Bring Twink Queues Back


And we should put them in a queue with BiS twinks

Not really. At least you’re able to make a reasonable response without attacking people.

? what does a toon with the same name have to do with me?

So you’re another one who thinks heirlooms are too OP?

No haha, but if most can’t even upgrade their gear whilst levelling as you say, why should any leveller be in a queue with BiS twinks?

Because we are all queuing for a random BG in said bracket…

Any gear that might be replaced is negligible in the large scheme of things. Don’t try to act like twinks are constantly cycling through gear at extreme rates. Thats laughable.

Being a twink is lazy. Plain and simple.

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If not gearing is lazy then you must think heirloom players are lazy as well.

Yes, putting effort into your character is lazy.


“Hey, we don’t want to put effort into our toons while leveling.”

“Hey, you put effort into your toon prior to max level so you’re lazy.”



How would this be accomplished? I have xp turned on and I’m using heirlooms to maximize my xp gain as a level via battle grounds. Would it be based on item level?

Time played metric says otherwise.
Do some simple mathematics, compare the average levelers stay within our Battlegrounds to an active “Twinks” time invested.

Leveler spends a day max within the bracket, even the most active levelers do not leave such a large footprint on in game activity compared to a new “Twink”.

Best in slot gear is available to everyone, no roadblocks.
All that is required is remaining active and playing this game, play the game = get geared.
As of 8.1.5 adjustements have been made to ensure every strong option is available from Dungeons and Quests. (Item Level raised/adjusted.)

Once again, active players who are playing this game in its entirety will benefit the most from these changes.
Gearing and Building our characters takes Time, investing our Time in World of Warcraft is rewarded.

I thought val left? guess that didn’t take long lol

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Good joke from someone who compared rl to a game also seen you do that to people a few times

Which XPoff have an unlimited supply of compared to XPon. Yet another unfair advantage and yet another reason they should not be in the same queue.

That’s not how BiS works though. BiS changes as the game changes and you said we only ever farm gear once. Just take the L on this and move on, this isn’t an important point of focus on the overall situation.

Orly? Twinks are the ones farming stuff like scaled BoEs which get sold on the AH, and improves the economy. Levelers are the lazy ones that don’t want to put any effort into improving the characters, even if the benefit is small.


Insulting people really moves the conversation forward and makes people listen to you more.

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Never forget gaining static Experience within our Battlegrounds was a gift.

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The funny thing about that is, all you did was say I compared it. You don’t state why it’s a bad thing. So? Big deal. That’s what comparisons are for.

estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.

Getting BiS gear and parking your toon in a bracket forever is lazy.

Compare that to the gear treadmill that is your average leveler or max level gear cycling.

Don’t act like farming once and done with a few stray changes once in a blue moon is cutting edge RPG progression. You are basically playing as if its a FPS at this point.

Thats why most twink isn’t it? So they don’t have to do the infinite treadmill? Lazy.