Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

The more I read, the more I think the OP bought a boost and is now ticked off that others get gear that will be oit of date in just a few weeks.


What’s your server? We can do a wargames so you can keep that same energy in-game.

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Yet again you intentionally avoid the main part of the argument. So, once again, did you make this exact post when S2 gear became available for honor? You worked for that title too, did you not? And now look at all that rabble walking around in full Merc sets tisk tisk. Must make your blood boil that such terrible, casual players have bought it without working for a rating to buy it.

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Lol, ok champ. Sounds like I struck a nerve there.

Lol. The wow alternative of the famous “1v1 me noob”


Oh I forgot you’re a Forum Glad not an Arena Glad, makes sense why you talk so much but can’t back any of it up.

Server and name, we can wargame :slight_smile:

I had the same opinion then but it’s S2 lol who cares, S4 Brutal Glad is one of the most expensive and lucrative sets on Retail and it’s a damn shame people like you are going to cry and whine so you can have it without doing any of the work.

Sadly Classic will just go down as another failure due to Blizzard listening to the casuals.

If you cant buy it, how is it lucrative? It really sounds like you are just a boost buyer with an overdeveloped sense of self worth. As for server name, this is my classic toon. As for your vaunted skill, I am not worried. IoC, SotA and Wintergrasp are all coming up soon.

Nothing you say matters.

You accused me of buying boosts and I respectfully asked you to wargame me.

You keep ducking the smoke but want to keep typing like the keyboard warrior that you are.

For the 3rd time, what is your server and name. Let’s Wargame, I want to see you say this stuff in-game and show me you can back up your words because I know I can back mine up :slight_smile:

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Its almost a guarantee that my man here bought his rating and now is upset he spent the $$ to have what everyone else will have for honor.

Also they have dropped the rating requirement for gear after every season has ended this expansion.


If they gave R14 gear away for honor brutal gear is fair game. R14 gear is way way harder to get.


Great Trollfire is on this thread, time to leave.

Whats the matter? You are doing pvp for gear or for Gladiator and beyond? Because the latter is what matters for Arena and nothing else.

The gear helps you on the way if you are good enough.

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Ahhhh and there it is. S2 becoming available for honor doesn’t count or matter, because you didn’t get the S2 title. For the first time in your life you found enough people willing to carry you through S4, and now are incredibly mad that others will have it also and destroy you. Maybe practice more to hone your skills so you won’t be so afraid of others in full Brutal lmao this dude about to get absolutely stomped to the ground by casuals.


Server and Name? Let’s Wargame and we’ll see whose boosted :smiley:

If you wanna be a keyboard warrior go ahead, but back up the things you say because I know I can back mine up.

The Item sets lose it’s value when the simpletons like you see responding to me on this post can also access it.

That’s the problem, not everyone is equal or deserves the same thing. You have to work for it.

I didn’t say any of that lmao, do you just make things up in your little walnut brain without a filter and try to pass it off as an intelligent thought?

Yeah I can farm full Brutal gear in pre-patch like I did R14 gear in TBC pre-patch. New Avatar coming up…

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Literally nothing else you say at this point is incredible. You’re clearly a terrible PvP player that doesn’t even remotely understand the point of arenas, gear, and titles. I hope you have enough money/gold left to buy another carry at 80.


Ok so wargame me.

Clearly you have 2400 rating talking :poop: on the forums, so talk that :poop: in-game.

What happened? No more condescendingly ignorant replies? I’m waiting.

Please do back yours up, post on your character where you got the ratings for the gear because it’s not Rankonealt.
Rankonealt • Grobbulus (


You really should consider looking up the therm “self awareness”. Everyone here can tell what ya did. As for the “server name or else!” BS, unless the forums have changed, click on the person and it should tell you. As I said (maybe I stuttered?) This is my main and I will gladly see you in Wrath, boosty boi.

I’m ready at any point to Wargame anyone on this thread, shoot me your Server and Name. Especially you, you spend most of your life on the Forums I want to see what you’re really worth.


Either Wargame me or shut it, you’re a keyboard warrior on the forums.