Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

Can’t buy titles or Glad mounts with honor.


Should have saved this thread for tomorrow. :rofl:


Pshero is amazing rogue. PVP definitely not gear check. Just want to point out that different class and spec has different gear requirements to shine in arena.

Lul, true.


lmao why? expansion is over bro
i almost have brutal gear for 3 specs now and i’ve missed several weeks of points. weird u wanna gatekeep at this late stage. people who actually pvp have nothing to use points on anyway besides like meme 2h weps etc


Why is your profile hidden?


Welcome to how MMOs work
The hard gear is good for x amount of time and then a new era of the game comes out.

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you got brutal gladiator gear to achieve higher ranks in arena.

The season is over soon so what purpose does it have now?

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Lol who cares? You’ll be replacing that gear as soon as season 5 starts.
It seems to me all you want is bragging rights and you still have the title and arena mount just for you.
Gatekeeping other players because of “muh pvp” ? what a joke
It doesn’t really affect you at all if other players get season 4 gear or not.


great job! congrats on your personal achievements!

season’s over now. everything must go! just as it always has!

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Gear in pvp has always been the worst thing of WoW in general. I’m baffled that it’s STILL a thing in retail, while every single other mmo has removed gear from pvp 10-15 years ago


Yes I would 100% because it’s all going to be replaced by Wrath dungeon blues, badge gear and crafted pieces going into Naxx anyway… Just like that Brutal gear will be replaced by Wrath PvP gear.

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they do it all the time in those RMT gold raids… why you no complain about them?

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Does it really matter all this much? At 80 you’ll have brand new sets of gear to replace your old one anyway. /shrug


looks like someone is worried that the people he use to gank b/c he massively out geared them might actually be able to put up a fight with s4 stuff. for only a few weeks. oh man, such a huge game breaking issue for sure. /s


The season is over who cares. Useless in a few weeks.

Title is what really matters.

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My condolences.

I will reach out the Blizzard immediately to ensure these filthy casuals are unable to grind BGs for hours to obtain gear that will be irrelevant in a few weeks.


You get cross realm, cross faction, queue for cities, and we get your gear for last 2 irrelevant weeks of prepatch.

cry me a river. boohooooooooo

post on your mail.

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This is my favorite response. I wish I could give more than one like.


Hey OP, the sooner you realize they don’t care that you are upset the sooner you can stop being upset that they don’t care.

I have tons of prestigious stuff on my account that they eventually just gave away to everyone and made me uber sad. They dont care.

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