Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

Why are you equating having gear to skill? I’m pointing out the time it takes and how exclusive the set is for people who put in the work to reach certain ratings, you’re not even talking about the post anymore you’re on your own tangent.


It’s really not a big deal. Did you make this same post at the end of every arena season when they made the weapons no longer cost rating for the previous season?

Focus on the next season and don’t worry about others.


Lol, are you kidding? People buy arena rank EVERY SINGLE SEASON. Please stop. Nobody here is such a newbie that they are going to be fooled by your odd little gripe.


Nah just like TBC the WoTLK scene will also die if they don’t respect people’s time.

What use is it to climb rating and work hard just to see someone who never even stepped foot in Arena buyout your same gear lmao, literally in what world does this make sense?

I guess if you’re a PvE Andy you’ll find it fair but it’s not fair to people who play PvP and actually take it somewhat seriously.

I’m not saying they don’t but in TBC the people selling Arena boosts are very minimal, I rarely see it and it’s much harder to carry TBC than WoTLK where most of the boosts will happen.

Okay let’s return to your exact, direct point then. It’s that people are more easily able to obtain the same gear you worked so hard of getting the true way, yes? Again I point out then, what happens day 1 of WotlK when Brutal becomes an honor set (speaking of what actually happened in 2008). It’s the same thing. People who did not obtain a high arena rating are now suddenly able to freely buy it with honor. Sure, it’s level 70 and the cap is now 80, but they didn’t work for it.

What? Who cares lol. You had brutal during the expansion when pvp and arena ladder mattered. I dont see anything wrong if they add brutal once the season ends.


So isn’t how it was obtained.

Im guessing its the “for honor” part you’re having issues with. I can understand that. Also, if they are able to buy it they obviously had to pvp. Probably why you’re seeing an influx of players at the moment. Go pound them in bgs :slight_smile:

Your time was respected and why it took arena points / rating to get the complete set and not honor. Granted a few people i’ve seen believe it shoudl have been rating removed and lowered Arena Points required. Still, seems it has the bgs popping hard.

Both of you are missing the point.

The idea that Tier Sets are exclusive is what makes it worth getting, it’s what makes it fun to grind it out knowing that you achieved something a majority won’t and it raises the competition level.

If they sell off all your achievements to some random idiot that never did an Arena in his life, then yes this will upset a lot of people who actually take PvP seriously and will lead to less people caring about PvP in general.

You cannot diminish people’s time like that, you need to respect it or you’ll lose people.


No. What makes it worth getting is to have and advantage in pvp during the season climb


This is what a PvE player would say as Gear = Skill in PvE, in PvP this is not how it works.

This type of misguided logic is how we end up with a carebear community of participation trophies.

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Oh please. Pvp is a gearcheck just as pve.

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Don’t get too attached to this game none of this matters. I could make the same case for prepatch sunwell gear. It’s the end of the expansion no one cares.


Again your ignorance is actually hilarious.

Pshero started a brand new Ally rogue with full S2 and was beating full S4 people and climbed into 2.2k+.

You don’t need gear in Arena as much as having skill and knowledge.

Plenty of PvE Andys like you come into Arena with SWP/Brutal and get merked and farmed at 1400 CR.


All signs point to the OP being Lfr/Lfd/Gdkp etc. For anyone who doesn’t know (this is based on previous troll threads and this being one of the posters that would like those comments).

Expect more “controversial” threads from him.


Exactly this. Also, Blizzard would rather have 50 casual players be happy than 1 hardcore.

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Nah, I understand the point perfectly. Unfortunately you are just having a temper tantrum because for the first time you made it up to the level to be able to buy the gear, and now don’t want anyone to have it for themselves unless they put in the work that you deem is sufficient.

Even better argument than what I’ve been making.

Did you obtain S2 gear when it was top tier, then throw a hissy when is became available for honor?


I have multiple glad titles and have been top 100 on the arena ladder. I understand what the time investment is. The fact is the season is over and your time invested is gone. You get your title for the next season, that is your reward.

The tbc meta died because it was filled with 90% fotm players playing the broken TBC meta, not because of respecting people’s time. WotLK will do a lot better because it actually has diversity.


Dont you get a pvp title tgat seperates you from the people who got it for free?


Ofc you will have exceptional players that can win with worse gear. Doesnt apply to most of the ladder that actually whoever has the biggest gear wins most of the time.

Buddy I don’t deem anything “sufficient”, that’s the game giving out Rating locks.

If you don’t meet the criteria, why should you get the gear? You are a literal carebear whose seeking participation trophies, sit down and pay attention to your DBM cause you can’t play the game without it.

I wanted the gear set man, I wanted that to be exclusive like how it is on Retail. It makes no sense why we’re just throwing away elite sets to random noobs who don’t even know where the Arena queue NPC is lmao.

I already got glad titles on Retail, I want the gear sets to be exclusive.

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