BSG V SPM waiting room

Yes, it’s in the discord. I’m the one who linked it.

Hey compadre, you still proud of urself by selling AOTC lvl difficulty pvp carries? lul

jajajajaja what what aotc

I notice most of the people I know that do are from Canada or South America, but I know of at least 5.

Doubt, wondering if it was the post you tried to make on reddit to call out how people were ‘abusing reports’ here.

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this seem more like what they do , do you blame those people this person spam forums for attention …

takes another sip of coke zero


yes that sounds exactly like me

Gonna go back to my random bg threads. Yall wildin’

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This is a very poor narrative, so let’s get to the facts:

Keep stacking boomies, Mistweaver, Fire mage, Affliction warlock. Sure SPM could take the time to build a team to counter this specific composition

Wargame #1:
Both teams stacked on MWs as expected.
BSG, more Boomies (5v3).
SPM, more Hunters (6v3).
2 DKs each side.
Mages/Locks are just our regular players. :man_shrugging:

Wargame #2:
SPM now with 4 Boomies and 4 Hunters.
SPM with 3 DKs in front line now…
Have a mage/lock now.

Comps are clearly even. Not that it matters since it’s a premade and you can bring w/e you want.

Moral of the story, BSG take a break, you guys need to chill seriously. You’ll find it is lonely at the top.

At this point, if you haven’t realised the pain won’t stop, you’re just in denial…

BSG takes themselves seriously that it’s kinda pathetic. The amount of preparation that went into that wargame is hilarious.

You have a weird way to compliment ppl. Ty tho.


Yea, whats up with people trying to make excuses for SPM? Its insulting and probably unwanted. They have great players and we all had fun. SPM is really good competition and if you underestimate them you will lose. They seem to be taking the loss way better than these trolls in here. BSG just brought hella pressure and kept it up. Most look foward to next time. Who really needs to chill here?


Hunters are a joke and only good to kill noobs from 60yard.

#1: 9 Hunters total.
#2: 7 Hunters total.

Your arguments are a joke.

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I agree, I believe there’s no anger or frustration, and we all had a great game. SPM put up a good fight, and I’ll for sure be back for more pew pew.


Yeah, he was really good and very humble.

Looks like it’s the non spm members that are doing all the talk. Let me tell you I’d be willing to work with SPM and teach them my mage tricks to bring you hordies down.

Would be if BSG lost, which is the difference between them - one of them also doesn’t have the person named as ‘the disbander’ in it.

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Wrong. When bsg lost against spm, it wasn’t bsg who went to the forums first to talk smack. We were quiet and admitted defeat. Stop accusing.

Could the haters start their own community and come on with it? If they spent as much time and effort in game as they do here on the forums then they should be fine. Lol


All this for epic battlegrounds which IMO isn’t real PvP.

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Epics are the PvP content which is the closest to PvE.

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You still queue randoms from time to time? Last season we did some random battlegrounds together and you pump some crazy damage, mad respect.

Thx man.

I still Q Reg/Epics and Rated stuff for the vault. That’s pretty much it.

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Come and join us.

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