Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

PvP should be skill based, not gear based.

Now is not the time to show ignorance to how it was done in the past.

So they’ve released the old arena set for honor at the end of the season. Just like they’ve done since… Forever?

This is how MMOs work
Gear is elite during its era.
Then it becomes open
Then you go back to pushing for the next set of elite gear.

Its literally how things work.

Also of use to newer players as it does shave some time on dialies/other quests to make some gold.

Artisan riding doesn’t pay for itself, sadly. then the cold weather to come for 1000 more.

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Exactly, thats why you get the previous season gear for honor so you can catch up or else you have no gearing path and would have to spend more time within a single pvp season wasting peoples time. Youll be in Wrathful while everyone else is in Relentless. Why do you care?

How do you propose they actually make you happy and allow people to catch up to compete against others on a somewhat even playing field while respecting both peoples time? You arent the only person, so if you think they are disrespecting your time then no one else will be playing pvp unless they start at the beginning along with everyone else.

And that mindset limits the amount of competition. What do you actually expect Blizzard to do? Create generic armor sets you get from honor to be able to catch up? Why dont you want to respect their time and give an old reward putting up with getting smashed from arena geared people in bg’s?

You got this much right. It is a video game. Have fun.

The only thing I don’t like with Season 4 being so readily available is that the only differentiating factor between an arena player and someone who just farmed honor in pre-patch is an arena title or a glad mount. I wish the S4 for honor was a recolored version or just S3 gear but with S4 stats.

But it’s not a big deal.

Guild Wars 2 pvp is good. It takes real skill to stand out. It does have it’s issues, well it used to with their ranking system with people trading wins (just like wow). So pretending gw2 pvp is somehow less skill based than wow is just insane, and you probably were trash at it.

What’s the difference between someone who raided before the nerfs and after?

Who cares, man? In 3 weeks you can just start the grind again

That’s the only difference that matters. That and the related achievements. Gear is always temporary.

Tbh i think them offering brutal gear for such a cheap discount for prepatch was brilliant. Made gearing up new characters insanely easy and it’s unlike them to make such a player friendly decision. I respect high level arena players, I’ve played against warglaive rogues in the 1500’s on my alt while getting my weekly points many times and it obviously takes more then gear. They have their titles and in a few weeks the gear is irrelevant.

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I mean, it’s the same issue.

It’s not an important issue anyways. It’s gonna last a month and then everyone is gonna be back to looking like mismatched rainbows.


dude is really seething over 70 gear when we’re all about to be 80

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Get a tissue.

Its a non issue.

It’s. The. End. Of. The. Xpac. Your cool points have been refunded and we have shipped your complimentary box of Kleenex! Enjoy!

Disagree. If you fall behind, there is no hard catchup mechanic. You just need to work harder.

you must be new this has been a thing for ages many expansions