Bring Twink Queues Back

You’d care when you wouldn’t get a queue. Or have to schedule wargames just to play.

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I was being sarcastic with that comment, I don’t actually believe anyone who doesn’t play end game is just lazy. The dude I was responding to was making that claim.

I guess I should have noted it was sarcasm, it is hard to tell with text.

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I’ll post a couple screenshots for giggles, only one of these toons is ‘twinked’ - can you figure out which? Well, was twinked like 4 expansions ago :frowning:


I’d say the last one.

Indentical, except for class/spec?

The weapon proc alone does 1600 dmg + 28% versatility which is another 450.
2k dmg for a proc where people run around with ~4k health. You don’t even have to press the button and you do half their health.

28% versatility vs 1% vers. This is a flat 28% dmg increase to everything.

20% more primary stat. This is a flat dmg increase to all attacks.

The only thing that appears identical is the ilvl. Which is I guess what Kang was trying to show with the boot?

It looks to me like ilvl alone is not a good indication of balance.

You mean the weapon they are adjusting?

I mean all of it. 20% more dmg to all attacks then another 28% on top of that. And that is just the attacks, not the procs.

I didn’t even look at the weapon dmg! That is another 20% lol.

You have more crit and mastery since they focus on versa.

20% more weapon dmg, 20% more dmg from STR, and another 28% dmg on top of all that, not to mention OP weapon procs.

Do you honestly still think my toon is “almost identical” aside from class/spec?

What, how do they expect to change classic…?

“Alright guys, we’ve got two queues. People who can’t PvP and people who can PvP.”


Yea I do… you’re ignoring more crit and mastery on your toon as well.

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I’m the only one who played :joy:

This crit (halved in pvp) + mastery does not add up to 68% more damage, not to mention the weapon and enchant procs.

If we’re talking about the low level warrior and shaman that was linked above, to be fair Mastery doesn’t take effect until level 78.

Didn’t know that.

Me neither haha.

Such is life.


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I am pretty sure the math is off on this. I think these would be multiplicative. it is 20% weapon dmg plus an additional 20% STR plus and additional 28% of that. so 1000 base weapon dmg would be more like:

1000 + 20% = 1200 (for additional weapon dmg)
1200 + 20% (240) = 1440 (for primary stat)
1440 + 28% (403) = 1843 (for vers)

That is 84% more dmg from every attack and does not include procs from weapons. This is over and above someone in BoA’s.

I do not think crit even comes close to adding this much. Even if I had a 100% crit, it it would add only 50% to my attacks because of the nerf in PvP.

Again, enhancement shaman is not a very powerful low level spec.