This is the gear given to me while leveling, this is the gear someone leveling up queues for in a BG. Quite a bit different than the gear of twinks, isn’t it? Either twinks should be put in their own queue, or gear should no longer matter in PVP at all. Or forced xp on always.
From what I gather, Kangmurloc firmly believes the blame for your lack of a chance against twinks is squarely on your shoulders and that the current system in place where twinks can take advantage of levellers (especially new ones) is fine as is.
If he truly believes that his advice would work in your situation, I challenge him to level to 15 without heirlooms or gold and see how far into gearing he is by level 15.
I would advise finding some people to queue up or join a guild that does some low level BG’s. I was thinking to make a new character on moon guard tonight. I could join you if you would be interested.
This is the gear of a player who has not made any effort or knowledge to how Gearing works in World of Warcraft since the beginning.
You were a liability then, and you are surely one now.
Nope, I’m just the average player queueing up for bgs and not turning xp off to twink. It wasn’t really a problem when twinks had their own queue since their xp was turned off.
None the less, 2200+ experienced player behind this character vs your 0 experience character. Without twink gear, I would still lose.
There is no gear requirement for bgs and this is the gear given to leveling characters. I am a viable character, I can do all content except BGs because of twinks.
Gear is not “given” it is earned. You have to earn your gear.
Kill rares to level like I do so you have gear to PVP.
Do professions while you level so you have gear to PVP.
Stop asking for win handouts and be helpful to your team.
Your rating cant do anything for you in a battleground besides give you a way to flex, which does nothing to better your situation.
Nah I’m doing what any leveling person does, which is quest; and you don’t get twink gear from that. No matter what I do questing, I would never have that gear and be able to compete. During leveling, which is when it should be.