BTags and Account Wide Ignore Demands

My guess is someone wants to get trust level 3

Try again when you can respond to what I actually said.

What they actually mean is ā€œI donā€™t want people to have my all things Blizzard Public id (since it is used for much more then the gameā€ because having it available would allow others to be able to ignore them on an encount level instead of a by character level.

People like that donā€™t want it because it allows them to jump from character to character bypassing peoples ignore pretty much without impunity .


I was pretty clear aboveā€¦

stop trying to get MY PUBLIC IN GAME IDā€¦and I wont have anything to talk about in these joke threads.

Yes, itā€™s a Blizzard ID that gives less information about your characters than the existing character-server format we have now. Yet theyā€™re acting like people will be able to do all sorts of nefarious things with this decreased amount of information.

I just donā€™t want to keep having to constantly ignore someone.

Like one and done thatā€™s it.


Keyword public,

Do you rage about license plates?


Iā€™d like an account wide ignore mostly because of posters like the T-Squad and the ā€œwarthinā€ troll. They need to improve the forums generally so you canā€™t see topics posted by people you have ignored for example.

I donā€™t want to see their battle tag, I just want the end-user experience of ignoring someone in game or on here to be like a thanos snap, them and all their alts may as well not exist to me. If you have decided to ignore someone why would you need to see their battle tag? just make them VANISH blizzard its not that hard.

((Also in game the ignore list is very small when compared to the ratio of dingdongs that need ignoring so account wide ignore would be very helpful if they insist on never expanding the number of players I can ignore. Global ignore list addon lets me ignore more people, but it doesnā€™t prevent me from getting grouped with them unless they are on the OFFICIAL blizz ignore lis AKA the first 50 or 100 or whatever))


How do you think anybody is going to do anything with your PUBLIC IN GAME ID that displays less information about you than Liolang-Daggerspine ?

Your BattleTag could be configured to only show that you have an active WoW subscription. Thereā€™s not a whole lot that stalkers can do with that.

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Dear Vrak or Orylia, I wish you would comment on what a BattleTag is and how Blizzard owns it. Weā€™ve all tried with Blizzard Support Articles, weā€™ve all tried with EULA, this is all falling on death ears.


Your Btag is not yours, it belongs to Blizzard. If they decide they want to use Btags on here they will do that. You have no control over that choice, the only thing you can do is stop posting and/or stop playing. You making the questionable choice to put identifying information on something designed to be public information is on you. You can be mad about it but that does not change facts. It would be more helpful to you to change your Btag and going forward not make the same mistakes.

I am not the only one making assumptions. You made a massive one about me dismissing you because of your achievements trying to come off as cute or smart I guess. Achievements only show the type of content someone enjoys. It has not importance to most WoW conversations unless you discussing something that you have not tried.

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You know deleting all your post while claiming ā€œfalsely flaggingā€ says a lot.

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ā€œThousandsā€ of people :dracthyr_crylaugh:

There arenā€™t ā€œthousandsā€ of people who even know GD exists.

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The OP is trolling. It is basically a bait thread.


Oh. Right. Maintenance troll day.


But I would love them to implement battletag on these forums. The amount of salt and crying that even the gods themselves on Olympus could hear would be epic.

Even if they didā€¦ those player will still be likeā€¦

They have made up their minds, arguing with them is the same as arguing with zealots.


Yeah, thatā€™s true. Theyā€™ll only listen to what they want to hear, and ignore the real truth about certain things.


Canā€™t the mods still see those?

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They can. In fact, the mods will see the post as it was reported, and not the edits or the deletion afterwards.

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