Bring Twink Queues Back

Quote me saying this. GJ taking my words out of context

Nice deflection. So you can’t source this “majority” claim?

their is no majority on either side. the other side keeps saying doesn’t make it true either everyone just makes up numbers


How am I supposed to interpret your answer then? Did you mean to say that you think BG’s are actually better when there are twinks in them? If so, then say so, and I would love to hear why.

Source on the majority crowd of people levelling claiming that their BG’s are better with twinks?

The source of people claiming that they are worse are in the countless threads and posts about this topic. Nowhere have I seen anyone who is levelling saying twinks in their BG makes the experience better.

Sure, but Blizzard at least has the numbers how twinks impact BG’s. I am hoping they look at that real hard to find a better solution than what we have now. I do not need separate queues, but does the disparity ever need to be reigned in IMO.

Well, one of my pet peeves is ignoring objectives (and so far it’s been levelers who do this) so I don’t mind people in BGs if they play like a team.

I never made this claim…

And there we have it. The “majority source” is the forums. I’ve heard it all now.

Twinks are the epitome of lazy. You bypass the gear treadmill by farming BiS a total of one time and park your character in the same bracket forever.

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Source? :wink:

Let’s move past insulting each other shall we? It brings nothing to the discussion.

Not sure how else to get the numbers on people’s experiences, it is not like Skada has that in the DPS meters. I only starting posting on these forums because the twinking was so bad.

How about the “majority of levellers who have posted on the forums about this topic” does that work?

Either way, the BG experience for me was so bad that I felt the need to come to the forums to post about it, something I rarely ever did before. I hope Blizzard listens to everyone and figures out a better situation than we have now.

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Oh yes, not wanting to take part in the tedious and uninspiring infinite-treadmill, slot machine, dumpster fire that is current WoW end-game makes someone lazy.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: give me a break dude.


My BGs.

That does work. But the minority actually use the forums.

No, but it is implied if you say the majority are not the ones who find it either the same are worse.

I never said anything about majority

Um, yes?

Farming gear one time for the bracket of your choice is lazy. For people touting WoW being a RPG you seem to be content never participating in one of the core aspects of it…replacing gear.

Perhaps we should point you toward an FPS instead?

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I pointed out this hypocrisy a couple times. What’s good for the goose must not be good for the gander.

Interesting, it showed Lannfear typing a response for a few minutes and then a Greyhide post appeared.


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Oh boy, here we go again! :tinfoilhatemote :rofl:

No hat, I was just sitting here eating lunch and was waiting to see what was to come. Sorry bud :frowning:

BiS has changed several times through the years. Typically every expansion brings something new (and even patches change things, i.e. see next patch). It’s foolish to believe that you only have to farm BiS one time on a twink.

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Oh ok. So once in a blue moon when one of your pieces change, you’ll replace it. Fair enough. Hardly compares to replacing everything regularly.

If you’re a leveler with heirlooms, you only have to change 5 pieces not everything… which most can’t even do.

Juga posted just after me too. I think I am arguing with myself!