PVP from a twink players perspective, & my solution to fixing it

You’re obviously not trolling. You genuinely believe this. And this is very scary.

So I’m not sure if I’m the first one to break it to you or not, but I can’t just sit by while something like this is thrown around.

There are NO consumers who are just hiding OP! Heaven’s sake 3s arena never popped back in the day when brackets were separate. To re-iterate my point, all the xp-off brackets apart from 20-29 are so scarce you are lucky if you get a game on the weekend. One. darn. game.

Please OP. Stop. There are nowhere near enough players even for a consistent 5v5 when even normal queues take hours to pop outside of prime time. Separate brackets not on weekend you will be sitting there for DAYS. And it will not pop.

Please review mine. Because yours is so far from perfect for both
-twinks (insanely long queue times and seeing same curmudgeons in the Instanced PvP everyday which is boring to tears)
-non-twinks (without a healthy pressure in pre-max bracket they are blissfully ignorant of what awaits them at 120, and thus not working on their skills as they should be. Then they hit 120, and are placed vs bored pubmaster premade in a heroic gear. Point me a one green geared jaffy who didn’t get an absolute shock from realising that you can run from dedicated players only for so long until you hit a max level, and then you’re done running and will undertake a floormop role. While if they fight twinks that have their gear downscaled it will vaccinate and toughen them up for a max level, so there are less “alliance is bad at pvp” “why I quite pvp as horde” threads created every minute)