Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

I don’t know if he could handle it.

In fact, the title “Brutal Gladiator Rankonealt” would be too much prestige for any one man to handle.

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Exactly its the rating you obtained on the ladder, not the gear you aquired.


“Keyboard warrior” but calls him out to a checks notes a fight in game hahahahahahaha

Oh my god go touch grass.

Im not even going to try to be nice or professional in what I say.

Your takes suck.

Arena gear is always thrown to non arena players at the end of the season. Itll be even better for the masses and worst for you in LK due to the previous tier being honor bought instead of reduced arena points, and VOA will let all those dirty casuals (lol) get top tier current arena peices for killing a boss that has negative mechanics.

You can buy arena carries high enough to enter into the win trading bracket which has seen arena players banned every season becuase why pvp in arena when you can just trade wins and everyone gets the title and mount. Get those rare items from the skilled content lol.

Thanks for the laughs buddy.


This guy appears to have a stick very far up his butt. Why the hell does it matter to you if other players get to use honor to buy gear that will be useless in a little over a month? Don’t you have anything better to do with your time?


typical elitist jerk lololol

move along nothing to see here


Hahahaha warriors in TBC have to press 5 buttons. They generally get carried by their healers. The amount of things the resto druid has to keep track of, perform, avoid, dish out, is absolutely insane compared to the warrior drooling over his keyboard mace stunning people whilst pressing mortal strike. Every time I queue into warrior/rdruid I am baffled and amused by this clear dichotomy. You are not good. Wrath warrior gets somewhat harder to play, atleast.

I’m sorry you got flagged. The fact you got flagged goes to show this community doesn’t deserve nice things.

TBC Classic being rereleased so those of you who were 5 years old when it came out is a slap in the face. Especially earning something now, that some of us obtained 15 years ago, and thinking it’s some achievement.

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Until you go the whole season without ever having been able to get the weapon.

PVP was dead in TBC, literally noone cares.

Give the gear away so more people will actually PVP

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Go back to retail plz

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Are you mistaking gear sets with cosmetic elite sets?

I distinctly remember in the Cataclysm Pre-patch everybody running around in Wrathful because the rating was removed, same as people leveling would buy brutal in the 70 bracket because the rating was removed.

Maybe it was different in the original WOTLK pre-patch but I know for sure it was like this for the Cata pre-patch and didn’t cause any issues, the season is over, people are gearing up to level in the new xpac.

It doesn’t matter.


This can’t be a real thread. If it is, this is an unprecedented level of cope.

If you push for a high rating it is for the title/mount, not gear. You complain about the gear being given out 1 whole month before it’s all obsolete with wrath but the title/mount is still exclusive and never obtainable again. Crusade btw also put R14 gear on honor vendors (2 weeks before outland) but the rank titles have been unobtainable since.

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Because season 4 gear is going to matter when Wrath comes out. sarcasm

Surprised no one has broke it to him that eventually all of these end seasons sets could be bought with gold straight from the vendor.

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This is how you enter new expansions

You can buy boosts for it, just like PvE, and it’s even cheaper than PvE gear.

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It’s fine. They’re not elite sets, and they’re completely irrelevant after the end of the season. Now everyone is on an even footing, which means skill is what will set you apart.

They’ll all get replaced by blues at level 75 anyways.

Fellow PvPer

Totally agree. I’m on e of those folks who only played classic and is getting ready for Wrath. I’m currently in Naxx gear (guild runs) but am grinding honor for S4 gear cause it’s available. If they only left S2 available for honor I’d probably pass. It’s definitely unfair to the folks that got sweaty in arena