well you are entitled to your opinion but your opinion does not factor into blizzard’s decision.
I mean, player opinions do kinda factor into dev decisions. And they’re a player. It’s alright to disagree. I do think you’re maybe slightly unhealthily attached to this appearance from a decade ago? But like it or not, the forums exist for discourse like this.
It is not me saying, it is the lead game designer that you won’t have access to Corrupted Ashbringer.
I would love to that to change so everyone can carry one. Literally everyone.
But he says it will not be available because of the nature of the lore involved with that sword.
There was the chance with the secrets of Naxxramas. Is it there? No? Well, you see why it isn’t. Because they don’t want it to.
You know what they say:
“It’s your fault for having a child, you should have played WoW instead of whining now. Stop having a RL, be a player. You do not deserve what you want.”
That’s the catch .22 with giving away all of this old/rare stuff, it may deliver a short term boost of happiness to the people who receive these freebee’s (arguably the larger group of people, while only angering a very small percentage of people) but it will continue to erode their credibility when it comes to trying to push us into participating in limited availability activities and challenges.
They can’t use FOMO against us when we no longer believe anything they say on this topic, kinda like this stupid side game they came up with, sure it might be a limited time activity and a lot of collectors have been scared into doing the grind for fear of missing out, but i’d be willing to bet all of that crap will end up on the Trading Post or as a Twitch Drop reward within a couple of years
The same lead game designer who gave himself an HD version of Black Qiraji? Let’s be honest, in patch 10.1.5 they created a possibility to bring CA and justify it by lore, we have on a table collecting dust an CA that has not been purified that comes from another timeline, whenever they want they can implement it through this Azmourne CA.
Which isn’t a bad thing inherently. WoW is a 20 year old game, the amount of people playing today that were even ALIVE back in 2004 is vastly different to now. People are in their damn 40s / 50s who started back then lol, and I am sure at least half don’t even play anymore, if not more.
If this game is gonna be around for awhile, bringing back REALLY old things isn’t that bad IMO.
I know a few of these people in their 50ies. They act like children when it comes to FOMO, which only shows that WoW has too much of a grip on them.
I don’t think remix is intended to be challenging, from what I’ve heard everything is sped up and we’re getting a bunch of OP abilities.
It’s insanely easy to get the bronze for the rewards, yeah. And you keep getting stronger lol.
you might not but the people who spent hundreds of dollars on boosts and carries definitely do (if the caterwauling from when they added TCG mounts as twitch rewards was anything to go by)
All things considered, I dare to say that he kinda deserves it.
Then the activities and challenges should have cool rewards and be fun.
You say this like it’s a bad thing…
No, not a bad thing, just pointing out that they can’t have their cake and eat it too.
I definitely think it’s a bad thing. FOMO is a predatory tactic about 95% of the time.
I meant that they can’t have their cake and eat it too isn’t a bad thing
Bring it back at the trading post or sell it at the online store. If it’s something super iconic like the Argent Dawn Tabard, give the original owners a special title or something.
Like they didn’t nerf everything else when it was current content. Challenge mode was walk in the park during SoO. During WoD as well challenge was walk in the park during HFC.
When mage tower was active at first it was difficult, and then during last patch even world quest gear was enough to ignore majority of mechanics and just face roll it. What us your point?
But you have to keep in mind that majority of people who played back then , and still consider themselves hardcode are complete failures, You may think they are successful, in reality all of them suffer from depression, failure, and poor hygiene issues. And now you want give everyone something they “worked really hard for it” just like that. You wanna give people another chance to get it
That’s a fine enough idea.
You’re acting like OP and those people are the same, when they are not.
Cough soul ashes for legendary.