Brutosaur offers a clear advantage

That you have exactly zero to teach anyone is probably the safest assumption I’ve made all day.

So, let’s banish my assumptions: What’s your excuse for not getting it, and why does that make you a condescending d-bag to those who managed it?


Offtopic but hear me out.

I’d like a mailbox added to existing brutosaurs. Those rich **icks are always parked next to mailboxes/inn entrances doing their business. Just give them the mailbox they so desire so they can park themselves off in a lonely corner instead.


It’s momentum powered flight. You know what else is momentum powered flight? Gliding.

should be the only option. the game needs more gold sinks, and for others to set a goal for who really want it.

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There is a mailbox toy btw. Forgot name but it was from legion.

Either way removing bruto from ppl who earned it is a beyond asinine request. In that case remove everything ppl have earned from special content or farming.


There’s actually multiple mailbox toys. DF even gives out a free one as part of the centaur renown track. There’s also the engy mailbox and the legion gnome you already mentioned. Although only the engy one has an independent CD.

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Oh thats awesome haha, i didnt know about the others. Thanks!

Twitch prime old glad mounts and trading post the elite mogs… Why is blizz gatekeeping!

They already had enough time to be special, everything for everyone! Then I can finally walk away from this game because the sunk cost fallacy will be over.

The mailbox toys vanish after 5 minutes. So auction house enthusiasts and brutosaur owners park next to a real mailbox and get in the way.

Disappointed there aren’t more in this thread saying we all bought tokens to get the mount anyway.

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Oh, when i afk with bruto out I usually park by but not on a mailbox. That way ppl can use it if they need to and be next to mailbox.


Oh I can almost guarantee that at least some people did exactly that. But that’s really no different to people buying m+, raiding or PvP carries for the equally time limited rewards.

You didn’t need to. When they “announced” the removal I googled how to make gold fast, settled on pantaloon shuffle and had 4 accounts shuffling the entire time I was online. Made enough gold to buy the tokens, games for the accounts and the mount in like 3 months. It wasn’t hard.

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While the mount is convenient I wouldn’t say it gives players a majorly unfair advantage

would i love to have it ? absolutely. but I don’t- and I’ve never really found myself in a situation where it was more than a slight inconvenience to go back to a city to throw mats onto ah

Every time I see threads like this I park one of my alt accounts in dal or oribos with the ah kicked off the mount just to spite these people.


Some seem to struggle with the notion that there were those of us who had amassed millions since 2004 simply by playing the game and never dumping gold on stupid crap.

There were obscene amounts of money to be made from the mission table in WoD, times however many alts you had the fortitude to push through.

Then there were crafted legendaries in Legion (Dan made >1 million just from the Rethu’s belt), and alchemy was always a consistent moneymaker if you could stomach farming herbs all the time.

This all added up over the years. The only challenging part was that gold tended to be split up across different realms/factions I’ve played on, so consolidating it on one character got goofy. (Rare battle pets did the trick).


I made so much gold selling za bears in bc in cata I bought all the tcg mounts in the game just to downsize an account.

While I don’t do any ah stuff anymore ever since the unified AH and dumb new crafting system (imo, I don’t enjoy it) I just made a new char and it’s at like 50k and it just dinged 70. The game just throws gold at you.

Oh I don’t doubt it. But equally so there were those who didn’t have the benefit of all that. People who missed out on the gold printing machine that was the garrison mission table as you say. Not everyone who bought the bruto had millions of gold already. A good chunk made the gold required during BfA itself. Myself included.

I know of at least one guy who has multiple unused armoured spectral ghost kitties with multiple gold capped toons.

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First we can address this - I never said I did. And that fact that you used ‘condescending’ immediately after not only typing this, but calling OP a ‘whiner’ for their concerns definitely makes you the better person here, just so we’re all clear.

To whom? Who did I specify? If you aren’t included in the group of those who don’t play that part of the game, why did you include yourself? To be offended? Cool.

To address the rest:

As noted, nothing. There are entire communities dedicated to just this particular type of gameplay that could teach more than I ever could. However, that also isn’t what I said. My comment was about the general knowledge of most people here regarding that whole community and gameplay style, and your ‘exception disproves the rule’ comment actually doesn’t.

I didn’t say anything at all about the value I placed on the mount, actually. I said people who are very into that community and gameplay do value that highly (which, again, contrary to you calling the OP a ‘whiner’, is not invalid for those people). I didn’t get it because I didn’t care then. I don’t care now either which is why my comment was about those who do value those things, not myself.

As an aside, have you considered that there are reasons you haven’t thought of for why people didn’t get it? Maybe they weren’t playing at the time? Maybe real life complications got in the way, or any of a dozen other (despite what you apparently think) perfectly valid reasons?

That’s great! No one was commenting on that, or anyone’s ability to obtain the mount or not… simply it’s value to a particular type of gameplay that most people don’t engage in to the extent some communities do.

Absolutely not something a “condescending d-bag” would say about someone else’s feelings on the gameplay that matters to them.

My condescension is directed at people literally condescending to the OP because of their feelings on the gameplay that they enjoy and what is important to them… and I can see why you jumped to include yourself.

Edit - FYI there is nothing further of value to get from this, and you’re already on ignore, but if you need more self-gratification, have at it.

People in life often confuse “requires comittment” with “impossible” or, more like “I don’t feel like doing that” with “hey wait I wanted those rewards, give me the reward!”.

In bfa, if you had 50k you could have EASILY gotten bruto, as I did, shuffling. It’s was 100% guarenteed positive roi, scalable based on the silk market on your server… but, like I did, you didn’t need all the chars on one server… it was guarenteed positive roi so all you had to do was start and eventually you would have piles of gold.

It DID however require a comittment to the goal, it required dedicating time and effort to it, and outside of certain people who were sitting on piles of gold, or who actively engaged in the market, you had to make dhis a priority in order to make it happen.

But, if you did, there was more than enough time to achieve it.

This thread is a bunch of people who made the choice not to prioritize it then, who have now decided that they made the incorrect choice and thus they want the old deal back, despite the fact that gold now is significantly easier to get in large volumes. Moreso than ever before.