Bring original Dungeon finder to WotLK classic

unless you’re not a meta class… or play a class that can roll on the item the group lead/tank wants. Held hostage for gold… sounds so fun.


They can and will do this with the vote to kick feature as well.

I’m not against RDF because of ‘community’ I’m against RDF because the vote kick system is awful.

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This right here. If you make your own group you are always invited!

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Yeah the OG one is an insanely better tool.

-Makes older 5 man content used.
-alternate leveling path that some may prefer
-doesn’t force shy people into awkward social situations
-doesn’t stop anyone from making their own groups if they want
-doesn’t prevent any social interaction that you couldn’t do in a que


I tank primarily and in wrath ill most likely be tanking exclusively, Guess what classes I will choose not to bring? DKs, Pallys, Warriors. with RDF I would get them and have to deal with it, now I get my pick of the crop. This new system just did me a large favor to exclude my competition. Thanks Blizz for the free non reportable way to be toxic passively.


Feel free to sign this petition regarding RDF : )

I would like to have the option to toggle on or off same server players or not.

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Join the convo in this thread, trying to get exposure to a good compromise and a toggle feature is 1 of the better ideas discussed.

Nah, WoW is a lawn. Players are sheep. They’re gonna flock to small parts of the lawn and they’ll destroy it a piece at a time.

Yes please. Even if I’m in a guild at times I am on off times and want to run a dungeon I want to be able to do so. Classic is bad enough as dead as it is trying to get low level dungeons run. You think you do but you don’t arrogance is still strong at the offices I take it.


How it damaged the game… like after it’s release the game gained another 600k players and had it’s highest sub numbers ever?

People had fun levelling alts and it revitalised old content introducing players to different classes they didn’t even know they wanted to play?

i guess the data disagrees with you seeing as the sub numbers kept growing to their peak after it was released in 3.3.0 with ICC

Well thats good for you, but for a lot of us heirlooms and RDF made alts way more accessible and enjoyable to level and gear up for raiding.


Technically activision did not buy blizzard. This is a misconception which has gained many legs and so many offshoot stories of what happened but the actual timeline is more like.

  • Blizzard ceased to be an independent company in 1995, not just before WoW’s release, but even before Warcraft II’s release, when it was purchased by Vivendi, a French conglomerate. (Arguably, you could say earlier, it had a few parent companies, but this was the first time it was part of anything bigger then what you’d now think of as a small gaming company)

  • Blizzard was not bought by any company in 2008, in fact its the opposite, Activision got bought. Vivendi, who had already owned Blizzard for 13 years, purchased Activision in 2008 and merged them into Activision Blizzard. This wasn’t a corporation, and neither company gained any control over the other, it was just a division of Vivendi consisting of a few still distinct studios (These weren’t even the only two merged into it) , but to be clear: Blizzard had already had the same corporate oversight of Vivendi for 13 years at this point.

  • In 2013, Activision Blizzard was spun off from Vivendi when a private investor named Bobby Kotick bought it from them, he later relisted it as its own publically traded corporation in 2015. Bobby Kotick is the former CEO and one of the founders of Activision.

and if you’ll notice warlords suffered from bobby taking over and starting to push for driving profits around this time as they cut back their content model, gutted warlords and moved to their more streamlined release schedule of 8 dungeons + 2 / raid 1 x amount of bosses raid 2 x amount of bosses raid 3 x amount of bosses.

The real time blizzzard started to suffer from anything besides their own missteps was around warlords when the big content shift came.

Blizzard 6 months after wrath launch “The game isnt performing as well as we would have expected but we honestly have no idea what we did wrong… We have given players our hot take on the experience they didn’t ask for”

it came out a year before cata…

your timeline is whack

RDF literally launched with ICC the same patch.

There was 6 other patches after that time including ruby sanctum and a year between when it released and when cata came out, WoW’s decline started like 2 years after it came out because people weren’t happy with the direction of cata.

again you’re wrong… it released on the same patch as ICC

and wow increased it’s numbers by roughly 600k between the release of RDF and it’s peak at 12 million, numbers did not stagnante they increased.

maybe you should stop pretending about being around in those days or something… i dunno


Numbers clearly raised at the same time as ICC released, the main antagonist in Warcraft up until that point was finally able to be faced. RDFs impact wasn’t yet felt and if anything I’m sure it was widely liked as a QoL feature. The impact to the game was felt later once the negatives to the system were apparent. No it was not the sole reason for the decline, but it was a huge part of the way Cata was played from beginning to end, It fundamentally changed what had worked so far during WoWs growth and now the game was in decline. Was this a coincidence? I doubt it as RDF was a part of the core function of Cata.

Within 2 years of RDFs launch WoW had declined to where it was mid way in TBC 4 years earlier. Clearly LFG worked and the game only experienced growth so people were quite ok with LFG up until the point that RDF released. If RDF was such a hugely liked feature then shouldn’t growth had continued? I doubt just because The Barrens was split in half people suddenly disliked wow after 2 expansions largely made the old Vanilla world irrelevant anyway. The huge difference between Vanilla/TBC/WotLK and Cata is cross server group finder and raid finder, everything else was basically the same.

I started playing before BWL was released. I raided everything from MC to Ruby Sanctum. I played a bit of Cata then dropped off, came back for MoP and didn’t really enjoy that either. I tested the waters of every expansion that has been released and nothing was as good as the classic 3 iterations.

And were maintained for more than a year during a massive content drought? Good thought, poor follow through on logic.


LOL The sub count died out because CATA sucked… they diluted classes/talent trees, and added Raid Finder.

None of this has anything to do with Dungeon Finder… cause again… DUNGEON DON’T MATTER.


I do find it odd that the claim that a feature that encouraged alt development and new players to join and be instantly immersed in action in dungeons somehow led to the decline of the game.

Perhaps they should look at other things during that time period that could have hit hard. Cata heroics in the beginning were hard (fun for me) but did turn off a lot of the casual player base. Classes began to become homogenous…for priests…the Chakra system almost made me quit because of how dumb it was. Other classes became equally ridiculous. Cata was the issue, not a QoL feature that has little releavnce now as people are already anti-social on the largest servers and could care less about their reputations.


When forum trolls, like myself, won’t bother to troll a clearly desired feature like RDF, you know that Blizzard is doing the wrong thing. The LFG tool is counter to what almost anyone wants. RDF even encourages alt leveling and new player introduction to established servers. Who is asleep at the helm here?


Wrath released 11-13-2008
Patch 3.3 released 12-09-2009
Cata released 12-07-2010

RDF was in the game for 12 months before Cata was released. 12 months out of 25 months is 48% of the expansion. Get your facts straight.

P. S. Everyone in my guild and all my other non-guildie friends ran Wrath heroics on mains & alts throughout the entire expansion, up to the release of Cata. Not just for the daily, but for badges for full Heirloom sets, BoEs, Frozen Orbs, just to help out friends, etc. All of that mainly because we had RDF added in the second half.