Bring Twink Queues Back

That doesn’t answer the question at all.

It’s really nothing more than for them to get queues.

Maybe I should be more clear: How is your BG more enjoyable with twinks in it?

I didn’t say it was more enjoyable with twinks in it, just that my BGs have been enjoyable. This is the first expansion I’ve leveled through BGs, and mainly because of these over-exaggerated complaint posts.

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So, BG’s are not better with twinks in them while levelling?

Like I said, this is my first expansion leveling through BGs.

Sure, but you have been paying attention to the players you have been playing with and who are twinks and who are not. So, you have had games with and without twinks, is there a difference in your mind as to how enjoyable BG’s are in either situation?

Not really. I play the same either way.

So, if you don’t care either way, why all the intense backlash against people who want to play without twinks? If levellers (like you) are indifferent to having twinks, and others find it makes the experience worse (like me), then having XPoff and XPon together is at at the expense of the enjoyment for levellers.

I’m posting this here because this is a better topic to have the conversation in. The other topic would be brought off topic lol

Well no one says you had to stay. Also, not everyone that wanted to twink instantly had BiS gear. We had our mix of players that were anywhere on the spectrum of typical leveling gear to Vendor PvP gear, to BiS gear too.

That’s not how I saw it. Levelers and Twinks have been in the same queues the whole time. Complaints about twinks never stopped because separation was a thing. Blizzard only gave the illusion that geared players were separate from undergeared players.

Like I said, queue times. Why should they not be able to play matches?

Maybe they existed, but how many people went through all the trouble to get BiS gear only to play the 10 or so games before levelling out of that bracket and having to do it all over again? Maybe this could happen for level 19, but I doubt many people did this.

If it was about gearing out and skill, there would be no trouble finding matches. If it is about having a ridiculous advantage over other players, then separate queues would have that affect.

If Blizzard really wants to have twinking be a thing, there should be a place for it. Unfortunately, pitching them in with levellers makes the experience at best, no different, and at worst, a horrible experience. In no situation does it make the levelling BG experience better.

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There is… in the battlegrounds. The fact is, there’s just not that many twinks as people post about. Some brackets (19s/29s/39s) would likely be fine and have games against each other. But, there’s 8 other brackets for Blizzard to think about. On top of that, there is all times of the day. Why should the leveler be catered to when they are just passing through?


Because, like you said:

Why cater to those few?

I don’t really have the necessary data to quantify this. However, rerolling leveling twinks were a thing. Buying the next xpacs blue BOEs which made them insta twinks were a thing (because of the gear being so much better than anything the previous xpac had). People that simply turned their xp back on and leveled up were a thing. Heck, I’ve even turned xp back on just to get games.

It’s not really catering to anyone. There’s multiple ways to level if you aren’t enjoying Bgs.

If the majority of people are having a similar or far worse experience because of a select few, I would call that catering to the few. I enjoy BG’s and the experience is far worse. If I do not queue because BG’s are worse, I might as well have been in a separate queue anyway.

Source on majority?

Alright, find me a crowd of people who say twinks in BG’s with them while they are levelling is a better experience. You yourself said it is not. Note I said “similar or far worse”.