Brutal Gladiator being sold for Honor is the biggest slap in the face to PvP Players

Except it takes longer to get that gear than the amount of time it would save doing dailies unless they farm the gear mostly afk auto running north or south in AV over and over.

This is the dumbest post ever because

  1. That gear is for TBC!!! You grinded it for TBC expansion, not wrath. You ganked noobs in TBC timeline, not wrath. All that ‘work’ should of been seen as fun. That is why you PAY to play, right? To have fun? If grinding for pvp gear is a job, then maybe this isnt the game for you.

  2. Not every class/spec was TBC pvp viable. Arenas are a form of gatekeeping pvp from players that do not have the time nor the luck to compete for gear. This is why players quit 4 months in the expac. They feel left behind due to players like you, and only the sweathards like yourself will find joy in grinding the ladder to have an edge over others. I would rather have arena be 1v1, and not 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5. Being reliant on the schedule of others sucks hard when you are trying to log on and just have fun.

We all know the expac will come to an end at some point, yet we still grind to max level and accumulate gear knowing this. Those that want to be stuck in classic forever, well the servers are dead. Only the ultra pve tryhards are on them, and no one to play with because the gap in gear is too large. This is why all MMOs die if they dont constantly put out something better to grind for and add catchup mechanics for the nonpvp tryhards. Honestly, wrath is the end of the road, so more people are going to try this time around because TBC was wrath waiting room, and there is nothing else after wrath. We would quit before stepping foot in Cata.

thats how it works at end of expansions. Prior gear dont matter. welcome to wow

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