Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

Yes, I spend enough time on the forums to know who you are, which I already let everyone know.

No lame “wargame threats”. Where’s that character you’re so proud of? Come on, you have to want to show it off!


How is it a “threat” to ask you to Wargame me. You spend your life on the forums, I want to see your logs/Arena ratings and your skill level.

Wargame me.

Keep this same energy in-game.

Honest question because I feel I have been clear. Is it my word choice or a reading comprehension issue?

Oh Lfr/Lfd/Gdkp you’re funny.

Sure, let’s wargame, who should I whisper?


The only thing clear is that you are a massive :cat:

You accuse people of things and have nothing to back it up, you are scared to Wargame the people you call out and you hide behind garbage logic.

Wargame me and maybe i’ll take you seriously.

Expansion over
Nobody cares
This is a remake of a game from 16 years ago
Your accomplishments mean nothing
Get over it.


Played since Jan 05 and never saw an actual pvper who talked like you. I am in game. My name has no special characters. I dont know what “wargame” is but then, I have been gone a while. Maybesomeone else here can explain how I am hiding, because ypu seem a bit…unhinged.

Rankonealt is LFG/rdf/etc main.

They were one of the ppl who liked every single post they made and comment. Every one.

Oof. Bad look.


Any 10 chars?

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_nod:

Why don’t you guys 1v1 in swapping to your alts to comment and like on your own forums posts.

You’d absolutely win.

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It’s like a setup battleground, and you need 5 people per side (10 total) to start it.

Wargames in Classic WoW - Wowhead News

He’s just trolling as I think you know. He’ll never run a wargame or show off a character that probably doesn’t exist.


Oh! Thank you. Also, wtf? So he wants to 5v5 so he can get the people who he paid for the boost to fight his battles? Dude! That is pathetic even for a troll.


I think the bigger issue here is just not having TBC Era servers, where your TBC progression isn’t wiped out by the next expansion.

So… The mindset of the average Joe or Andy is to go into a BG with 200 Honor to their name get ROLLED then rage quit PVP altogether… You do not give enough credit to anyone earning that Honor the hard way… it’s still 15000 per item and that’s way too much work for Andy… Maybe Joe? Joe is a stud but just has attention issues and TOO many kids and animals… Let’s all give Joe a break? :man_shrugging:t2:


The season and expansion are over, and you get titles us BG heros don’t get. This is a non issue.


You know it’s all going to be replaced in 4 levels by blues right?


Probably closer to lvl 78-80 with heroics/Badge gear for most. The greens are very trash.

Raids get hard nerfed at prepatch, so this is exactly what is happening lol.

You get S4 gear with arena points immediately when it’s actually relevant. At that point you can be all “I’m so great look at me”.

End of expansion it’s not relevant so who cares.


He has a Draenei shaman too.


OP is delusional hahaha

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