Brutosaur offers a clear advantage

They’ve completely unwound the supposed downside of the mount and their desire to funnel players into older cities with auction houses.

AH accessibility has only increased in-game, with an auction house for everybody in the new capital city. The WoW Companion app has, for over a year now, let anyone make an auction without logging into the game at all. There are multiple mounts and items for either liquidating inventory clutter or shuffling it off into storage on-the-go, all of which are cheaper than 5 million gold.

Can you flip auctions at the speed of light on the WoW app? No, but neither does the brutosaur by itself. And if a would-be auction king is asking for the competition to be gimped because he isn’t competitive now, the odds that would-be auction king will magically become competitive if the brutosaur auction house connection went away are slim to none.

Getting to the Auction House 0.01% faster than other players is “a clear advantage”? Forumites gotta forumite…

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I’m normally all for blizzard not removing stuff but… This mount was a tough achievement for a lot of people at the time. I know people spent months farming gold so they could get one.

Now… should they put in another AH mount? Maybe. But removing the AH on the current one? Just… no.

Tinfoil hat time here, but i honestly believe that they removed it when they did in order to stimulate token sales, if people knew from the start that it was going away, they would have been saving for a lot longer, but doing it when they did pushed a lot of people into buying tokens so they could grab it before it was gone.

Let’s not forget that the only reason we even found out that it was being removed is because someone noticed it on the PTR or whatever, then a dev chimed in and confirmed it.


I don’t even care about the NPCs seeing how I rarely touch the auction house. Put in a version that doesn’t have the NPCs. I just want a cool brontosaur mount.

Yes. That is why I bought it. Especially because at that time I was a heavy ah goblin. Now? It’s just useful to buy stuff when I need. Meh.

I’m sure I’ll meander back to my goblin ways when keys get boring, and make more gold.

You’re welcome to use the bruto, too, though when I have it up. :slight_smile:

I mean that’s fair but it’s also the main reason it’s gone. Blizz hated the ah factor and actually said they regretted creating it in the first place.

I wouldn’t put it past them to make a single seater, extremely ugly version and charge insane amounts for it though, as they did with the quiraji tank after scarabgongshow with the wotlk patch. Then never talked about it again and banned people who complained.

No Tinfoil hat about it…that really is the facts one of main reasons to remove the Mount was too vamp up more token sales for those that were close but not close enough with gold amounts.

Blizzard doesn’t care.

They love their FOMO and promoting gold selling and wow tokens. It’s why Blizzard doesn’t ban gold buyers and makes things extremely expensive and time limited.

Most players that got it used gold selling services. Don’t pretend that isn’t the case.

Oh no, you’re precious minutes you’d have to spend either hearthing to a major city with a AH or 20 seconds switching to an alt. How ever will you live.

Terrible troll post.

I don’t think brutosaur should be added back. With that being said, I DO think that we need either another AH mount or an AH toy with a low CD (all these disgustingly amazing toys with 8349104 hours CD it’s just stupid, don’t make them in the first place if you don’t want people to enjoy them). If we get a toy with low to no CD for the AH or another mount with AH that should be the way to go. The toy could be made by engineers but usable by anyone, that would be a good thing for that profession, since all those tinkers and toys are so useless for profit (the only good thing about engineering right now is old expac content like wormholes and mail toy or nitro boots, that’s it xD)

you obviously don’t value your time the way I do

“I’m not trying to join in, just take away from others”


You play wow.

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Wrong I earned my Gold over the years of being in this game…WoD and Legion made me tons of gold with running 14 maxed out mission tables every day…add in some Battle pets made me millions too in their day…the Sun Darter Hatchling made me 2.5 million gold from selling 8 of them…


Most players used gold selling services for it. I doubt a significant portion of Brut owners farmed the gold themselves.

The fact that WoW Token sales are up all around is already proof enough that the vast majority of players don’t farm gold.

Now your calling me a lair…really…my my and your profile is hidden like the Chicken you are…go away little child.

You’re wrong is all, and I have no reason to believe that you legitly farmed and saved up for the most expensive FOMO account when the vast majority of owners used gold selling services as Blizzard doesn’t perma ban or remove gold from gold buyers.

Based off your hostility towards the truth, I have even more reasons to question you.

Imagine all the people who no longer even plays wow that has the bruto. What a waste.

That’s on Blizzard.