The levelers have no one to blame but themselves. It’s not like we came here crying and moaning that there weren’t any posts about us. I am simply here to let you know that I am not going back into the xpoff slot this time without a fight.
Being BiS is very subjective. It’s a matter of opinion from the get go. Take a warrior for example. Some will say that the only secondary stat that matters is haste, others will say crit, while others will say versa. It’s up to you to decide what playstyle fits you. It certainly isn’t the end all, be all of gear lists. There are several of us that like to play very different gear setups.
I guess it depends on when I pressed 2
Perhaps asking one of these more knowledgeable players a few questions instead of coming off as edgelords might help with that decision.
Seems like you are finally shifting your paradigm, there might be hope for you yet!
Discussing a known issue is “crying and moaning”? Interesting.
Noun. edgelord (plural edgelords ) (informal, derogatory, Internet slang) Someone who attempts to seem edgy by doing or saying risque or offensive things.
As documented, at x0 ,x5,x6 -x9 there is a minor difference in stats on every Dungeon and Quest item obtained throughout the brackets.
This remains the same on PTR, which we will be playing very soon.
Once again Blizzard rewards the active players.
They’ve lost here so now it’s time to try and change Classic.
Wait till they learn full premades of 10/15/40 will be a regular occurrence, along with the ability to choose the WSG you join.
I wouldn’t care if they made twinks have separate ques. Gets boring killing people in 1-3 hits, would be nice playing games with full twinks on both team