Bring Twink Queues Back

Hes actually just trolling. Its some one with little to no experience complaining about twinks in pvp. Which he doesn’t even have to deal with. Idk why it took me so long to realize.


Same person different accounts, arguing to increase thread activity.

That is how most twinks in the BG’s think. You got that right. Either be me or quit “Get Gud!” “L2P.”

Coming from the person with 2.8k HK’s… got it glad your stalking me. I can do the same.

To be fair, it’s how most that post here think, not the ones in BGs.

I don’t understand why people have to resort to stalking when they can’t debate. What has our world devolved into? :frowning:

Don’t hold your breath on any proof.


The other way around actually

Is this a cruddy excuse?

Please lurk other threads, they may already have the answers


Stalking? Well, OK, I clicked your profile and checked achievements. Boom, stalking. Also, I looked at your account achievements, good thing you looked at mine instead of just… character achievements…

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Are you reading these or randomly hitting quote and replying to a completely different line of conversation? I mean, i’m serious. You quite literally took my words, didn’t reply to them how it was meant, and just went off on a tangent.

I mean I can do that if you’d like, here goes.

Thanks, I accept that fact you finally understand how awful your argument was. Maybe in the future you could refrain from trying to bail water out of the ocean.

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There is no group content in this game that doesn’t require at least some attention to your toon. If you entered or dungeon with the level of care that many random bg players give their toons, you’d get booted.

Maybe we need a vote to kick in bgs? I mean, just today several entered with half their slots empty and the ones that were filled had white starting zone gear. There’s no excuse for that, and you certainly can’t expect to show up wearing a guild tabard and a fishing pole and perform well (or even live).

Maybe Blizz just needs to make a minimum requirement before allowing people to enter bgs. I mean, it’s not like you have to be BiS to play, but requiring at least some gear makes way more sense than trying to penalize people who actually take pride in their toons and put in the time, effort, energy, gold.

And, no, one twink can’t win the game. The team has to actually try. Sitting around crying to “let them win” isn’t how you meet objectives. Learn the maps, get a little gear, and then you will really have fun.


This guy knows what’s going on, the rest of us need to l2p and stop crutchin’ on gear.

I learned from you. Completely ignoring any questions I posed segmenting my quotes to claim I said something I didn’t because you don’t want to hear anything that objects to what you have to say.

Except it wasn’t, you just refuse to listen to anything that doesn’t follow your line of thinking. Would hate to force you to play with other twinks and not be able to “LOLSTOMP” randoms…

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Yeah thats the only down side, but I had fun when games actually popped and it was more fun than stat template

… why would i have issues using it? It’s great for killing twink healers. You and I both know lvlers have 0 chance vs us as fury warriors and that can get boring. If you don’t mind me asking are you afraid to fight other twinks?

You can always avoid cheese my dude, you don’t have to conform.



I have been killing Twinks on this very character for a decade? , no plans to stop.

As for Ramstein’s :face_vomiting:
Even with my fat grandfathered version, there was never a need to use it.

That’s exactly why

twinks want to stay in a certain PvP level indefinitely? No problem. Get your gear squished to a baseline like majority has and go ahead. Win by skill.


While this has been fun, the Navy drags me away once more. I’ll be back in a week’ish, stay classy friends!



Peace, be sure to check in with us. :wink:

Want to PvP and not be a free kill?

Stop wearing outdated gear and fill in those missing slots.

Gear matters. Templates didn’t stop classes from being OP. ilvl scaling didn’t stop FOTM classes from owning BG’s in WoD.

All these suggestions won’t make lazy players unlazy. They’ll still wear outdated gear. They’ll still be missing gear.

Also the fact your suggestion would apply only to xp off players, it’ll never be considered.


this suggestion would take care of it:

But noone is suggesting FOTM-only PvP queues! Most complaints on the forums are about gear, and rightfully so. I absolutely agree with the fact that gear matters and I would love to see a gear getting baselined inside PvP Instances especially for someone with the highest abuse potential, like xp-off players.

But that’s exactly why it should be considered! It will only affect those who made a conscious decision to turn their xp off and abuse the gear advantage indefinitely inside PvP Instances!
It will not affect normal players, who will not have the gear above the heirloom baseline in any PvP bracket below max level one. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
It will not affect twinks that deck out in top gear but keep their xp on. They can continue enjoy stomping scrubs, but for a limited time, as they will level out.
It will not affect twinks like that want to have their xp-off and not have their gear downscaled inside PvP Instances. They can play wargames vs other twinks, where their gear will be completely unaffected. Or do WPvP. Jwlx, you belong here!
The only ones who will be affected are maniac psychopaths who live to stomp the living life out of undergeared scrubs infinitely, compromising the twink community in the process, by causing massive qq from scrubs and providing a basis for idiotic suggestions like dividing the brackets again that scarily enough doesn’t sound so idiotic because the minimum and maximum gear disparity in most brackets inside PvP Instances is still a cruel joke, albeit not as bad as 80-84 during MoP, but its still bad.