Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

for like 6k gold i coulda boosted you to 2k rating so you can buy all the gear trust me the “earned” pvp gear is long gone and if you care about “non scripted pvp” then beat people who have the same gear as you.

wanting to beat people when you outgear them isn’t “actual non-scripted skill based content”

lol i wonder what your arena ratings were last season… gonna go with real low

Sure why not. Why would I care?

The problem here is you feel like your hard work was about the gear.

The gear wasn’t what you worked for, the gear just helped you along the way. What you worked for was the title, which you got, and that’s what distinguishes you from the people that didn’t put in the same work.

You will stop caring about this in 2 weeks, it’ll be ok.

I know this post would be a very hard sell in the sea of aggressively casual players on these forums, who call anything that isn’t easily handed to them gatekeeping/timegating/etc.

I made a post about gear bracketing BGs, it’s the same response. Lots of “it’s always been this way” BS.

Fully agree with you OP. I don’t see any point in handing out gear at the end of an expansion, and trivializing any effort into getting that gear earlier. It’s not like you need end game gear from the previous expansion to start the next one.

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Don’t you get a fancy title if you do well in arenas? Display that instead maybe since those aren’t given out for honour.


Completely disagree, nobody plays arena to get gear, that’s not the point of arena. Personally I think pvp gear should be easy to obtain at all stages of the season.

You’d be replacing that hard earned Brutal gear by level 80 anyway.

Everything changes.

Sorry, but is this a joke?
Are you trolling?
I need to register my disgust that people in quest greens are able to clear kara and gruul. I had to progress through dungeon blues in Phase 1, to T4, T5, and into T6 and SWP content and gear! Fresh toons are getting into BT and Sunwell in pre patch diminishing all my 5 phases of progression. What an injustice!
All these people getting last seasons soon to be irrelevant gear on alts or new mains and the potential of a level playing field going into Northrend… it’s a travesty!

last i checked I’m seeing alot of DK’s with BT/Hyjal/SWP gear

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Yep, we’ve been bringing in DKs and boosts to our pre-patch raid groups, and it’s been completely fine.

Lmao. When will PvP obsessed players learn this game wasn’t made for them? PvE realms are king and most players active in end game content are doing PvE not PvP.

Blizzard catering to PvPers by giving them PvP specific gear with PvP specific stats was a big mistake, it completely separated the PvP from PvE, creating a divide in the community.

false theres vendor you can buy the PvP transmog from any season from a PvP currency

Grinding honor to buy it in prepatch when Wrath will invalidate it all anyway is enough of a cost.

No it isn’t.

People have literally proven that you can just get hard-carried by paying people with gold, so this ‘brutal slap in the face’ is silly especially given the same stuff happened back in 08

The absolute horror, I’m unsubbing immediately I can’t believe Blizzard would do this!

It’s an MMORPG - Vanilla/TBC anyway. An older school one at that. There should be gate keeping. Not everyone should get a trophy.

Agree with the OP.

Seethe + cope + ratio :clown_face:

Nah it’s funny . all these hardcore nerds spending 40 hrs in av just to get 80 in one day and replace their gear.

i agree in some parts, but the point is that we are in pre patch, we had all the time in tbc to show off our gear, let the noobs afkers getting the taste

I like pvping plus the gear will be great on a pvp server while leveling to 80

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Most people just see the brutal as ez catch up gear to compete on the leveling scene.