force their ideals and desires on to other people. And they work in a group, and will come in and mass report anybody who points out what they are doing or who disagree with them even a little bit.

That’s all I have to say. Bookmark this and watch it go away here soon enough, once those same people come in here and get mad at me for just pointing out their actions and hypocrisy. Watch them come up with some vague interpretation of how I did a violation, despite nothing I said being anything even close to. I have seen it happen to over a hundred posts at this point, all by people hard-pushing for this account-wide ignore thing.

My last bit? They are just mad that people with alts are coming in and catching them in their lies and drama on the foroums. Some of these people literally alt hop to pretend to be 7 different people just to start drama, but then the second somebody else does it to call out their drama they get mad and mass report and silence anybody who disagrees with them. It’s wild to watch simple posts get derailed by them, only for them to turn around and report the crap out of the op or random people in the thread who dared to oppose them.


Im 110% for an account wide ignore in here. sign me up.
Im just against letting these folks SEE MY IN GAME ID in HERE.
Theyre already blasting our stuff HERE over on twitter.
Are we naive enough to actually think the second they have your Btag they wont be blasting that on twitter and discord too?
They will.

Yep. and I that point I would stop being a paying customer.

Correct. But they would lose a customer. And I doubt they would lose enough to care.

Doesn’t mean I have to like or accept it.

i think that btags would not be good for the forums, respectfully.


Why would you have a problem with them using it for the wow forums , when they have been using for their other forums for years?

What makes it a problem for using it here as a player id ,that i doesn’t for all the other Blizzard froums ?


The BattleTag doesn’t require payment to use. It’s a Blizzard ID. That means people playing Hearthstone have a BattleTag too, even without ever needing to pay a dime for it.

That’s it’s primary reason for existence. As a public ID that you can share without needing to use your real name or account name.

That’s all you’re doing.


Thats exactly what theyve been doing.
ive had numerous posts in this thread flagged and restored.
one seems to have been restored multiple times at this point.
Moderation cant enjoy being trolled by these folks, Im sure.

they cant handle being proven wrong or disagreed with so they blast our posts made HERE over on twitter…then follow you around flagging posts they KNOW dont violate any rules just hoping something will stick.

Been watching this group for two years now…its the same nonsense every time


It is up to you. It is not for me to decide on what you chose to do, it is not for me to decide on what Blizzard does, we’re just human beings from all over the world, all sitting behind a computer, paying for a license to use Blizzard’s service.

Then why are you deleting your own posts?


Imma throw this out there…IF they want that much control, just go to Reddit and make your own subreddit.

Prove to everybody just how popular your idea is by getting like minded people to come together for a common cause. Then they can control everything. They can see who joins and leaves. They can stop certain language from being used, they can allow or prevent any topic from being discussed.

Or they can keep coming in here and expecting a soulless corporate entity to care one iota about the ignore function.

They can do something in a real way that doesn’t make other people cater to their demands, or they can keep complaining and doing nothing to help themselves in a real way that actually solves the problem.

Now, don’t mistake me. I am all for account wide ignore. I just don’t care either.
I don’t start problems with people, and people trend towards not starting problems with me. I also just don’t like people being disingenuous.