Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

The season is done. Cope.


as a fellow arena enthusiast , i would agree if thjejre was another season coming up.
but considering the season will be over, and pvp gear will be replaced before lvl 75. let them have it who cares. we will start with a nice 75k+ honor advance in wrath. no use in gatekeeping it

Yes, they disappear. Spend some honor.

I don’t know about you guys, but I hate it when a new expansion drops, people level to the new cap, then go back and do the old raids at 10+ levels higher than what they were intended when so many of us worked hard to down those raids when they were level appropriate. It’s such a slap in the face.

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I can see why it might make some hardcore arena junkies salty but the next most likely outcome was for the brutal gear to be sold at a discount of arena points which have been stockpiled pretty easily by anyone at any rating by this point.

On the bright side this will bring many more people into the bg and pvp scene as they will be using this avenue to gear their alts or want a set for leveling their main in the world on the pvp server(s). Dont you like more opportunities for crushing nubs?

By doing so much arena you should already know that people with shiny new gear will make the same mistakes and lose just as easily to someone who has the experience. Your real pvp advantage isnt going anywhere.


They are actually doing this for PvE too. SWP is getting massively nerfed. So everyone has easy access to T6 and S4.


Probably because not everyone getting there “put in the work”. Anyone acting as though arena ratings arent sold is being disingenuous at the very least. The OP is ticked that he bought what he thought was bragging rights only to find out that the gear means nothing as soon as the new expac rolls out.


imagine gatekeeping gear because your fee fees are hurt. grow up


Ever consider why?

Gear gating killed our Arena man, its not going to get better in Wrath either. The only way to fix the problem is make gear accessible and give us another goal post to chase after because as it sits now Arena in “Classic” is dead because players can simply PVE for better gear OR payers will buy gear from PVP / PVE RMT style.

The literal only way to save Arena and make Q times reasonable is killing the Rating on power increases, such as Arena gear.

As for Arena gear being dolled out for honor points… Eh it is what it is man, and frankly its the end of the expansions and this is something that blizzard has done literally every expansion to the best of my memory… Nah not gonna go look it up because I just don’t care about replacing BiS any more, we literally do that every season / expansion.

I like PVP, so I have no problem grinding out honor again.

OK 1st off can I remind you the rating is 2000 if you have a consistent 5 team You can get 2000 fairly easily that’s not the hardest thing in the world.

Now I can believe that if you’re doing two’s but if you’re doing tunes to get gear I would question why because that’s the most competitive bracket anyway.

If secondly it’s at the end of the bloody game And no it’s not impressive I don’t look at someone that has brutal Gladiator or whatever gear especially considering it looks very close to your tear most of the time outside the final season of course.

And get super impressed why because 5 is very easy to get to 2000 rating Honestly the hardest part about that is finding 5 people and getting them to be on consistently especially because the way teams are think having that’s going away.

On top of that can I remind you about the fact PVP was not in a good state at all in all of tbc Because of the barrier to entry Can I also remind you If someone really wants to they can boost you to a rating of 2000 because anyone that pays attention to the PVP meta knows 2000 is the entry point of competitive.

Why because most casual players just want the gear and nothing else It’s so yeah Your gain upset over nothing.

My guy 2k in 5s is like a hundred points shy of gladiator. what lol

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I mean again though you can get it fairly easily you do your 10 games with your 5 Team you do that for points you get your gear and if you want to go competitive then you make it to steam that’s literally what I’ve always been told and read.

Gladiator perhaps that I can tell you however what I will say is this You’re not gonna have a ton of people gain inferno Gladiator I’m sure that’s much more competitive.

My point is it’s not like getting the rating to get the gear as the most hard and competitive thing in the world in fives And from what I found the hardest part of that is getting 5 people to log on consistently.

Why yes I would. Also this has been going on for years but now it’s a problem. Also you can buy carries in arena lol so you are nothing special.

And your rating is not impressive, you got called out. This is so funny

LOL what? 2000 in 5s is the top 2% of the ladder. and majority of the comps are caster cleave or triple heal. maybe u meant 2s being easy where 2k is like the top 28%

also i like ur speech to text thing (no sarcasm) makes me happy sometimes when it makes weird formatting lol

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I disagree. Brutal Glad for honor is literally only available in the pre-patch…?

I mean, damn man - the raids are nerfed in difficulty too. In less than a month, youll be in better gear from Northrend. Jeez.

Also, I would contend that Rank 14 was more difficult thatn Brutal Glad - and Bliz still gave that gear away in the TBC prepatch.

Prepatch means the expansion ended. Its only a prep period for the next expansion.

Lastly, I would contend that the title is the most important reward - while the gear fades - the title never does.

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which part of r14 was hard?
not having a job?
transferring to the deadest server and back?
getting 2-3 people to play one char?
running gnome bots to rez endlessly at razor hill to boost brackets?

Thx I just need to know

The time commitment. That was the true “Brutal” gladiator haha.

You can mock the rank 14 guys but there were only a few per server - making it very rare and special - just like Gladiators.

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u can literally hit r14 with 0% winrate, just takes time. cringe imo