BTags and Account Wide Ignore Demands

It’s not the topic that gets shut down . It’s the topic devolving due to people clashing .

People against say something that people for show proof of what the anti people said is wrong and the anti group usually doubles down on what they said despite being show it is wrong and it repeats .

Pros just need to show their evidence once and leave it at that because those against will never actually back up their claims becasue all they are trying to do is goad the pro people along in order to get the threads on btags closed .

The antis fear btags becasue everything the accuse the pro people of wanting it for are the same actions most of them have doing for years with impinity using the forums character/server as the account system .


The mods are lurking now, just 404 a few threads already. This one is on borrowed time.

The best part about account wide ignores or btags would be if they had the ability to auto hide threads from people who do nothing but post bait like OP.


total falsehood and you know it.
BY YOUR OWN WORDS in these threads seeing our btag lets YOU ID us no matter what alt we’re on…‘tracking’.
By your own words in these threads, our Btag is our PUBLIC IN GAME ID…and who knows what kind of tracking could be done in game if you are given that information

FACTUALLY…you dont NEED our Btags in here for ANY LEGITIMATE purpose…PERIOD. END of discussion.

Why you actually want it for…well, Balidor above and his blasting THIS forums information on twitter already tells us what the real ‘need’ for our btags is

Okay, some of you guys blood pressure is getting quite high



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These threads bore me after so long.
To the OP…you REALLY didnt need to bait this forum with another Btag thread when the last one was just locked


Yes when a character is banned by Blizz all oof that persons toons are also banned for the same time period.

That however does not prevent them from interactin with people that don’t want to deal with them when said suspension ends.

Account wide ignore/Btags would give players the ability to ignore the entire accounts of people the no longer wish to deal with.

Ok now I’m going to answer the but muh free speech protection and censorship .

1:Free speech protection is only protection from ones government and Blizzard as well as other players are not obligated to actually recognize ones right to free speech but do so to an extent .

2: As long as people follow Blizz’s forum code of content they are allowed to make their views known.

3: Finally even though everyone as long as they folow the rules of the forum has the right to say what they want , they do not have the right to be heard by those that do not want to hear what they say . The only ones the yhave the right to be heard by are those that choose to do so .


I said potentially sizable number of people because I don’t know. But going by how many people I saw in Plunderstorm using their regular names I made a guess. And I went with my own situation, if it goes through I would want to change my btag. Because it’s a handle and email I use most places on the net that I don’t feel comfortable being associated with this forum. I used that name because I use it elsewhere and because until people started demanding it here, the only people who could see it were people I chose to see it.

You are right, it isn’t super secret. Nothing on the internet is super secret. But it is still mine. And and at the moment I am the only one who gets to choose who sees it. To me that, in this age of nothing being secret is precious. Something about me, even if it is completely pointless being taken from me and made public information to me is wrong and feels bad.

So yes I am mad. You want to take control of something from me, because you don’t feel it’s important, and for reasons that to me, feel completely selfish and unnecessary.

And yes

Because it makes you take what I say at face value. You can’t dismiss me because I don’t have enough Mythic+ kills etc. And if you dismiss me just because I’m on an alt then your opinion isn’t worth knowing.

I have nothing to lose. This is the only toon I post on outside of silly threads like the rate my transmog thread. Thanks for making assumptions.

You character name + realm is a better in-game identifier already.

What is it exactly? What’s someone posting my btag on Twitter doing exactly?

Yet you insist on being one of the highest count posters in every one.


Did someone actually bring up free speech to you? :rofl: I’m surprised cause this is a very private forum, even moreso gated by needing a subscription.

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They may have not in this thread yet but just about every btag thread in the past and the account wide ignore thread someone has done the 'But what about my free speech , being able to ignore me is censorship " bit


Actually, I said this before…put a FORUM ID on our alts IF we’re going to pretend it wont be used for stalking and harassment even worse than now, given the behaviors in here by some.
But I dont WANT this group having MY IN GAME PUBLIC ID in here.

So yeah…use a FORUM ID…or HIDDEN btags, Im ok with either.

But you watch…they’ll have every excuse in the book for ‘needing’ to see your btag because this was never about forum safety but only about having your IN GAME PUBLIC ID which they do NOT need for the supposed security measures they CLAIM they want to have in here.

I know.
I admin dozens of forums for myself and other entities and have for about 2 decades.
ALL security in here is behind the scenes…we dont need them holding anyone ‘accountable’

It is what they do.

Factually a blue posted and said very plainly that one option we have to get away from harassment in here is swapping alts.
So THAT POSTER youre responding to …its NONE of his business if you are…lmao…‘hiding’ on an alt.

But thats what you get with this group.
They cant win a debate topic so they harass and follow you around in here like theyve done to me, posting your account alts for no purpose other than maliscious harassment, and taking THIS forums data/info and blasting it on twitter like a couple of them already were shown to be doing.

you ‘hiding’ on an alt is NONE of that posters business.
if you violate the rules, HIS remedy is to report it…NOT keep you accountable and NOT worry himself about you being on an alt.

when you threaten MY peace of mind by demanding something I KNOW YOU DO NOT NEED…MY PUBLIC ID in game…pretending its for your ‘safety’, which is an abject joke…yeah, Im GOING to post about it.

and HERE you ALL are…AGAIN, lmao.
The hypocrisy here is off the meter.

Of all people to say this… hilarious.


We already have this. It’s called BattleTag.

Your BattleTag shows less information about you than your character-server name.

Someone is gonna pop a vein… relax.

Honestly at this point I think you’re doing this to yourself. You’ve been at this for days caps raging and using font size 70 to get your point across. Like relax seriously


Well, good thing for people, you aren’t Blizzard, nor you even own your BattleTag.

EDIT: Whoops, wrong bitton. Like, I don’t think anyone cares about what your BTag is. I don’t know why you’re kicking and screaming so loudly over something in which you don’t even own.

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