Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

Getting to a high rating in TBC Arena is very hard, the ladder is mostly dead after a certain rating queue time wise and it’s always just the same comps/pros from Retail trying to stomp on TBC Meta comps.

It took a lot of time to get full Brutal Glad on my main Warrior including the weapons/shoulders and it actually was impressive seeing other people in Brutal Glad Weps/Sets because it shows how much time they invested into becoming better at PvP.

Now virtually any random Joe who has never set foot in Arena once and AFKs in BGs can literally buy out the full Brutal set for honor.

This not only is Blizzard dismissing the work and effort a lot of us Arena players put in but it makes us not want to try anymore in PvP even in WoTLK knowing they will always give away the hardest set for free essentially so nothing is exclusive or matters.

PvP is supposed to be the only actual non-scripted skill based content in WoW and even then we get shafted to appease the PvE Andys that can’t react to situations if it’s not in their YouTube guide.




You know this has happened since the end of vanilla, right? People were buying rank 14 gear with honor judt before TBC launched.


There’s a lot of garbage Warriors with Glaives stuck in 1600, trust me it’s not as easy as it looks the higher you go up.

Vanilla didn’t have Arena, the whole concept of Arena sets being lucrative and exclusive goes out of the window if you just hand it out for free.

Arena is not the same thing as Vanilla R14 where people ran AFK bots to sit in AV 24/7 for honor lmao.

Ah, so letting people have the gear at the end of the expansion, when high-rated arena teams have had it close to going on 5 months now, is hurting your feelings that much?

Or are you just scared that people joining in, or returning, will have equal gear and smash you down when you try to gank them?


Would you let someone whose never run a raid in their life get full T6 at the end of the xpac because you had it since it launched also?

Give me a break, PvE players love double standards.

The idea of Arena gear sets is exclusivity, you can’t GDKP for it, you have to earn it.

Simply joining BGs and AFK’ing isn’t the same as actually getting the rating to buy it, it diminishes the gear.


Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night. This has happened at the end of every single expac. Or is it your position that somehow this afterthought, in Blizzards mind, is more important?


Truth is that we’re just too close to Wrath for it to matter.


This doesn’t happen on Retail, there’s a reason why old Glad sets are so lucrative and those accounts being sold will go for more. It’s exclusive, you can’t get it if you didn’t get it during that season.

This idea that you want everything to be for everybody is cringe, sounds like you just want a participation trophy for doing nothing.

I mean, that’s how it should be. Its a PVP match, don’t you want your teammates and competition on the same gear level as you so skill levels are more likely to shine through?

Also, we can go back and do Naxx40 right now and get a ton of gear pretty easy. Old content is usually easier to obtain than current content.


Buddy you’re playing an MMO, no MMO that’s relevant has equalized PvP. Go play GW2 if you want that.

Retail I heard is moving towards that too, so you might like Dragonflight more.

WoTLK is 100% fully gear dependent, so if this is your attitude you’re not gonna have a good time.

As I said, whatever helps you sleep at night. Its happening, though, so you should probably come to grips with it.

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Just like RDF being removed and people crying 24/7 about it right?

Lmao I love the forum double standards.

It’s a dumb decision, it deserves to be called out regardless of how uptight you feel.


lol I love that you automatically assume I’m into PvE because I don’t share the same viewpoint as you. But I’ll bite and play along.

Actually, this exact thing happens in PvE as well. People will join or use their alts and get easily carried through top-tier content, essentially getting a free set of gear. Or were you not aware?

What about after the expansion ends and this gear becomes available for honor then. Is it still a huge no-no that people buy it, even though it’s not max level? If you’re so godlike and elite, then you’ll have no problem getting fully geared up at 80 in arena gear in a month here and start the cycle over.


You can’t GDKP Arena buddy, you can try to get carried but you’ll drop super fast to 900 CR where you belong.

In PvE you can not only GDKP gear but it’s so piss easy you can just carry content despite having zero skill as long as you follow a 3 button rotation.

They are not the same thing.

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I dont really PVP in MMOs. I think gaining an advantage over other players just because you put in more time is a little silly and against the spirit of PVP. You wouldnt want to play chess with someone if they got to swap out some pawns for some queens at the start of the match because they have played chess longer than you :stuck_out_tongue:

Typically, in competitive games, they give handicaps to the worse players, not the better ones <3


I mean at that point it’s your personal preference and has nothing to do with MMO PvP, if that’s your stance then League of Legends/FPS games are more your speed. Nothing wrong with that.

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How you got yours is commendable and noone can take that away from you. I will get some of it myself but have np saying i didnt get it during the season when it was going and think those that did legitimately deserve praise. Good job man!

The result is what matters, not the opinion of others.

Why bother playing PvP in Classic if they’re going to just sell off all your hard worked gear for Honor to players who don’t even PvP or know how to play Arenas lol

We might as well go Retail and let the Classic scene die out seeing as they respect your time more :person_shrugging:

So then by your own definition everyone who buys a full S4 set with honor won’t be nearly as skilled as you, and you’ll still stomp them. Seems you’re crying over nothing here.