Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

Whatever title and maybe achievement you get from earning that gear is your reward. Wear your duelist during WotLK release if you want- based on your post, you seek recognition from others for your “hard work” to put it in your words.

Edit: at first I was like cringe at OP, now it is kind of funny in a sad way

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Going to be great watching him come back to complain on forums about OP classes when 1600 tbc hunters are handing his butt to him.

I mean, they are doing that. They are implementing massive nerfs to all raid content when prepatch launches.

The only issue I have is, I wish they had the discounted prices for arena gear to use our points, instead of instantly doing the honor conversion.

The game has always had a focus on providing catchup gear. This is absolutely nothing new, get your ego in check.

Only slap is wasting the 5k i have saved while at 75k cap… Where my crap going is what i wanna know…

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Seasonal gear is only impressive during the season, always has been.

Ignore evasion should be a bannable offense, though.

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Good, pvpers deserve every slap in the face! Cant wait for my honor brutal set on a fresh alt.

Waste of honor if you ask me. Better off saving it for level 80.

Any of you wanna blow your honor on brutal gear, be my guest.

I never got any brutal gear during OG BC and I did just fine questing with merciless during OG Lich King; and, the blues I found in northrend as I leveled were more than enough for 70-79 PvP.

I hit 70 on my rogue this afternoon. It’s definitely worth for me at least picking up weapons lol


A weapon or 2 isn’t a bad idea. I would save the rest.

wait wut? u can get current-tier arena gear in wrath pve?
i saw some dude crying about wrath rating reqs on here

I agree with the OP. If people don’t put in equal work, why should they expect the same?

Yeah VOA, the raid in WG. Each raid tier/season change gives VOA a new boss with the current raid tier and season items, so pve players can get current season gear and pvpers can get current raid tier. The prior tier/season bosses will still be there as well and will reward their respective tier/season pieces.


At least you won’t have this “problem” with wrathful gladiator gear.

Why does it matter, you had the gear when it DID matter. It’s pointless when the season is over outside pve


interesting. maybe it will help promote interest in arena

Arena gear has never been exclusive, especially after the relevant expansion ends. It’s bad for gameplay balance (it promotes a “rich get richer” type scenario which is anti-competitive), and why they instead added things like special enchants, mounts, and the like to reward the top players. Another reward for being good at rated PvP is getting the best quality PvP gear a lot faster than anyone else.

Also ultimately, no one cares about your achievements PvP or PvE, so only play for your own satisfaction – not to impress others.



What is equal work when classes are not balanced? A warrior should have to hit 2500 for shoulders if a hunter needs 2k.

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On a side note—has anyone been able to confirm what will happen to arena points converted to honor if you’re already honor capped?