BTags and Account Wide Ignore Demands

They’re not all being restored tho. Quite a few are gone now.

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Well I see this thread is starting to devolve .

Well to those I responded to we may not have agreed but I hope I was at least civil in my interactions with you.

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Battlenet wide account ignore. A button that says ignore this person’s entire bnet account.

If I ignore you on this toon, it automatically ignores you on all toons on all accounts associated with your battlenet. I don’t need to know your bnet for the forum program to ignore you everywhere.

If all your characters are on different bnet accounts then knowing the btag for one of those bnet accounts doesn’t help me to know those other characters are yours.



I blame Liolang for pretty much obessing over me lol.

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Because you will have been told at that point by the forum operators that this is the system in place.

Little of column A, little of column B. Still means mods are handling it, innit?

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:
they ARE handling it or nothing would have been restored.
they also removed the posts I deleted, so they ARe on the job even if that side is accusing them of evidently being incompetent (?)

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Imagine having a civil discussion with anyone in GD :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Then ignore them and stop taking the bait

I try . Not always successful and usually when I se my self not being so civil I know it is time to ignore said person .

Now if I could only have a way to ignore all of their wow characters in just 1 easy click.


He can’t help himself because this whole topic is bait for his Twitter feed anyhow.

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Not entirely true. Like I said, if a person only plays WoW, the only way that anyone else can learn your btag is for that person to give it out. That is a form of control.

the ones that are gone are ones i deleted. I got my point across to those I meant to and unlike some in here I dont like trolling moderation or wasting their time.
I delete so they dont have to waste the time dealing with reading it just to restore like they did others in BOTH of these last two threads.

Moderation is doing their jobs just fine and we all know it.
They dont need anyone else in here keeping anyone ‘accountable’.

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Oh I agree completely. I just noticed there were some posts towards the start that seemed to be in response to another post that I definitely couldn’t find so…only conclusion is they went poof

So… Your hypothetical situation is Blizzard tells us they’ve linked forum activity to the account instead of the character, and you what? just don’t believe them? Think they’re lying? To what purpose?

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Fun fact: if you eat tacos, you forget everyone exists and become happy c:

But how do you know it’s the account it’s ignored if you don’t know the name?

Your confidence is pretty unfounded.

No, i said, you think that. And that’s what the software thinks currently.

You see the btag, you ignore the btag, the btag is ignored. Meaning all the chars on that btag are ignored including new ones. Simple, done and over.

So you have no answer then.

Btags stay then.

Bruh, their ignoring me.

and their the same ones that willingly went to my thread and spammed like 110 comments. lol. It’s THEM that should be ignoring me, and they did a terrible job at it.

Don’t say nonsenscial things and people won’t laugh or think little of you. It’s only your fault and nobody else’ for sharing.

Might be time to swap out the aluminum foil for lead. Or stop doing business with a company you seem to have zero trust in.

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I REALLY hope moderation followed the links to his twitter and saw the behavior.
I wish I hadnt been thru multiple PCs since that discord thing because now I dont have the link anymore. Id be more than happy to share it with moderation so they can see first hand the personality types we’re dealing with in here and precisely THE reason why we dont want them having our license tag in here that is our ID out in the game world…to borrow someone elses ridiculous analogy

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Tacos are so last week. Gyros are where it’s at now.

Not true .

Say I was to go to your server and say you were on Floyd and I found you .

I could click on FLoyd for a friend request and I would be given the option of either character server friend ( which I could do without you knowing and track Floyd all over Azeroth ) or battlenet friend .

The latter would give me access to your btag without you actually giving me it but there would be nothing I could do unless you accepted my btag friend request.

How. Dare you.