That’s fair, and I’ve done so myself on occasion lol
Some people just can’t let things go. No matter how right you are or what you say, they’ll invent some reason why they think you’re wrong. It’s plain and simple obsessive immaturity. We’ll never change it as it’s something they have to work on themselves.
It’s more like, why are you here making arguments when you’ve distanced yourself from it already. I’m not trying to make things about you personally, not intentionally anyway. I just find it amazing that someone (anyone, doesn’t have to be you) keeps coming back to something they dislike.
I slapped on heirlooms, enchanted them once and have just queued BG after BG. Equip gear from caches or bought something off the AH. That’s pretty lazy as well, which you agreed, so not sure what this lazy argument has to do with.
Battlegrounds aren’t the only thing I enjoy(ed) in this game.
That being said, I enjoyed battlegrounds from cataclysm up until bfa. There’s always a hope and perhaps a foolish idea that voicing dissatisfaction with something will get it changed.
Are we talking about Blizzard or Nintendo?
TIL, if anyone doesn’t like end game BFA they are just a lazy POS. There is literally no other reason that someone wouldn’t play end game.
Damn it must be awesome to be able to look into other peoples heads and see their personal motivations.
I heartily agree, one can hope.
This is absolutely hilarious. You have no idea how many dungeons have to be run to get BiS gear @2% drop rate, all with the same lazy levelers who won’t do mechanics and pull everything, leading to lots of wipes, then complain that the tank and healer can’t carry them. You couldn’t bring yourself to do that many dungeons with people like that.
Levelers think queuing for bgs should be the easy way out. That’s why they show up unbelievably undergeared, having avoided all leveling methods that provide actual gear and are unable to contribute to their team.
I think there should be an ilvl cutoff for lower level bgs. Just as you can’t queue for dungeons in wod or legion if your ilvl is too low, you shouldn’t be permitted to queue for a bg if your ilvl is some % below what a character in quest gear would be expected to using. That way we wouldn’t have people afking in bgs because their ilvl is 20 below their level. Perhaps those lower ilvl players should have a special bracket so they all can afk together against members of the other team who are all afking together.
I find that solo queuing on my twinks, I usually do not run into another twink on my team.
The problem is premades. Premades should be matched on both teams by the system.
But I keep getting told we can all easily get BiS gear simple by going to some vendors and the AH while levelling. Is this not the case?
If not, how is XPoff not an unfair advantage?
This would solve these issues instantly.
Yet, as I have stated in previous threads, not every player is doing the same thing in this game. Some players choose to enter Battlegrounds in RP sets etc.
As long as every avenue to best in slot options has been made available, there is no need to create an item level requirement.
Self imposed or self built, the choice is ours.
I play BG’s for fun, not an ‘easy way out’. The problem is, playing with or against twinks makes it much less fun.
You’re being told how to get competitive gear. You don’t have to have BiS to make an impact on BGs.
‘Our battlegrounds’ indeed.
Pretty sure the gift was being able to go and turn off your XP. Before that, you only had so many dungeon runs before leveling out of the bracket.
119 bracket btw XD
if there’s any hard stuck 1500 120 players out there that just can’t feel good about themselves this is the thing to do!
Hundreds of corpse runs too.
I was best in slot since birth on Azeroth.
No matter how many times you post proof of someone that isn’t a twink contributing substantially to a battleground, you’ll always be in the wrong.
So maybe gear should be removed from the game then, since it gives an unfair advantage to mythic raiders, right?
I have never heard anyone say you could “easily get BiS gear simply by going to some vendors and the AH while leveling.” That would be decent starter gear, and a lot better than players I see going into bgs mostly naked and with one heirloom equipped.
People with ilvls of 30 in the 59 bracket do not deserve special accommodations. They do not deserve any consideration at all.
Got a full level for that too 2 bars from 69, now 2 bars from 70