Brutosaur offers a clear advantage

It was never stated that the Long Boi had a short time in game to get…it wasn’t till over a year and next up coming patch it was found out by someone looking at the patch file that the achievement for was going to be a feat of strength …when blizzard was called out they had to omit they were removing it …if it was so stated at the beginning of BfA a lot more players would of been on the mark to get the gold up …they were not they were banking on that it would still be in game later on and once the got the gold up they could buy it.

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Here’s the link to the first official announcement (which was a forum post):

Gotcha thanks!

Your suggestion is just flat out brainless. It should be brought back though or another mount added with the same functionality for 5mil.

Is it nice? Yes. Was I able to accomplish the same stuff before the brutosaur was out by having a second account parked at the auction house? Also yes.

And before I did the second account thing - it wasn’t amazing, but I still did quite well on the AH just by logging over to a toon on that same account parked there every so often.

Right they posted that cause they got caught and called out in these forums about the new Feat of Strength found in the PTR files there where being test in Nov 2019…it was Never listed as being a temporary Mount for BfA only…that is why the player base is still upset and pissed about the removal …their promise to put in the BMAH hasn’t panned out either…add in at double the cost to even get it off the BMAH stops many from being able to bid on it…Blizzard was dead wrong with removing the Long Boi from the start.

How do we know this is true? Is someone checking every BHAM every night?

I mean, why did they take it from tha vendor? Would’ve been fine where it was (an, here’s tha kicker, probably drive up sale o’ WoW Tokens fer Blizzard).

TradeSkillMaster (TSM).

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If it makes you feel any better I have the brute on 9 separate accounts lol. I paid for my kids and both of my girlfriends to get it. Wow gold is to easy to get some people just cry to much.

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Weird reason to necro.

Playing a hunter main and paying the same amount Sub is a disadvantage

:upside_down_face: :roll_eyes:

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The tears would be endless and amazing.


I support this

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true very true. but then everyone who upgraded their heirloom gear did not want it nerfed and yet it was done. just sayin.

I didn’t buy the Long Boi for the fact of it having a AH on it…I brought for the looks…no other mount in game is that big and different looking…I have always had a low lvl toon parked at the AH and Bank to do my AH and bank stuff…

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Yepo poly life rocks.

redundant and selfish. “if i dont have it nobody should be allowed to have it”. i fail to see the game breaking advantage. are players beating the game or attaining gladiator or cutting edge because they have a long boi?

ohhhhhh they can put ore or herbs on the ah on the go and not send it to an alt and do it later. i c. silly me.

best of your plans op is to forget about it and move on. wipe those salty tears away and just focus on what you have and what you can get before those get removed from game to and you are back here with bells on again.


it was a whale mount. anyone could of got it for 800 dollars at the time. it was only time limited to create fomo and drive token sales.

Its was designed as a gold sink to remove hundreds of millions of gold from the economy. Tokens dont generate or remove gold, they just add another layer to the gold flow,